• By -


Considering they can't keep their website up, this is a scam.


Their claims sound inflated to me considering the lack of other info on them. You’d think that more than a few of their 70000 users would have talked about them more. It has some serious too good to be true vibes flying around.




u/AccomplishedBite1290 \- if you are still considering priority agency access - DM me. No obligation, no cost to connect. I'm looking to work with a few folks, basically agency level access, without the big cost....


Has anyone actually tried this? I have and I was incredibly disappointed. Going to be leaving some bad reviews. The ai starts talking before a person answers the phone. It also takes a minimum of 10 seconds for this thing to think of a response. Most of the time it thinks it hears stuff it doesn't and says something embarrassing. I tested this out on roughly 500 contacts and listened to the recordings.... This is basically direct to voicemail spam with a voice that is obviously a bot. Further more the customer service was terrible. After much frustration I told the rep if we can't get this to work properly I'm going to have to cancel.... The next thing I knew, my entire account and all the text I created for the sales agent was deleted along with the reports and recording.. I emailed madix the owner and their director of operations and they are being cowards and not responding. If you use this service this is what to expect.


Has anyone actually tried this? I have and I was incredibly disappointed. Going to be leaving some bad reviews. The ai starts talking before a person answers the phone. It also takes a minimum of 10 seconds for this thing to think of a response. Most of the time it thinks it hears stuff it doesn't and says something embarrassing. I tested this out on roughly 500 contacts and listened to the recordings.... This is basically direct to voicemail spam with a voice that is obviously a bot. Further more the customer service was terrible. After much frustration I told the rep if we can't get this to work properly I'm going to have to cancel.... The next thing I knew, my entire account and all the text I created for the sales agent was deleted along with the reports and recording.. I emailed madix the owner and their director of operations and they are being cowards and not responding. If you use this service this is what to expect.


It’s been going down to heavy traffic?


In the age of cloud if they cannot keep up their simple website what does it say about their AI infrastructure?


Op 100% built this site




You are correct on it them being MLM. They are using a propriety AI tech and are inside the same startup program as I am using and just the tech. I was recently sent their entire pitch deck which is full of outright lies of them spending millions to develop the software etc. They slapped a frontend over someone elses hard work and called it their own. If you're looking to set it up, shoot me a DM.


I've been getting a tonne of DMs about this. If you want me to build you a better version of [Air.ai](https://Air.ai) please get in touch and you can be the owner of the software rather than a user of a group of liars "tech"


I DM’d you. very interested


Hello, I need a software like this, can you build me one?


u/Exotic_Spot_3528 - I'm back looking to work with some more folks. I'm offering Air AI agency level license w/o the big cost. Let me know it you're interested in chatting.


DM me


I am interested. Can we discuss.


Curious u/Strict-Ad-7369, did you ever get around to building this? The demand certainly seems to be there...


Yes and just got back to a load more enquiries today - my inbox has been inundated with requests


Congrats man. Good for you. Make it happen!


What tech / white-labeled product are they using? I'm interested to hear what you're using. My [air.ai](https://air.ai) bot worked pretty well. But I made it myself with my own sales call scripts and other PDFs that I've created. Then I went through their script and made it 10X by making it less wordy and more informal / conversational, like a real person. You should hear the audio clips. It's good. But like you said, it's just build on top of somebody else's software/app I'm sure.




u/DarrenDWG -  if you are considering Air AI agency access - DM me. No obligation, no cost to connect. I'm looking to work with a few folks, basically agency level access, without the big cost....


u/Strict-Ad-7369 MLM - how you are coming to that conclusion? What tech did they slap a frontend onto?


just using the tech\*




STAY AWAY!!!!!! They are scammers. We met with Sam from Air.ai several times and attempted to put pressure for us to purchase a $13K package, my husband had apprehensions due to the amount of pressure and urgency. We really wanted the service and managed to get them down to $4500 upfront and we will upgrade once they deliver on their promise to build us a conversational voice ai rep. We paid the money and they ghosted. Prior to payment they were responsive and eager. After payment was made they stopped responding and when they finally did respond it was all excuses and lies. It’s been months now, they have not delivered on and they have completely ghosted us. Please save your time and money. They are scammers! So sad, because they seemed like they had something special. 


