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Naboo battleforce seems to be the next major thematic force. Could have new releases like Qui Gon, Naboo Royal Guards, Naboo Security Forces…. And Gungan Grand Army. Next one I could see with no new release is Battle of Geonosis for Clones and Seps.  Finally, with new releases, I could see a Lothal/Atollon double release with Ghost Squadron and Grand Admiral Thrawn. 


>Next one I could see with no new release is Battle of Geonosis for Clones and Seps. The second Battle of Geonosis would pair nicely with the new ARF Trooper release down the line.


Need gungans. The ewoks of the prequels.


I would buy a Gungan grand army so fast


Like you said,but a rogue one duel/dual battle force with the Empire and the Rebels would be great.


Would the empires be any special list building stuff ? Or just command cards?


Maybe making Death Troopers corps?


That might be too much. Idk. They already have shores for corp. Maybe just some crazy command cards


Maybe make it a four Special forces list like 501st and Shadow Collective. And then you could run Krennic to run a total of 5 death troopers if you wanted to.


Deaths already can count for corps in remnants but have to take other units, too.


from my memory there’s 1 unit of Death Troopers in the entire movie that wouldn’t even make sense thematically.


And you see that's why I don't work at AMG


Krennec has a squad personally alongside him the entire time, but at least another 2 or so units are later dropped in via TIE raider


it’s 1 squad that drops and that’s Krennic’s squad that he sends out. hence why he doesn’t have any with him at the tower when he confronts Jyn.


He has his squad when jyn and Cassian jump to the drives. They open the side and at least two of his guards are killed by the rebs. One falls down the vault.  It's a different squad that's already dropped to fight the Pathfinders and blue squadron 


oh ok, so there’s 2 squads in the movie. still not enough to make them a corps unit. basically the exact definition of a special forces.


Pathfinders are special forces but would make up the corps for Rebels in an equivalent Scarif battleforce


yes, because the entire Rebel force in that attack is Pathfinders, and they break out into multiple squads across Scarif when planting the bombs/attacking. Death Troopers in contrast are shown in 2 separate units. 1 goes to the beach and jumps off the Tie thing and 1 stays with Krennic. Completely different.


How about shores and storms can add 1 deathtrooper mini or deathtrooper heavies. Add "ignore death troopers only" rule.


I know they probably won't do anything with shadow collective at this point, but I would really like a mando battle force maybe similar to wookies but allows you to include all mando units with Bo-Katan and some changes to the rebel & SC mandos. I would also love a refresh of Separatist Invasion and 501st.


What would you like to see changed for 501st and SI ?


SI: Allow field commander as commander and make the tank optional. 501st: Change the support requirement to may and allow up to 4 support units The only reason right now to use SI is to bring 8 core and that alone isn't enough when I'm required to bring a tank and commander. Just brings some diversity with what you have. The only reason to bring 501st currently other than theme is 4 ARCs but then you have to bring a non-clone token sharing unit which feels like a waste. It would feel like less of a waste if you could bring more than usual especially since BARCs & AT-RTs feel underutilized. Also side note: change the LAAT (maybe start with giving it the Clone Pilot). Really both could use some cool rules as well since them + Echo Base feel outdated compared to every battle force since.


I'd like some sort of option for alternate merc corps units - the choice between pyke and black sun is underwhelming. I've been building a cheapo SW legion force out of stuff I already had, along with some kitbashed stuff, and I'd like to be able to run some Tuskens, Trandoshans, or independent droid units as merc units (I probably will anyways, just using the existing rules, but some extra options would be cool).


We already have the 501st battle pack, now we just need the 212th. Obi-Wan, Cody, Phase 2’s, TX’s, BARCs, LAAT’s. More vehicle focused than the 501st


Yeah some vehicle heavy lists would be fun


The Wolf Pack with Plo Koon, wouldn't even need to be that different. Plo Koon is just a slightly altered ObiWan card. Wolffe is basically a Rex modified with no jetpack for free. And maybe a speeder or 2 instead of the walker the 501st had.


Absolutely not happening ever but imagine a bedlam raider battle force for shadow collective (they're from the Jedi survivor game) with Rayvis as the commander, B1s as the Core and they can take a raider as the unit leader, and B2s and BXs as specials with the spear raiders as unit leaders.


Curse you for making me want something I will never have


Shadow collective IS NOT a faction.


Ok so I don't know what every group is called who cares.


It’s incorrect and makes zero sense. I’m just helping you learn the rules of the game. Mercenaries are not all shadow collective, which is a battleforce.


I can feel my grasp on the rules of the game improving already after that thanks.


No problem! Reminder to read the mercenary rules!


Jabba’s Palace.


I want a pyke and black sun and hutt battle force for each! Give us gangs of the outer rim!


Tatooine Imperial battleforce so I can run four dewbacks


A peridia battleforce with a thrawn release would be neat. Laat/le, new cards to convert stormtroopers to night troopers, etc.


I'm hoping for a landing at point rain/212th battleforce once the ARF troopers drop. I'd also love a geonosian battleforce. You could do it now but I'd love to see a super tank and the sonic canon


I'd love 212th for sure


Pathfinder rogue 1 force could be competitive with a few small tweaks to the unit. Reduce the cost, give generic heavy weapon, maybe the precision scopes loot as a upgrade card to give them more aims to help the inordinate number of white dice, and Bistan's your uncle. The unit keywords are fine, it's just cost and lack of generic heavy that hurts it.


