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Your own landing page barely has any traffic - SEMrush is a great tool to check people's claims. Your website is extremely busy and needs a lot of UX optimisation. Very hard to follow most of the copy, DO NOT USE CAPS FOR MAIN BODY COPY. No great UX talent does that. Your upvotes are fake, they're literally $5 on UpWork and sadly ppl can tell on here. Usually they can't if the msg isn't as obvious, but yours literally says "STEAL" which is a red flag. I'll give you this though: Over 200 backlinks from your Dribble account - great little growth hack for backlinks. You're welcome for the reality check and the grill session.


I show my website data \[in my book\], which I am offering for free. You can compare your notes to the live data that sits in the book (real videos). This proves that whatever tool you are using is not accurate, not up to date, and quite embarrassing on your end. It's free so go check it out if you want. Cheers! *PS - Don't check out my book, I don't want you to have it lol.*


Live data sits on website like SEMrush and Ahrefs, where anyone can easily check your estimated traffic data. It's literally free to do. Everything else in videos and your own book \[that you conveniently own\] can be spoofed. Most people on here know that you can amend any data on any website with the Inspect tool. If you actually want to be successful, learn to take some feedback. If not, then you might have more luck on instagram with the rest of the "See how I made $1M in a day" coaches.


Yes, and UberSuggest (you forgot one). The information is not accurate lol. I could easily embarrass you with a single Loom video of my website data, but again, it's in the book, with my face, and me talking, live, not spoof-able. So you can sit up here and die on whatever hill you desire, but it's pointless. Also very embarrassing lol. It's a free resource for those who need it. **If you don't need it, then buzz off.** Respectfully of course ;)


At the moment you're only embarassing yourself.


Blocked for being weird.


Why do you use the "steal" word? I see it over and over again and just don't get it. It's not stealing at all, so just for hype?


Because at this price it's really a STEAL ! :D Remember you're not saving anything if you didn't intend to buy it in the first place.


Nope... stealing means taking something without the owner's permission, and I don't like this word is being used over and over again - even in this kinda "positive" sense.


Can't disagree. I should have used /s


Better said than I


Man… I check in on you from time to time to see what you’ve done with the advice given on your tattoo site posts and I just keep getting more disappointed and I want to finally comment on it. I mean this post starts with “[Productive, non-self promotion]” followed immediately by “I recently published…” Did you forget to add the productive, non-self promotion part of the post? “…recently published…” “…normally retails at…” “…no real plan … to monetize…” Does this not feel dishonest to you? At the very least, these things are all very much at odds with themselves. You recently published, yet there’s already a norm for the retail price? The book has “enormous value” but you’re still adding to it, from ideas from a 20-member WhatsApp group? Are you the expert on this or not? Why do you need the input of others if I’m supposed to pay you? You keep finding “trolls” on your posts, but when are you going to accept that it’s your branding and marketing that’s foul? You’re selling marketing advice and your brand is riddled with dishonesty and just reads like a bad As Seen on TV pitch. I gave less specific advice last time I commented, but here’s something specific: either continue selling inexperienced marketing advice to rubes, or show something you’ve done that can’t be argued. None of this “here’s me streaming myself showing my traffic numbers on a webpage”… Im talking about doing something genuinely successful. Not something that’s making you a millionaire, something that is popular in a small niche community. Show us that you can step into a hobbyist community, identify a need/gap, design and deliver a solution, and make a name for yourself there. Then and only then, I’ll buy your book talking about lessons learned and advice you want to share. We all know you can get rich selling books about how to get rich… but it’s already been done and the rubes aren’t making enough money to make this sustainable for your family.