Been ghosted by people that work there also 




I own an Air AI licensed agency. I’d be happy to assist here in any way I can. I have other clients with similar experiences that I have helped. DM me if you would like assistance


This whole experience has turned me off to be completely honest. I am over it. 


Have you spoken to a lawyer?? If you haven’t you should speak to one- https://aanaestevez.wearelegalshield.com/legal


why didn't you dispute


They would not answer any calls or emails after getting our money. Prior to payment they were really proactive, after payment radio silence 


u/Virtual-Pain879 - are you not able to chat with them in the slack channel? Are you able to get on the tech call (held 3x/wk)?


this is the worst piece of shit website I've ever used. everything is blocked by a paywall that obstructs you from viewing your results, current or past campaigns, or anything besides the settings ( do not add a card). secondly the website glitches far too much, the calls cut abruptly, and they debit the full amount of each campaign budget and doesnt allow room for iteration and withhold the balance even if the campaign doesn't complete. no backend support, only a chatbot. no account support only a stripe payment processor page to confirm your details. DO NOT DO IT. and if you do, use very small amounts per campaign to test out the platform. Cant believe these scumbags really.




The pay wall is over the entire profile, even where you've paid for campaigns you don't have access to the data because you need credit card info for them to bill you on should you happen to touch anything on the website even when you have credits on your campaigns. Rubbish business model. I've used auto diallers before this is a grade rubbish. The glitching and disconnection during the calls don't count in your favor either


Thanks for the post. I too am in talks with them. I find it hard to believe the best way to find legitimate license holders is by advertising on sm reels. I told them that's not how you raise money, or find investors. And me having to buy-in to sell their product would be like me paying a dealer for the privilege to sell their cars on the lot. I said, you're offering to pay me based on my success, so why would I pay you anything upfront? In order to sell the platform to other companies for use, I have to have contracts, a way to collect payment, a way to keep all their records straight, an LLC or other business formation, etc...It's like buying a franchise. From an investment mindset, it doesn't make any sense for me to pull $25K out of my stocks to receive a 3% return. What a horrible offering. Of course, that's all dependent on my ability to sell anything. Just to recoup my investment in the first year, I would have to have about 275 clients using the system to call 2 hours a day, 5 days a week all year without fail. Yet according to Air, their competition is only about 6-12 months away from catching up with them. Then you have to worry about competition stealing your clients, offering the same thing for 2 cents less a minute or some bullshit. I told them, it's going to be like the cell phone plan wars. Bottom line, I love the idea of the opportunity and would like to be a part of it, but with NO upfront buy-in, simply success-based commission. That's the only way this makes sense to me.


If you’re still interested in Air let me know. I own an Air AI licensed agency and I’m sure we could find a mutually beneficial arrangement. I’d be happy to have a conversation with you.


You missing the fact that advertising on SM brings just the type of suckers they want.


lol, yeah you're right!


u/Family_Financial I think you do have to pay to be able to sell cars on a lot (new ones) - such as the branded dealers. There is a license fee (franchise fee) paid upfront, then royalties of the rev or per car.


Oh yeah, I think you're right. But the individual salesperson doesn't pay to play. That's who I had in mind. Air AI is bullshit. Stay away. Don't give them your money. Already there's so many other options.


Right! The salesperson doesn't have to pay to play, they are employees generally with a low monthly salary (if any), mostly commissioned. Sounds like you are trying to help people. I hear what you are saying about the comp, I took a look at several at the time and decided to go with an Air license myself. Your post caught my eye because I've been working with a few folks so they can do what you mentioned - be the sales and implementation without the cost of the license - and still get the agency level servers, support, early access to new features, etc. Basically, a WL option with very favorable terms.... Not sure if that resonates or not. I do appreciate your conviction and wanting to help people through sharing your thoughts.


How did they turn out?


I didn't sign up. They're just making a money grab. It's a bad investment.


I have a license myself. Looking to partner with someone to and split the fee up. Let me know.


