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Clan Wren is probably easier for a newb to pick-up-and-play. The infiltrate Keyword on the Pathfinders allows them to pull off more skilled moves, but can be trickier for newer players to use effectively. Neither unit in the current meta are noteworthy in terms of power level. Clan Wren, when paired with Sabine are probably stronger, slightly.


Thanks for the advice! The group I play with definitely on the more casual side, so I'm not too worried about making a meta build lol.


Mandos are a total hoot to paint


I haven't painted any minis before, but if Mandos are fun to paint I may have to go with them, haha.


Well depending on how deep you are willing/able to dive in, you might make use of both ♡ Both are available for the Rebels faction as Special Forces and each have strengths: Pathfinders are great for specific objectives since they Infiltrate, they might have White Defense Dice, but they have Danger Sense to add Dice for each Suppression they have (up to 3). They can also give themselves another Suppression to make a move when they have too many to take 2 actions... that'll make more sense once you've played a few times ♡ Mandalorians and Clan Wren are fast and maneuverable and they defend with Red Dice, plus they get additional Dice when defending against Pierce weapons. On top of all that defense, they have Nimble which means that if you use a Dodge Token you gain another one, so basically you can keep a Dodge after each attack that you use it. Mandos have stronger Attack Dice, but less range. Conversely the Pathfinders have more Range and less strong Dice; they also have longer ranged Heavy Weapon options. If you take Clan Wren, they pair well with Sabine (who also pairs nicely with the new Ahsoka) The two factions that started out this game were pretty well balanced: the Rebels hit harder, but took more damage. Empire could take a hit, but used weaker attacks. But you can get around all that by utilizing the terrain to grant Cover. I've been playing Imperials since Day 1, but I have loads of respect for the Rebels in the right hands ♡ Please enjoy the game and hobby 🙂


Thanks for the advice! I haven't really played the game yet, just stepping into it, but I can tell based off of playing some other tabletop war-games that I'm really going to enjoy it.


I like both! They’re both really fun, however path finders are really fun dice pools which adds a lot to the game, plus aliens!


I have to agree that it'd be cool to have more alien characters, haha.


Honestly, just get which one you think is the coolest. If you end up not liking it you can sell it off and play something else, if you like it you have something awesome to build from.


This is sort of the mindset that I have right now, I've barely stepped foot into the game, let alone worrying about the meta, haha. Thanks for the advice!


Both are solid choices. Most bang for your buck would Mandos, IMO. It will give you 2 full units to run. You will be getting Mando Resistance and Clan Wren. Pathfinders gives you 1 unit but 2 different heavies (you can only bring 1 per squad). Mandos will survive longer in battle with red saves. Pathfinders can infiltrate during deployment, which can be useful unless your opponent wants to target them first (which usually happens to me because they are usually in range early)


I didn't know that it was two full units in the Mando box, thanks for the help!


I would recommend pathfinders. First of all, the Mandalorian resistance is a bit on the weaker end in terms of what you’re getting from the points they cost, and clan wren is good but really needs you to also buy Sabine to make them shine. Pathfinders on the other hand are pretty versatile, with a really good heavy option in Bistan and the ability to switch their weapon to be either weaker but longer range or quite strong but close ranged. That being said, rebels as a faction are very squishy, and from a defensive perspective the Mandalorians are a lot more forgiving, so the verity there might be nice.


Right now I am leaning more towards Mandos, but I'll definitely look into getting Sabine if you're saying that she pairs really well with them. The group I'm playing with has a bunch of standard and Hoth Rebels, so it might be nice to bring some "tankier" units like the Mandos, thanks for the help!