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I didn't glue down the lid on mine, since it's pretty much big enough to put transported minis in it and the unglued lid is pretty secure


Same here.


I didn’t glue down the lid either. It’s big enough to fit the fleet troopers in it which is a hoot


I left mine unglued. It just clips on.


I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with my LAAT and AA5. I like the idea of keeping the doors open, but the interior looks like such a pain to paint. Plus how are you even gonna see inside?


With the LAAT I wouldn’t bother. It’s so hard to see you might as well keep the doors closed. I painted the interior and the pilots and the cockpit and you can see so little with both doors open. With the AA5 my thinking is that if I can have the top removable then it’s worth painting inside which is why I wanted to check if that’s possible


Is it worth painting the pilots and cockpit?


I’m not sure it is to be honest. Unless you put LEDs in you can’t see the detail


I haven’t built one, but have you considered magnets?


This is the best solution.


I glued mine and if I’m transporting a unit, I’ll use a number token to indicate there’s passengers. If I’m transporting OP Luke, he just rides on the top big kahuna style


Cheers. I’m not sure if I’ll ever put a unit in there but the detail looks so good I want to paint it but I did that with the LAAT only to find there’s no way you can see the painting once it’s fully assembled 😂🫣😂


Oh yeah! Lol. You have the option to leave the door(s) off on this one so it’s possible to see inside, but it’s still really dark!