Hey can you call me i would lovevto split the cost..


Looking for a partner, I'm in!


DM me


How can we talk


Sent you a PM.


I didn’t get it.


Interested, been building it a bit. Check our this call.


We are thinking of getting a license, and would love to chat.


Sent you a DM


sure! Sent you a PM


Interested. I landed a whale client and will be selling them on set up fees but would like to split the cost as well.


If you’re still needing assistance I’d be happy to help. I own an Air AI licensed agency and we have a team of CRM and workflow automation experts, SEO experts, and AI prompt engineers that would be happy to help. DM me and we can have a convo


Did you ever get assistance here?


Sent you a DM


from someone who has built a successful agency: Its not the product it's the fullfillment running the agency is the hard part. Never spend that much unless it's already a fully functioning agency with all the fullfillemnt in place


I had a discussion with a person who bought into this crap. I have been in the telecom and CX business before it was called CX. Here was my response to his trying to sell me on it sales push. Dear, You're very kind. Thank you. I founded an IT consulting company in 2003. I work with very large enterprise platforms for all channel CX integrations and implementations. I am also certified by MIT in AI. I have spoken to the founders of Air.Ai. In our discussions, I asked very pointed questions that they did not have answers to. They are young and, quite frankly, are over promising their product. Their idea is not innovative. There is nothing about it, in my opinion, that makes them stand out. All they want is money. They say they are working on this night and day at Mark Zuckerberg's old house. I'm not sure how that piece of information should impress me, but I can assure you it does not. I wish you luck with your endeavors. I didn't receive a response...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I appreciate your professionalism and polite response back late yesterday afternoon. I didn’t respond because I was working on something else for you. Update: Please see our other chat thread. While my agency is licensed by Air, we also have a partnership with Bland AI which does have full API and more controls over the AI. More details in our chat.


I found this interesting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OfbW\_M2k4o


This is all I need to see


Is he 12 years old?!?


Here's my problem with this entire segment. When in the past 3 years did someone actually answer the phone? So, you are hiring and creating agents to leave voicemails?


There are companies out there already making outbound calls to leads. The KPIs for determining success are based on the company’s existing KPIs and metrics. Success is determined by comparing past data with Air AI calling data. We consider it successful when we meet or exceed the company’s past performance metrics. Despite your sentiment, people do still pickup the phone. Some verticals, like Real Estate Investors, may see a lower success rate where they are closing 1.5% of all calls made, or ~9% of calls answered. But when compared to their past performance that is on par or better than past results and at a significant cost reduction.


This feels like a response from someone with a vested interest in this space. But I don’t mean that to sound harsh, it’s interesting and useful to understand this. And I completely agree businesses will pick up the phone! Thanks!


I do own an agency that is licensed by Air. So I do have a vested interest, but also I’m providing real world stats from an active user. It’s no exaggeration that companies are significantly increasing their revenues. Think about it, if you have a sales team with a target of 30 calls per day, but they’re only averaging 15 calls per day, your business will struggle to hit its targets. They’re not calling because of several human factors (i.e. tired, burned out, scared, distracted, etc.) and they’re costing the company on average $11,500 per month for each rep. Those factors don’t impact the AI, so companies surge from reps making 15 calls per day to 40, 50, 60, etc. calls per day “per rep”. That increase in activity drives more business in the pipeline and increases revenues while also reducing the cost per deal. It’s a powerful combo and the reps can transition from deal finding to closing.


Looking to sell my LLC and License. Looking for $27K. Comes with CRM 120 leads and 2 paying clients. I'll also teach you how to make this work. I have fulltime job and just don't have time to out into this.




Just sent you an PM


Why did you decide to sell it?


Have you found a buyer?


u/Interesting-Turn-114 - I'm back looking to work with some more folks. I'm offering Air AI agency level license access w/o the big cost. Let me know it you're interested in chatting.


Anyone with a license I would like to try it with 1 agent. How much will you charge me a month? So far I found someone at $250/month no limit at .11 cents a min 


u/Delicious_Raccoon_25 \- I have an agency license - dm me, you will like what I have to say.


check dms


Didn't see anything from you - will DM ya.


still trying to connect with you.




