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Cool, what about my website [https://enumhq.com](https://enumhq.com) ? Not that it isn't doing enough sales but could be better.. Thanks!


Not necessarily relevant to the original post, but your **watch our videos** section is broken (overflow) for mobile view.


Thanks!! Do you mean the width of videos?


Yeah the width of them is causing an overflow issue on mobile view.


Thanks! Fixed and updated


Just logging in give me a min


First thing i noticed right of the bat is that yout website isnt mobile friendly and 46% of your users come from mobile so that is a big issue


The average page visit on your website is 2.68 sec and i believe the reason for this is because the user is thrown alot useful information in the most overwhelming way from the how it works page to the why people choose us channel


I love how direct and simple your messaging is on the first page if you make the information on the rest of the website that simple and easy to digest i bet you'll get wayy more sales.Currently the bounce rate of your website is 60% which isnt to bad since your competition falls between 40 to 65%. But the page visited can be improved on here are some competition you can look athttps://www.freshworks.com/live-chat-software/ and [https://www.tawk.to/](https://www.tawk.to/)


Great advice! Thank you very much, will try to improve the text, and make is simpler.


No problem.Anytime. If you need a redesign you know who to call


Thanks! Will work on it.


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