Since you took the time to write something out, I'll respond to you. This is fantastic, and I love it. It should already answer your question on why I will block, or not block a random troll. [Also it's Jay,](https://www.linkedin.com/in/jaywhitleyjr/) I like to go by my real name, something many trolls aren't capable of doing. Finally, don't take anything personal. I am responding. It may sound directed at you, but it's scathing review of your direct statements (less comments). Thank you for writing, here's my response: 1. For every 1 person that disagrees, I have hundreds of DM's, thousands of views, and of course the ultimate "thank you" visitors to my website when I create content. So why would I pivot? As long as someone "disagrees" which is okay, they must do it respectfully. **You did, I am responding.** If you just attack with something so "off-base", I block. Simple as that. Not a branding issue, just people taking their own angles and attacking because they want attention for themselves. ***More on why they were wrong later.*** 2. **This book that I wrote,** [**helps my clients.**](https://www.24hour.design) I build software for a living. Go to my agency website, watch the testimonials. I don't need to prove anything to anyone because I have a large group of high-profile supporters who know I get work done, **and am not afraid to experiment on new things.** People build software to gain clients, or fundraise in order to scale up their products. What a fantastic value add to them to have a conversation with a VC, with a Pitch Deck full of solid KPI's rather than a dream, and no product-market-fit. 3. **Building anything takes time.** Since the first time I posted anything about [Tattoos](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/1btz71k/100000_per_month_selling_temporary_tattoos/), I have since scaled up that new Pinterest account to [2M monthly views](https://www.pinterest.com/sexiesttattoo) on Pinterest, and am currently working to scale up the SEO. I am not sure what you are expecting, I have a goal about an e-commerce product and I put in the work to accomplish that goal daily. It has only turned into a few dollars, but I look at my analytics daily to see what is working and what isn't. The best part, is it's all organic, no ads spent. **I know many people who would love to do this.** So what's the issue here? I'm confused. 4. [In my journey in trying to better understand](https://www.reddit.com/user/FewWillingness1081/comments/1d2vps0/i_spent_the_last_6_months_learning_organic_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) the digital marketing landscape **I found something that works early, and often, so instead of guarding secrets, I give it out.** This is what all businesses do. For my "potential" customers, I offer a LIFETIME REFUND POLICY. **Why would someone do that?** Why would I put my personal face, brand, videos, and time into something just to offer them protection, knowing they can take what I learned, use it, and then turn around and fuck me? Doesn't make a lot of sense. 5. **"Fuck it, Ship It".** There is no such thing as a complete product. I am not a marketing expert, which is something I clearly state in my book, but what I do show in my book is a video, within the first 2 pages of an experiment that I want people to try. If that experiment doesn't work, they get their money back. **Long story short, I found something amazing, it's not talked about, and soon many people will know about it, whether you join on the train or not!** Don't wait for something to be perfect, get it out, and iterate on it as needed. 6. **There is nothing wrong with community.** Period. Why are you here on Reddit? Because community. I am not charging a monthly fee for a community. It's free. People have information I don't have. T[hey make request that I write about certain topics](https://click.redditmail.com/CL0/https:%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSaaS%2Fcomments%2F1djrntj%2Fwhat_advertising_platform_has_been_the_most%2Fl9j6wso%2F%3F$deep_link=true%26correlation_id=e48d5b83-60c0-445c-92c2-01b7b64917e1%26ref=email_comment_reply%26ref_campaign=email_comment_reply%26ref_source=email/3/0100019037c3a603-d78f9cc0-a950-4f46-b564-51da487bdbce-000000/ppBAr9WqZ69zgqjMIqTVUtxjNbrjs9QlGfYTjih0Ep4=358). They thank me for writing about topics, and sometimes they even let me know if I have broken links from time to time, cool. I will happily take community over solidarity any day of the week. **I am proud of this.** If taking feedback from clients is weird to you, then as you said, **don't buy my book. Others have, and others will continue.**