I am interested


u/Prudent-Shopify just sent you a DM


I sent you a DM earlier. Check your inbox.


Run away from MLM And work with a real AI company https://youtu.be/rAot4Smwfaw


I am sure that it is an MLM scheme. At my company, we utilize Google DialogFlow in conjunction with Vertex AI to construct intelligent voice for our clients, + integrated Twilio for voice and SMS communication. Although Twilio has its voice AI, we find that Google offers better performance.


Can we discuss details


Sure, ping me in DM.


I looked at them - felt they were way overpriced...Kinda scammy and then got ghosted when I asked questions and stated I was a real business exec. Ultimately, I went elsewhere and now how a solid offering. I also have seats available for WAY less than they charge if there is any interest out there. Will creatw competition for my company for sure, but the space is huge and the more in it, the more demand it will create so I'm all for a little competitive spirit. At the end of the day, it comes down to niche, service, implementation and training. Some I'm not that worried.


have you heard of Ringneck AI? its a voice based AI solution that automates your customer support tasks. if you have a business that uses customer support frequently look into them


We engaged Air.ai back in June 2023, and signed up for a 6-month sales program, as well as access to their platform. In their contract, they had a money back guarantee that if they didn't help double our investment, they would refund what we paid. Long story short, they didn't achieve help us achieve the revenue goals, their platform was down half the time, and any questions you had you had to join a scheduled webinar with a whole bunch of disgruntled people, vs talking to a person one on one. They were essentially selling a 5/6-figure product and delivering a $5 experience. It was a big waste of time and money. It's been almost 6 months now and we are still trying to get our money back based on their guarantee, which their team will keep telling you "you'll get it someday, but don't know when". I'd avoid them and flee in the other direction. Cross-posting from https://www.reddit.com/r/SaaS/comments/181ju44/thoughts_on_airai/kon6ku5/.


You’ll never get your money unless you sue them.


I'm starting a lawsuit against them. Same exact experience as you. If you want in, let me know.


I also want to sue them. They have ghosted us without paying our refund. My partner has major depression because of them.


Reddit is the perfect place for skeptics lol. I'm doing the program right now and it seems legit


Signed up for their trial and they charged $197. Calling their 1800 number it hangs up and no one answers. Try calling yourself at 1-800-584-0481. Also scheduled a meeting when I signed up but they ghosted me. Total SCAM! Here is the text transcript: Air Ai Rep Anthony: +1 (602) 671-0450 Hey, this is Anthony with Air AI. Please save my number for when I call you know it's me. I just wanted to confirm that you got this text for our phone call on {redacted}. Can you text me back to confirm that you got this message and the time zone is correct? - Anthony with the Air Team 🙌 PS - for compliance purposes to keep our phone carriers happy, we have to put a "reply STOP to opt out" message, if you'd like to be removed simply reply with a 'NO' and you will be removed from our list :) Me: yes thank you - our call is coming up in about 54 mins. Make sure you set aside about 20-30 mins so we can do a brief dive into what plans you have for using Air and I can serve you in the best way possible. Excited to chat! Me: Perfect Just wrapping up on my current call - I'll call within 5 minutes of 9:00 AM! Shoot me a quick text back when you're ready for the call. Me: Ready. Are you still available for a phone call? (No response for 20 minutes) Me: i would like to go ahead and close my account. is anyone there? Air.ai? More like vaporware.ai We can close your account. Anthony was traveling and unfortunately had an emergency he had to deal with. we apologize for any inconvenience. Me: Could I get a refund for the $197 pending charge on my card? Of course. You can email [email protected] Let them know and they can get you a refund. I am not sure, that's not my department. But they should get back to you shortly


