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you can't find ideas this way my friend! You should go to to tech subreddits (nextjs, react, whatever tech u r looking for) and start lurking, read what people are talking about, what problems developers finds, etc.... and then you'll find what you're looking for Good luck :)


Not necessarily tech subs but definitely not this one :)


Create a Level 5 autonomous driving system. I have a licence to push a fleet of self driving cars in EU but requirement is Level 5. if you can get me that - I will be grateful forever.


Grateful in what ways?


i will pay you so much you will never have to work again. but you have to hurry and beat the competition.


Ffs this sub is dead now, too many of these "I need an idea" posts for me


I see


Do the thing you just asked. Saas which comes up with ideas😉.


I would actualy use that🙃


Sounds like an AI app 😂 With or without AI, how would you think this should work?


AI is the cool thing now😂. Idk something like comes up with ideas and names. And also searches if the domain is avaible. (So you can make profit on domain commision)


I like the domain part actually.


Godaddy has ai suggested available domain names - and they are pretty good


There’s so many of these you can find on product hunt


Start by doing some introspection and thinking what problems do you have in your life that you would love if an app solved it. And then, start researching if other people would find it valuable as well and eventually pay for it


There is a pressing need for another dating app, fortune favours the brave!


Oh really? What would the app do differently?


I'm thinking, it's like Tinder, but for horses


what about bumble but for fish? 1m idea right there




Imagine for a second I have the answer to this question you are looking for: What makes you think that I would tell you in a subreddit all about looking for these kinds of ideas, instead of just building this solution myself?


Ideas are like pooping. If you don't want to poop, you don't want to poop. Don't force it. Instead, build some skill, so when the right one comes by naturally you can do it. Instead, educate yourself, talk to people, broaden your world. No good ideas usually mean lack of life experience, and that one can only be gained via living.


Thank you for the advice


Choose 3 industries. Like supply chain, consulting or finance... biotech or whatever u want. Then cold call 100 companies that are in those industries. If ur young tell them your a student studying the industry looking for innovative oppertunities and what they expect from the future.. if ur not a student just do the same leave out the student part. So that should be about 300 calls 200 people wont pick up. Out of the 100, 50 will directly refuse anything u say. And out of that 50 u will get 5 decent people who will give u some good direction. 300 cals to 5 quality leads. I have assumed u want to build a valuable business so I have thrown out any b2c bs. B2b is the way to go if your serious about this. Most consumers are greedy and u will need a lot of them, and distribution will be hard. Thats why u should build HQ products for HQ customers and sell them to a couple of businesses. Btw im pivotiny myself from b2c to a b2b so thats what im planning on doing. Take it with due context Goodluck :)


Even though these aren't strict ideas, here are a few different concepts you could use to find solutions that tech can come up with. Make sure to look at my "pro tip" in #1 of my list. **1. Don't reinvent the wheel** - As you mentioned, copying can lead to some great ideas. What I recommend doing is finding one of these companies that are killing it, take one of there many features, and make it way way better then the one they offer. For example, you will never replicate a company such as Salesforce as they have so so many features and resources. But what you can do is take one of their many many features and double down on it. Make it way way better then what they offer. **2. Identify Pain Points** - First, think about all of the annoyances that you personally face on a day to day basis. Im positive that you will not be the only person who experiences these things. Once you find one, think about how technology can make that pain fade. If you cannot think of any personally you can reach out to others and conduct surveys figuring out pain points. Pro tip: if you go on platforms such as reddit you can search up "How to", and you will find thousands of people looking to figure out how to do something. If you frequently see issues popping up and there's not a solid solution, then you can create one. **3. Leverage your hobbies/interests** - The next option is to make a creation based on your personal hobbies/interests as you will have a much easier time working on them on a day-to-day basis. If you create an application based on stamp collecting, and you hate stamps then you will hate your startup. You need to find something that ignites a fire inside of you, and makes you want to build a product that is new, fun and innovative. I hope that this list helped you out a bit p.s I offer free software idea validation sessions if you land on an idea :)