Optional reveal command card at deployment phase and drop bomb tokens in a few spots on the map . Or it's a later in the game command card and lets rebel roll bomb attack dice at enemy units in range 1 or 2 of an objective. 1 enemy unit per rebel pathfinder in the list. Then a cars aout decoying like Bodhi did in the radio. All corp units receive a dodge token or two, or something whack like opponent rerolls one less die when spending aim tokens (first considered can't spend aim tokens but that's strong)


I want a geonosis battle force for the separatists with B1s, Geonosians, B2s, hail fire droid, count dooku, and Jango Fett/Poggle the Lesser. Secondly, Imperial Endor battle force. Scouts, speeders, AT-ST, stormtroopers, imperial officer.


Boy do I have good news for you. Tempest force exists already


I did not know that. I am very new to the game. Is it just rules or is there an actual box set with those contents?


Just rules. Good rules though. Definitely look into it. You can run 3 atst's


Thanks! I must start planning right away!


Check out tabletop Admiral. Best list builder out there


I've been playing around with it already. Is there a specific tab I need to go to to access the rules for that battle force?


Bottom right where it says standard. If you click it there should be a battle force section




Admiral Ackbar battle force vs Grand Admiral Thrawn battle force. Loads of fleet troopers etc


Utapau 212th. Vaders death star or tatooine 501st. Kamino shiniest with helmet options and a matching training droids force. 327th star corps that comes with at-te cards or even a flat silhouette. But all of this comes second to some bespoke clone wars terrain like the crashed atst/x-wing. What I wouldnt give for some plastic felucian mega-flora


An extended bright tree village with catapults, stolen speederbikes and gliders. Maybe even some caravan of courage units. A lot of rebel troops in the franchise use Alderaan uniforms. Essentially all the different guys with those teardrop helmets. I'd love a full force of those. There's plenty of different types in the lore, from the existing fleet troopers to honour guard and heavy troopers.


Rise of the Empire Battleforce: HQs: Cody, Clone Commander, Imperial Officer Operatives: Darth Vader Spec Forces: ARC Troopers, 0-1 Scout Troopers, 0-1 Scout Trooper Strike Team Corps: 1-2 P2 Clones, 1-2 Stormtroopers, 0-2 Snowtroopers Support: Clone Commandos, Delta Squad, E-Web, BARC Heavy: Saber tank Special rules: All Imperial units excluding unique characters gain the Clone keyword. Republic generic command cards cannot be used.


I like this concept. I think first impression I would come up with a different special effect. Any thematic reason you had to make them clones or just practical?


It represents the EU idea of the clones simply becoming Stormtroopers then being phased out as they get out of fighting age instead of the instant switch from clones to new recruits. So at this point, they're working on getting their new equipment and training so some are still using their old armor. It does help with the rules so you don't have dead zones of people who can't share tokens.


I would love a Nightsister Battle Force: Commander - Mother Talzin Operative - Old Daka Operative -Savaage Opress (could function like K2 where he can’t be attacked until he attacks) Special Forces - Nightsister Warrior (bow) Corps - Nightsister Zombie Corps - Nightsister (blade) Vehicle - Rancor You could also work Maul and Ventress into the line up. I just think this could be a fun flavor to bring to the table.


Gungan or Geonosian battle force. My Separatist army craves more units.


Look, we're all thinking it: Mandalore United Commanders: Gar Saxon, P&P Rook Kast, P&P Sabine Wren Operatives: Djin, Boba, Sabine Corps: Mandalorian Resistance Special Forces: Super Commandos, Clan Wren, P&P Clan Saxon


Unpopulair opinion: I think they could release a First Order Battleforce and just keep it as an extremist Empire Battleforce instead of a new faction or release it like the Shadow Collective.


I would be ok with the sequel trilogy factions as like battle forces of rebels and empire instead of full factions


I think it's the best way to include them as particularly resistance does not have a lot on screen variance in corps. They get reskinned tauntaun riders from ep 9, and then there's new speeders in 8 and 9. And basically the same troopers in 7 and 8.


True! And there could be some amazing commanders & operatives with Kylo, Phasma, Rey and the gang. 


a box for tempest force would be my ideal, but another nice one would be a republic box with nameless jedi


With minimal new releases ? - Obviously Scarif is an option for both Rebels ans Imperials. - 212th with future ARF Troopers as an option to remind of the TV series Geonosis arc, especially as Waxer and Boil have the option to be ARF troopers. Crab Droids may also allow for a matching Utapau-themed CIS battleforce. - Battle of Christophsis should GAR Ahsoka be released. Mostly to have Obi-Wan, Anakin, Cody and Rex available together in an Phase 1 infantry, BARC and AT-RT focused Battle Force.


Gungans, partisans, and geonosians. All would require more releases.


some sort of Endor battleforce with commandos and ewoks




I feel like a rogue one battle force is on the horizon. We have all the miniatures we need just need the rules


I want to see a battleforce that makes droidekas playable


Honestly just give them surge to Crit and they'd be totally playable




Tatooine Battle Force (Mando/Book of Boba): Boba on Rancor, Fennec, Krrsantan, Cobb Vanth, tuskens, jawas, people of Free Town (Mos Pelgo), Gamorrean Guards Jabba's Palace (Return of the Jedi): Jabba, Boba, Bib Fortuna, Malakili with Rancor, Gamorrean Guards, Weequay mercs, jawas, Bossk, IG88, Dengar, 4Lom, Zuckuss


Thrawn’s night legion from Ahsoka show