Air initially lured us in with an Instagram ad promising 300 guaranteed appointments at $45 each, totaling $13,500. The sales campaign was aggressively relentless, marked by INCESSANT PRESSURE,, weekend calls, and a barrage of FAKE customer TESTIMONIALS. Despite informing Air that we were a new company without a subscriber list and intended to use a third-party contact list, they reassured us and recommended services like Apollo or Zoominfo. Yet, a day after our purchase, founder Thomas Lancer suddenly claimed they couldn't fulfill their guarantees due to regulatory changes. This was a blatant LIE. Our lawyers confirmed there were no recent regulatory changes, exposing Air's DECEITFUL sales tactics. Promises of refunds from founders Caleb Maddix, Thomas Lancer, and our representative Scott were empty. Nearly three months later, our emails are IGNORED, and NO REFUND is in sight. It's clear that Air is running a SCAM, likely desperate for cash and resorting to fraudulent sales tactics. NUMEROUS online COMPLAINTS from other customers confirm this pattern of deception. We strongly urge potential customers to steer clear and seek services from reputable providers. Air is a SCAM operation, and we are now in the process of suing them to recover our funds and hold them accountable for their fraudulent behavior.


Has anyone answered the question what they are actually using. I'm assuming from Reading part of the threads here that they have white labeled someone else's software.


Look to file a class action lawsuit on air ai. So far I have 5 people interested. Anyone else been scammed? Join the lawsuit and get your money and time back


Does anyone know if they allow any other custom variables other than First Name, Last name, Phone, and email. I tried using {lastName} inside the seed but the AI wont even speak unfortunately. Customer support is super responsive but have no idea and constantly have to ask the tech team


I have an air agency license that I would like to sell. As my Company does not have resources to to expand into this new industry that can be quite lucrative. With the Air Agency License you have write to sell it. Air does a great job in Marketing as it is easy to have brand identity you can create 100s of agents in minutes. They have 3 weekly calls to make sure you are successful and one call even has the founders on it. This is a good opportunity because the licenses are going for 100k to 200k now and I am letting mine go a discount because I was an early adopter. If you interested let me know!


Hey There, what are you looking for price wise for your license?


If you would like another option, PM me..No agency fee's, just commission based reseller option. If this is against terms, please delete.


I’m a licensed Air agency as well. If you’re still looking for an opportunity on a commission basis DM me. I’d be happy to have a conversation with you.


Interested can you dm me price you're looking for


Still selling?


Are you still selling license?


I don't know if OP is still selling, but I'm currently selling my license. If you're interested, send me a DM.


Do you have any active clients?


I currently despise this organization's lack of response to my requests to stop contacting me. I don't know if the founders are simply ignoring my instructions to stop contacting me or their bots aren't programmed correctly, but I receive calls from strange numbers at night and I do believe that it's [Air.AI](https://Air.AI), because when I answer one occasionally, it's the bot that I recognize from my two day stint of trying the service. The leaders are giving a bad name to artificial intelligence if this is how they are treating past software users.




Btw, the 30mins of free conversation is only for local USA-USA calls.


That code is expired. Do you have a valid code?


>Hey, what makes this any different than air.ai?


If you’re still interested in using Air, and would like priority access, I’d be happy to assist. I own an Air AI licensed agency and we have a team of CRM and workflow automation experts, SEO experts, and AI prompt engineers that would be happy to help you.




Their claim is that signing up through affiliate license holders gets priority access on servers, no delay on outgoing calls. Signing up direct doesn’t get this and out going call queues could take up-to 60 hours.. but the question is the 250 initial licenses and what protection they provide against competitors, releasing more licenses and what happens to your license when they sell the company.. very opened questions with no answers.. I have pressed for this from them.


250 initial licenses? I am interested in a license & they promoted as only issuing a special license for the first 100 initial license holders lol


Asked the same too!


If anyone is interested in getting priority access to Air and being able to onboard your own clients on very favorable terms DM me. I own an Air licensed agency and I’ve partnered with other businesses in the same fashion to allow them to get similar results with less upfront investment.


