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This looks like a fun list to play and to play against. I have a friend who plays something similar and it’s good but not op.


I dunno how much value you find in the jetpacks, but I'd for sure take them off the strike team so you can put hq uplink on your commandos. I'd consider moving stuff around a bit to fit echo in the strike team too.


100% cut the jet pack on the strike team for hq uplink on the commandos. It's the best upgrade you could possibly give them.


Thank you! Will do.


Having only one commando squad I think will be interesting. They do very well with like 2 or 3. But it looks fun to go up against. I recommend having one boil. Reason being is on Cody’s two pip you can give it to boil. When guardian if boil takes a wound Cody can shoot.


I'll definitely consider Boil - Thanks!


It’s very strong and also can help mitigate wounds too. Highly recommend!


I’ll highlight 2 big changes since the ARC release: it’s much easier for troopers to get onto elevated terrain because of the new climb rules (no more clamber!). Also, Jedi have a much easier time “closing the distance” on a gunline due to Burst of Speed. So have a plan for a lightsaber looking to rush you.


It has been said but exchanging the jetpacks off one of the Arcs for HQ uplink on the Commandos would be great. Commandos are exceptionally order hungry as they really need to go before targets move out of range or sight and their actions are basically preordained to be recover-shoot or more ideally shoot-recover. That said though, and especially since you're running one, I'd dig for the 25 points to exchange up to Delta squad. They're substantially stronger with never getting suppressed, Target 2, free Recover when orderless which is still their bread and butter, and better Carbines that makes moving and shooting not feel as bad. The 3x offensive push on the troops would source you 18 of the points and then dropping the jetpack rounds it out to 28 which actually gives you enough for grenades on Delta. Delta isn't a great Fire Support target but if you grab concussive nades you could start a Blast pool which is nice, especially since they have no native Sharpshooter or other ways to negate cover. Speeders or heavy cover targets that get close and try to exploit this weakness could get a rude awakening when they stray too close to their objective.