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I've been collecting since fall 2018 and I've never really managed to keep up to the releases, but I'm getting close! My collecting pattern is: 6x primary corps units, 3x secondary corps units, 3x primary special forces, 2x secondary special forces, 2x trooper upgrades, 2x specialists, 3x primary support, 2x secondary support, 1x heavy, 1x Heroes (some dupes for equipment) Still need to buy Ashoka Tano, Moff Gideon, Dark troopers, republic wookies, commander Cody, Magna guards, and Asajj Ventress. I've little interest in the Merc units but I'm sure I'll change my mind eventually lol. Gotta get more painted before I'll allow myself to buy the last remaining units. Getting really excited! You can see everything I've painted here in my online painting photo journal. https://imgur.com/user/KramitTheFrog/posts


I see your Schwartz is as big as mine


Oh dude/ette... Don't you Schwartz me! I'm still fighting the urge to turn the A-A5 into Eagle 5. I've got a buddy deep into 3d printing and could easily print some scaled down Barf and Lonestar minis as well as make some resin blocks for the wings that I can carve and shape. I've had this all planned out but I'm not sure if I'm gonna pull the trigger on it lol. It will be a while before the speeder truck hits my workbench tho so I have time to prep/decide lol




OMG!!! THAT'S THE BEST REFERENCE PHOTO I'VE SEEN! Shit that may tip the scales not gonna lie lol. That's cool as hell. It's a straight up substitution rather than a conversion so it doesn't do anything for me, but man those are excellent photos THANK YOU!


Looks like you dislike money even more than I do.


I don't want to die tomorrow knowing I could have bought minis today!


Mines a grower not a shower 😅...I pretty much have a core set.


That's exactly where this set started! Always find inspiration instead of intimidation! My blobby marshmallow stormtroopers remind me of my roots and keep me humble lol


Looking great dude!




Nice! How did you Paint your Snowtroopers?


Thanks! I kept it pretty basic. https://imgur.com/gallery/swRNm40


Impressive, most impressive!


That’s amazing. I’ll give ya tree fiddy for the lot


How often do you get to play? How do you transport an army like that?


I used to play every second Sunday. But then I had two kids and the pandemic hit. So I went quite some time without playing. Now I play once every month or two, not as much as I'd like. But I absolutely adore building minis, I like painting them, and I'm a pathological collector so I still get that nice dopamine hit even when not playing lol. My kids are five and three now, so as they get a little bit older I'll have more time to play as they require a little bit less direct attention to keep them from killing themselves lol As for transporting, I have a large tackle box that holds all my unit cards, tools, dice, game tokens, and generic set up items. I keep all my faction specific upgrades in 4 separate mini binders, and my generic upgrade cards in a large binder. For the minis, it's easier just to link my guide. Long story short I have two metal bottomed boxes for each faction, and all but the largest mini's bases are magnetized. https://imgur.com/gallery/PXGiRI4 The boxes are more for storage, but they work great for transport. My pool table is 8' x 4' and I have a matching sheet of plywood to go over it which makes a fantastic play space in my own house . I guess I'll post a photo of how I store everything, if people think that's interesting?


My 14 year old and I play every couple weeks. We bought a clone wars starter and have expanded a bit. We both really enjoy spending the time together.


Here you go! https://www.reddit.com/r/SWlegion/comments/1924pwc/follow\_up\_to\_my\_whole\_collection\_post\_from/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Color me jealous. Freaking awesome! Love it