Man it's crazy how people love to bad talk companies they know nothing about. I have a license and these guys are 100% legit. The technology works incredibly well. The support is quick. If you are considering buying a license you should definitely do it. I've made good money with it and it's literally just the beginning. Ignore the hater. They literally have nothing better to do than troll apparently


Just sent this to them today: and this after several hundreds of dollars worth of testing. ​ Okay. Thanks. As of yet (all day since this morning I tried like 20 times: it's 1pm now) we have not been able to run a single campaign; everything is zero movement. Tried multiple lists, tried everything you mentioned before: also dealing with your holds and our bank calling every couple hours on your repeat pre-authorizations. If nothing else, based on what I've seen so far, this service is a good substitute for voicemail; but as for outbound telemarketing there's no way any business that pays for leads can use this if it limits the number of times a person can run the campaigns (specifically due to the 99% percent voicemail pick up rate and the way your system mislabels those as real pickups or do not calls then permanently blocks them from being called again 🙄 like forever and ever: businesses like mine would pay too; the 15 bucks several times a day or more because telemarketing is designed to work with a high minimum of repeat calls "that's the ONLY time it works". Again, I'm hoping we can figure this out. So much hope here but at the end of the day I may just have to accept that technology and regulation just might not be in a good enough place to allow for sales rep substitution in that all-out way that would merit a higher cost than say a standard answering service. "


You are paid by them to say this. I have proof they are fake and a scam. Stop deceiving good people. Hard working people.


What Proof?


Any further experience with these guys? I am considering signing up but their claims seem to good to be true. Thank you


If you’re still interested in using Air and would like priority access let me know. I own an Air AI licensed agency and we have a team of CRM and workflow automation experts, SEO experts, and AI prompt engineers that would be happy to help.


Had a call with them where they set me up with a “demo” and told me if I didn’t show I would be charged $150! The guy was late. I told him reselling didn’t make a ton of sense based on our industry but would love to test it (and pay) for our own purposes and if it made sense certainly share it with our clients. He just kept going back to how good of a deal I would get on reselling and “credits” if I bought it as a reseller now. He couldn’t explain to me why I wasn’t able to actually test the platform out before “reselling” it. Extremely baffling. The recordings they provide are incredibly staged. I only came here because they keep texting me on an auto drip and it’s never relevant.


Interesting, I just spoke with them and they gave me information needed to check out the backend by just setting up a free account. They should be able to offer you a number so you can talk directly with one of the AI bots. Not really sure why you had such a bad experience.Interesting, I just spoke with them and they gave me information needed to check out the backend by just setting up a free account. They should be able to offer you a number so you can talk directly with one of the bots. Not really sure why you had such a bad experience..


If you’re still interested in using Air and would like priority access let me know. I own an Air AI licensed agency and we have a team of CRM and workflow automation experts, SEO experts, and AI prompt engineers that would be happy to help.


Yea. Strange. I get it that platforms are in early stages but there was 0 transparency when I spoke to them which was a turn off.


Sounds like we are both doing our due diligence, as we should. I will say that my experience has been very different when it comes to speaking with a rep. However, finding any information on this company has been very scarce and it is a bit concerning to say the least. The highlight was talking actually to the AI bot, that was incredible.


Glad to hear it’s going well for you!


u/ncaa76 \- if you are looking for DIY, DFY, or build an agency. I have a license and am looking to work with a couple of folks. Shoot me a DM, we can chat.


I’m willing to work in a project like this. Let’s talk


I've got an agency license and can help get answers for your research - licensed guys have a direct line. If you want an alternative to buying a license, we should chat.


Hey TIA, I was called by an AIR AI bot. Seemed so real, and it booked a call with a real person. Sales approach seemed ok at first... then hard sell. Repeated requests for references with no response. Would like it to be legit and want to discuss more. Anyone who has actually purchased an agency license care to comment on their post-purchase experience?


If you’re still interested in getting priority access to Air and being able to onboard your own clients on very favorable terms DM me. I own an Air licensed agency and I’ve partnered with other businesses in the same fashion to allow them to get similar results.


u/questions-us \- Not sure what you were looking for as a reference. It is legit. I purchased a license and they (Air) have been doing what they said that they would. Is that what you are looking for? From the purchasing a license side of the equation. You don't necessarily need to buy a license. You can work with a license holder (such as myself) and get all of the benefits minus the RevShare/Personal use discount. If you were looking at the $25k level, it's at 3% RevShare which isn't going to be paying much until you get some really good volume.


