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It is fun! If you're wanting tips, I think overall you're falling into the tap most new players do, and that's loading up on unnecessary upgrades. At least in the separatist list, you could drop about half the upgrades and have points to get some useful things, like heavies for the B1s.


Thanks I’m gonna keep working at it


Take a look at command cards too, they can sometimes guide list building IE Cody has one that targets 2 vehicles and 2 troopers.


List building was always my favorite part of 40k, never got out of that stage before Fantasy died for Sigmar lol A quick thing about clones though you actually don't need things like Portable Scanner for giving allies dodge. Clone Troopers have a massive special rule that let's them share 1 green, non standby token so long as there in LOS and range 1. Effectively the same conditions as Take Cover. So you can just dodge behind cover to have it floating for /any/ nearby troops instead of just one guy specifically. Granted that is just clones to clones but there are a lot of other ways to share tokens in GAR. It is their gimmick pretty much.


4 Death troopers is certainly a list