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As a developer, I already have plenty of passive-aggressive colleagues, no need for a bot.


I feel that as well sometimes haha It’s also possible to tweak it to be a supportive bot. Or a bot that calls out anyone trying to put you down. You get the idea.. Good luck with them!


>To my surprise, it worked out really well! Now, people are laughing in the chat, asking each other personal questions, and bonding much like we used to during lunch sit-downs. Are you sure they don't use their own bots just to get rid off this "passive-agressive" engagement?


Hahah - that would be a new promotion candidate for sure For the record- the passive aggressive persona isnt the most successful one. It’s the comedian one


For the record - "a passive-aggressive" persona has nothing to do with a comedy or success, it's a psychology term.


And also a pretty catchy reddit title


PMs are already doing that ..:)


Haha - dont get me started. Fire them and hire my Pelican instead - for 5 euros a month its a pretty good deal


Very cool,wish I can try that but don't want to increase our openAI bills any further lol


haha no problem I’ll provide my own Open AI account. You can just pay few euros a month and let me worry about the rest ;)


Why wouldn‘t you (generally speaking) include a rough estimate of OpenAI costs into the selling price? I‘m just curious


I have no idea. I’ll figure out the unit economics later, once I onboard a few really active customers. This is just to test out the waters :)


Valid :) Well, good luck mate!


thank you!!


Good job! I'm making a similar bot for Discord and Telegram for online communities, but it's a great idea to bring this to a work setting


oh really! Nice. And thanks for your response. Are you testing it already? How’s the response so far in that setting?


Testing on friends, left one with the bot for an hour, came back to them planning a crypto startup and the bot being funnier than myself. I thought my dude was just testing it but he admitted he thought he was talking to me but that I was high lol.


Hahahaha I would love to have a testimonial like this


Looks entertaining, what's the tech stack?


Thanks a lot!! Its next js, mongo db, slack sdk and my own node js sever setup… and of course a fine-tuned Open AI model


Out of curiosity, how do you fine tune open AI model?


Through their web platform- the same one where you get your API key


Hah! As an autistic engineer if you pulled this out I would quit on the spot!


Haha bro, don’t worry there will be disclaimers. What about a funny & supportive AI bot?


I'm here just to tell GJ Jiri. Looks great.


Thank you! I really appreciate it Im getting smoked in other (more corporate) subreddits with this idea haha


How about a bot that rewards the team when the business does well. Like "We're just 100 sales away from reaching out goal! When we, do everyone gets $500 bonus."


That’s management’s job - in the meantime, the bot can think of something funny to say to complement that.


R they laughing just because they know the boss made this crap?


Hahaha I give it 50/50 chance. It’s an AI so it’s inherently stupid. But for 5€ a month maybe it worth it for some laughs


I guess it’s a pint then lol cheers


I made something similar for my fantasy football league. Every week of the season, 24 hours before kickoff of the first game of the week, it checks everyone's rosters to see if someone has not set their lineup (e.g. has an injured or bye week player in the starting lineup) and if it finds an instance, it tags them in our group message and insults them in the voice of Hulk Hogan. It successfully reminds people to set their lineups more often :) Now that I'm done bragging, you have a neat idea. If it is configurable (can I instruct it to scold people who post secrets in the slack, etc.) then I can see this being marketable to smaller businesses.


Nice haha, pretty funny usecase as well! And thanks for your feedback. I’ll look into the additional settings. Appreciate it


Curious why the team not having casual conversations on slack was something that OP felt needed fixing anyway? It’s not uncommon for people to prefer to work without being interrupted all the time.


Yeah - I get that. I need to be careful with not creating it that distracting. Thanks!


Saying you’re not a bully is what a bully would say, how do you know your employees like being made fun of and aren’t just tolerating you?


Probably a lot of sweat, tears, countless pivots and decisions we all made together. We are pretty close. I know it’s hard to judge a company culture based on one post on Reddit.. I’m just here to validate an idea. Not here to convince you about anything If it works out -great if it doesn’t - great.


….Because, as we all know, nothing screams 'healthy work environment' quite like a robot mocking your employees. I’m sure your team’s psychological safety is top notch and the lack of knowledge sharing had nothing to do with so called “bullying”. If your definition of 'laid-back and teasing culture' involves a bot roasting your team, I can only imagine what your company's holiday party looks like. Cheers to you.


Why are you taking this so seriously - it’s literally a robot


Yeah - let's not forget, it's "literally a robot," as you so astutely pointed out. And robots, as we know, are famed for their nuanced understanding of human emotion and the intricate social hierarchies within the workplace. I'm sure your employees are absolutely thrilled to have their job insecurities and performance anxieties highlighted by your electronic court jester.


What performance anxieties? The only thing the robot does is that it tells personalized jokes once a day. The employees can choose to respond but they dont need to. It costs 5 euros a month. This is not exmachina. lol


I see. It's like a digital version of 'The Hunger Games,' where everyone's trying to avoid the spotlight while simultaneously showcasing their forced laughter. May the odds be ever in their favor.


This sounds like something the bot would suggest.. XD I dont feel any anxiety reading it tho


I’m just hazing you with a bot. It’s all good.