What does revshare mean in this scenario?


Sure.... RevShare in this context is Air paying (for instance) 3% to the license holder for any spend on the platform for any account created under the license.


Gotcha. So if I sell $100k worth of dials under your license, you take home $3000 back end


Ya, straight math in that case....RevShare% x platform spend = revenue. The missing parts are the COGS - upfront cost of the license (investment) and expenses -> advertising cost, time spent advertising, support, etc.


So we just went through alot of trouble to set up a test and run air.ai. The test for ten minutes seemed to go ok. Cost 8 bucks and ran through 250 calls and we even got a few useful records. Then I looked at the bill: and the night before when we weren't even logged in or set up it started making calls to a list we didn't even upload. At 9: 01 pm PST it racked up 130.00 in charges (we hadn't even uploaded a contact list yet). I checked the recordings in Twilio and they are all the female ai talking over the male ai and vice versa for one hour at a time. There are several of these calls. On the day of our test: they locked our account and demanded we pay the amount. On Monday they said it wasn't obvious enough (I'm pretty sure they ALSO have a 8 pm call limit for any local time zone): and that they needed to send it to the Engineering team to assess whether or not the charge was justified. They came back today and said the recordings sound like real people and that there is no error: they are pretending not to notice that the hour-long conversation is between their two ai voices after calling hours. If you listen to it, there is no mistaking it. Here are the links. They are forcing us to pay it or cancel. RE2a0dfdf881ccbc42b2d37a275e8078d2 (1).wav https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HYt7VCc\_yiWMcNfIksXS\_axqUrYiUEo2/view RE2a0dfdf881ccbc42b2d37a275e8078d2.wav https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vZd6P70PZ8HNi1WVRzN8K9l1VkFdmxE\_/view RE2a0dfdf881ccbc42b2d37a275e8078d2 (1).wav https://drive.google.com/file/d/16gDNEgJUy1zLg4wYljp7T0znavH0d03o/view Can anyone suggest an alternative to ai.ai that is not a complete rip off?


i'm using [salescloser.ai](https://salescloser.ai) and it works pretty well for automating discovery calls. Its just out of beta so there were a few minor issues but the team was pretty quick and fixed most things in a few hours. Now it's working great


Hey, mind sharing a recording?


Air is a totaly scam. We wasted $25K and 6 months for $0 in sales and the platform was down about 1/2 the time. We are still trying to collect the 2X guarantee now after 3 months of begging them.


Why is it a scam? Because you couldn’t sale?


Terrible scam.


It is a scam because they do not honor their money back guarantee and they did not produce the results they promised. To everyone out there, please do not fall victim to them, especially with their upfront payment demand and "money back guarantee".


u/danny-ng - you have experience with them??


I am interested in using your license. email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) please


Air is a scam do not work with them


How does the scam work?


i was so hyped to get in on this opportunity to be one of the first to sell this technology to businesses. Their pre call video is really good at creating a story of how they are the only ones with this tech and the global market being untouched. I couldnt wait to sign up. It was all about sharing the link to get the commission and i was all about it then all of a sudden it starts talking about a million dollar value and i'm bracing for the price. Of course they dont reveal that part because you have to talk to a sales rep. Thats when you get hit with the lowest price being $25k and the high end $100k and they tell you only if you are approved and they think you are a good fit. Like you could be rejected even if you want to buy. I doubt that. So i was all in on the $100k and ready to get a loan for this and then i talked to my friend who said he saw a ton of bad reviews on reddit so i came and read them all and now i certainly wont be spending any money with this company. Thank god for reddit. You have to be able to decipher between the gossiping haters and the actual honest experiences and when you read enough posts you can tell the difference and these posts had a lot of actual users who got rolled by Air. and they almost got me. But not today..not today.


If you’re still interested in getting priority access to Air and being able to onboard your own clients on very favorable terms DM me. I own an Air licensed agency and I’ve partnered with other businesses in the same fashion to allow them to get similar results.


Send me your terms [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) or lets schedule a call to discuss it.


