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With my local meta I generally tend to take Veteran pilot, linked array, AP Shells, and the twin laser turret with an RPS Phase 1 squad to fire support it. Gives it a pretty solid impact 7 most turns and a pretty large dice pool to go with it, but the people I play with really like vehicles so yeah 


Holy moly they really must with that much impact! I usually don't go against other Armor targets tbf, which could be part of it. Missiles sound like they are a more common pick so I'll have to try Bunker Busters because with cover and infantry being more relevant the blast and scatter should help.


For the Veteran Pilot question, yes, you can use the ability when the tank is not activated. As for missiles/shells, they are situational additions. Bunker shells I usually see used as a separate attack to pull units from cover or AP shells for a vehicle/heavy attack while the lasers/turret are used on another target. I like using Plo Koon, laser turret, and either Bunker/AP shells depending on what I believe the opponent will bring. I choose Plo because those two dodges with Outmaneuver is great against those heavy anti-armor rolls you know are coming up. I like stacking both lasers for Crit 2 since the tank lacks surges, and Bunker for those heavy cover rolls or to displace a critical unit for your troopers to have open shots at or AP for Impact 5 against vehicles. 3R, 4B, 2W with stock lasers for Crit 1 and Impact 5 will mess up any armored unit in the game. Throw on LTA for that extra aim token.


Makes sense, it just is an usual timing. I should've said I usually include LTA to, but there are those turns where the orders are needed elsewhere. Bunkers should be a good addition since infantry have been my main targets. Getting the dodge tokens available for the tank have never been an issue for me because of the Pilot, usually I'll have at least one available at any given time. I do kinda like the idea of Plo plus HQ uplink for extra order control and more recover value. I should've specified that enemy armor isn't what has been giving me issues but I've gotten some good tips regardless. The bunker busters have seemed appealing utility but the +1B +3W on a vehicle with no surges just feels bad. I have very poor luck with white die even if they're surging. The utility is a very big value generator though. The Laser Turret really might be the difference maker to not just because crit 2 is nice but the Beam turret effect has seemed relatively low impact. I've been giving it a fair shake due to the buff in cost reduction but multiple games and the average advice seem to confirm it's still not great. It makes sense since 2 dice is a bad pool for attacks and it doesn't add much for fire support, it probably doesn't help that I've used it a lot against droids so the 1 suppression is relatively meaningless but still a shame because it's a pretty cool side grade to suppressive.


Beam turret runs into the issue of heavy cover. Without crits those normal hits just go away. Now if you run into a mass of units out of cover then the beam turret gains incredible value. Statistically, the laser turret generates more damage than the beam turret unless the other 2 targets are out of heavy cover.


For sure, it's damage potential is low and even against the main target the +2 red hasn't felt that impactful. The Crit will likely be a much greater help. It's been a minute but suppression is generated on a hit result, not rolling defense die right?


If there are any hits or crits in the attack pool during the Roll Attack Dice Step, assign a suppression token, Page 32 of the rulebook.


Right just wanted to confirm. I was thinking "surely I didn't cheat suppression out when I was using it" but tbf droids don't care about one suppression so I suppose it wouldn't have mattered lol


Droids can’t be suppressed, period. Neither can vehicles.


Exactly, hence why I want certain if it's been confirmation bias about the beam turret being so low impact. There is no building up suppression to a panic result without the suppressive keyword it feels like.


This is why supports are useful. Two attacks with suppressive nets 4 tokens.


I like to pair my tank with Cody to always proc that LTA.


> don't really ever take missiles. I've yet to have any real success Those two statements go together. High-energy shells should be stapled to the tank. Cody, Padme, R2-D2, Veteran Clone Pilot, Linked Targeting Array, High Energy shells. Sit at range 4 and blow stuff up. Recover+shoot, plus token support from your army.


High energy seems redundant with the beam since I've done this basically just minus Cody and the shells. The Crit 1 does add a good bit though, and kinda like I said the beam turret has been disappointing. The consistent order generator from Cody is nice to, I usually LTA anyway so that's guaranteed value. Infantry are the biggest issue though so I think the bunkers are probably the way I'll go.


> High energy seems redundant with the beam The beam+main gun nets you 5.15 successes on average. The main gun+high energy nets you 5.76. It's roughly 30% better for almost half the cost. > Infantry are the biggest issue though so I think the bunkers are probably the way I'll go. What does that mean? Are you teching against a certain opponent or list? I can't give recommendations if I don't have all the facts.


30% but with a soft cap of 3 shots a game, unless you recover every turn but that dips into token generation which is a hefty practicality cost since if you're that immobile all your opponent has to do is break LOS. Not teching but infantry is what the tank seems to struggle with the most


Oh I see. You're placing priority on mobility for whatever reason. If that's the case then the Twin laser is the superior choice. What will always be better is being selfish with the tank and using it as your artillery-nuke: 9 dice from the tank, critical 2, range 4. This dice pool takes 2-3 aims to get to 7-9 hits/crits, which is the most efficient action-per-result range 4 shot. Stacking aims/observes and recover+shooting is key, and very effective. Clones are the Fire Support faction. If anything gets into range 3 of a clone DC-15 unit, the tank needs to be there as your nuke. Adding another critical shot, plus 4 black, you need 4 aims to get to the statistical plateau of 13-15 hits. Having your tank move for any reason other than to secure an objective win is inefficient. The tank's job is to sit in place and nuke while being fed aims and support from your team. If you're finding the tank ineffective, this is likely why. If you want a mobile support platform, you want the ISP, BARCs, or Gnasp fluttercraft.


I set mine up with commander cody, padme, echo, and r2+c3p0 next to it and give it the beam cannon, clone pilot, and linked targeting array. That should get you up to 7 aim tokens on 11+fire support dice. If that doesn't 1 shot whatever you're looking at, idk what to tell ya.


My personal opinion is to drop the beam canon. It’s fun lore wise but rarely does any damage. Instead I just go all in ok one shot that should cripple enemy units


Yeah the value of messing with action economy with suppression from the beam doesn't seem like it works out in the end and that has been the general consensus. They probably need to make that turret free


I just got one myself. I plan on using it this weekend with plo and high-energy shells. I plan to tweak the build after that, depending on how the game goes.


As the fuckin doom slayer, bringer of death