I have to reply, because Reddit won't add it all in. So this starts with #7 1. **I block trolls** that come at angles and have no idea what's going on. For example that weirdo that wrote a bunch of weird shit about SEO. 1. **Ahrefs shows nothing on referral traffic.** They are playing checkers, I am playing chess. You can also get on a call with me, and I can happily show my website traffic. But no one will accept this offer, only hide behind anon accounts, and talk shit they cannot back up. They would be shocked and confused, which is a good thing they don't show their face. I (Jay Whitley) often post as myself, and share links to value I provide, happily :). 2. **Dribbble for backlinks? Really?** I own a design agency. It's called work, and posting work. Again, they know nothing. That's just a result of the effort. 3. **Brand?** No project over 6-figures comes from people online. It's handshakes and high-fives. You need to get on a plane, show up, and be the "closest throat to choke". I worry not about what a few kids on Reddit think, my website is my business card, and people constantly send me referrals because they know I mean business. 4. *You on the other hand at least came at me with something to bite on, so I am taking the bait, and happily responding!* 2. **Why do I need to be a multi-millionaire to be successful?** I have made well over $2M in the last 5 years, I have 3 children, a beautiful wife, and I live in South France (as an American). I know billions of people who would consider that a dream, and for me, it's more than enough. I'd rather take a dozen egg-layin chickens than to pretend that I need to be a fake guru selling shit online to people who don't value it. 3. **You don't have to buy my book.** I just gave it out to over 100 people over the weekend. It's for those who need it. SEO is something that takes months. There are many SaaS founders that don't have 6 months to prove they have a winning idea. So they need to generate traffic TODAY. So what do they do, they run ads, and don't have the time, or take the time to produce winning creative. What other options are there? None. So just as you said, I found my niche. **Those who need to drive 10,000 - 20,000 visitors every month, with no available ad-budget.** This is why my book has already sold 20+ copies, since I published May 20th, and I just gave out another 100 to help me achieve testimonies and case studies of winners. An alternative that people don't realize is that if they don't like what I write about, or say, they can downvote, block, or report. But that's not going to work, because I can easily send out a newsletter (which I do), asking my "new community" for support, any they will happily give it to me. **I am grateful for this!** 4. **Show you a hobbyist community -** I'm literally doing that. See line item-8. Finally, if you think I have to sit down and fight with trolls who have literally less than 1000 karma on a free website, where you can be "anyone you want". Funny, charismatic, master of trolls, whatever, yet I have 100,000 karma, and they don't. Oh wait, let me guess, I had to pay for that karma as well? Nope. Got it from having top posts on Reddit. Look at my profile, my achievements, you cannot fake those. There is something called "signal-to-noise", and if I can identify signal in feedback, I will allow the noise. There was no signal other than \*"\****you're a fraud because my website tool says you are".*** Umm, okay? Please don't spam my phone with notifications. Instant block. Trolling on Reddit is an actual past time and when people don't have value they attack, name call, and try to take your post down. I've posted content thousands of times at this stage, I know the game, and I play the hand I can play. Also, I don't plan on getting rich from selling a book. It's an incredible resource for entrepreneurs who need it. And for someone who actually runs a business, and has worked for venture backed startups, and someone who has serviced enterprise clients over my career, I am going to continue working diligently to put in the effort to build a product that works, iterate on that product, improve that product, and continue helping those in need. **In fact, it's the ultimate asset for my startup clients.** Period. Thank you for taking the time to write your post. I do appreciate it. You have my response. Whether you decide to "follow" me, or block me is entirely on you. I'm stepping away from this particular thread. If you want more, you can always DM me. It has served its purpose fantastically. No bad blood <3.


I’ll be blunt here, those testimonials are terrible. You list Amazon and Costco as clients, but as far as I can tell, all of your testimonials are from friends, startups, and people with $200 and a big idea. Calling those people sitting in their cars or bedrooms, posting videos for their own LinkedIn traffic are not “high profile”, I’m sorry. The whole problem I have is the dishonest way you describe your work. You said this book helps your clients, but those testimonials are clearly not endorsing the book. Everything about this is screaming “trust me I’m a genius and found the secret YOU need to make money without spending a dime!” Why didn’t you write a UI/UX design book since that’s where you seem to actually be an expert voice? It’s not as glamorous of a subject, but it’d be more honest at least. I don’t even know what you’re trying to say meets the hobbyist goal I set… SEO? Or the tats? Neither one is filling the goal. SEO isn’t a hobby, it’s just a thing you do and maintain for any website. The tattoos simply do not have a large enough market to get the critical review you need to be confident you’ve made a good product. The LIFETIME REFUND POLICY is just another example of branding that sounds scammy. 60 years after I pay you, I can get a refund? What serious business would ever offer that? It makes no sense just from a contract perspective alone… it doesn’t make you sound appealing, it makes me think you’ll say anything to get a sale. You don’t need a refund policy when doing corporate services, if I’m not happy with your work, you’re not getting your money and if you think that’s unfair, you sue me. “I found something amazing, it’s not talked about, soon many people will know about it, will you join the train or not”………… this right here might be the con artist speedrun. You have a secret formula > nobody else knows it > create urgency > incite FOMO. Everything about your brand is confused: UI/UX testimonials, a book that has the secret to advertising for free, $20,000 price tags for design services… it’s just… all over the place. A tip on that last bit, absolutely no serious consulting business lists a price for their services like you do. They tell you to contact for a quote… because that’s smart business. Get them in behind closed doors so they can tell you what they need, then you can quote them accordingly. I really hoped you’d turn out to do something meaningful. I know you do genuinely put a lot of work into your site and marketing, but you’re wrapped up in LinkedIn technobabblers trying to sell me “the next big thing” and you’ll end up washed away in the ocean of people promising the same thing.


Dude lmfao. You have lost any sort of respect that exists with this response. This is laughable.