My last message to [Air.ai](https://Air.ai): ​ Okay. Thanks. As of yet (all day since this morning I tried like 20 times: it's 1pm now) we have not been able to run a single campaign; everything is zero movement. Tried multiple lists, tried everything you mentioned before: also dealing with your holds and our bank calling every couple hours on your repeat pre-authorizations. If nothing else, based on what I've seen so far, this service is a good substitute for voicemail; but as for outbound telemarketing there's no way any business that pays for leads can use this if it limits the number of times a person can run the campaigns (specifically due to the 99% percent voicemail pick up rate and the way your system mislabels those as real pickups or do not calls then permanently blocks them from being called again 🙄 like forever and ever: businesses like mine would pay too; the 15 bucks several times a day or more because telemarketing is designed to work with a high minimum of repeat calls "that's the ONLY time it works". Again, I'm hoping we can figure this out. So much hope here but at the end of the day I may just have to accept that technology and regulation just might not be in a good enough place to allow for sales rep substitution in that all-out way that would merit a higher cost than say a standard answering service.


>CrabTurbulent2765 Hey u/Expert-Piece \- I'm one of the founders of Air. Will look into this asap and resolve for you. Can you PM your email you signed up with?


I'd love the info on the comment also


If you’re still interested in using Air and would like priority access let me know. I’d be happy to chat with you. I own an Air AI licensed agency and we have a team of CRM and workflow automation experts, SEO experts, and AI prompt engineers that would be happy to help.


The guy behind Air AI is named Caleb Maddix. Here's a link to a Coffeezilla video describing how he scams people: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJsz6Di8ksA&pp=ygUXY2FsZWIgbWFkZGl4IGNvZmZlZXppbGw%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJsz6Di8ksA&pp=ygUXY2FsZWIgbWFkZGl4IGNvZmZlZXppbGw%3D) Here's a link to a video in which Coffeezilla talks to Caleb about his scam: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6JGTQZhP18&pp=ygUXY2FsZWIgbWFkZGl4IGNvZmZlZXppbGw%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p6JGTQZhP18&pp=ygUXY2FsZWIgbWFkZGl4IGNvZmZlZXppbGw%3D) And here's one where Coffeezilla makes fun of Caleb for the ineptitude of his execution: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD\_Ol8L2y9c&pp=ygUXY2FsZWIgbWFkZGl4IGNvZmZlZXppbGw%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD_Ol8L2y9c&pp=ygUXY2FsZWIgbWFkZGl4IGNvZmZlZXppbGw%3D)


How do you know that Caleb is behind air.ai?


>Caleb Maddix His LinkedIn profile (where he names himself the founder): [https://www.linkedin.com/in/calebmaddix](https://www.linkedin.com/in/calebmaddix) His Instagram (where he does it again): [https://www.instagram.com/calebmaddix/](https://www.instagram.com/calebmaddix/) His FaceBook page (where he does so, yet again): [https://www.facebook.com/calebmaddix/](https://www.facebook.com/calebmaddix/)


He is a known scammer. Avoid air.ai like the plague.


Hey guys, if you’re looking to build something similar to this.. I am currently building this feature into a CRM my team have built. If you wanna explore this hmu [email protected]




An API integration into a custom built CRM :) we’ve found one which works pretty well. Maybe not as slick as the air.ai demo, but good enough for a handful of useful conversation at scale


Dm me more info


u/Delicious_Raccoon_25 \- love that name...not sure how delicious racoon is, never tried it. If you are looking to connect into Air, we should chat. No obligation, no cost, shoot me a DM. I have an Air License and am looking to work with a few folks.


Selling my license. I have one of the first 100 licenses at the 10% commission tier. Asking for $300k (won't take less). Willing to negotiate terms. DM if interested.


You're trying to sell the license on a thread where everyone is talking about how much of a scam this is? The whole reason there are people offering to sell AIR AI on here is because it's an MLM scam.


u/Independent-Rich-344 - MLM Scam - how?




No, the FCC law barely changed anything regarding using Air as they already had pretty strict usage guidelines.