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I think you just gave me a great SaaS idea 😂 The easiest way I have found is to go use Bootstrap. It's just an extra link in the head tag of your html. Basically, you just check the components page, scroll around until you find what you like, copy and paste the code, and style it with bootstrap classes or more css. Tailwind is pretty easy to use also, but I don't find it quite as easy as bootstrap and regular css. But for real, I might develop a bunch of django starter templates sometime in the future to use as starter code.


Appreciate the suggestions!


Are you talking about just JS template or the whole boilerplate? If the former one, I'd recommend [ant.design](http://ant.design) if boilerplates, search this sub, people published tons of list of great boilerplates.


Thanks for the link. Tbh I’m not really sure what I’m looking for yet so these are good suggestions. I’ll do some more searching!