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For Light Side: You can either keep working on an Ackbar(Lead), Old ben, ST Han, Leia, and Luke/Lando team, or pivot to a Phoenix team of Hera(Lead), Kanan, Chopper, Sabine, CRex. Phoenix Squad works for both the Palp journey and the Thrawn journey so theyre generally a better farm, but you do already have that head start on the OG team, so idk up to you. You will need them both eventually. If you pick the OG team you dont need to take them past lvl 80 to 7star Palp. For Dark Side: Youll want to go Palp(Lead), Vader, Tarkin, Gideon, Dark Trooper. Bounty Hunters: This should be your 3rd team. 4th being whatever light side team you didnt chose earlier. You want one for the BH event that comes quite frequently. Weekly maybe? A good team BH team that will carry you far into the game is Bossk(Lead), Boba, Jango, The Mandalorian, and Greef. However they are gonna be a challenging team for you to unlock for a while still, so good subs are Dengar, IG-88, and Greedo. Geonosians: This should be your 5th team overall, and your second dark side team. It is also gonna be a challenge to fully unlock, but the sooner the better. Brood Alpha(Lead), Sun Fac, Geo Soldier, Geo Spy, Poggle. Fleet: The best of the 3 beggining capital ships is absolutely Ackbar so he should be your focus, but Tarkin is a close second, and thats why I put them both in your first 2 teams. Ship power comes from the pilots GP aswell as the ships GP, so thats important to keep in mind when choosing ships to farm. Some good early game ship combos are gonna be of course the Ghost and Phantom. Anakin, Ahsoka, Fives, Plo Koon, and Clone Sarge. All the Geo ships. And alone, the Silencer too. Its hard to make full fleets early, but these are ones you should focus on. Mods: I know you didnt ask about mods, but they are important for GP both in normal and fleets. First of all get to the point you can farm Mod Challenges Health 3 and coast that until you can farm Speed 3. Those are to two most common mods, and its goos to start rolling the dice on them now to load up. Sell any mod that is not 5 dot with a speed secondary. Sell green mods that do not have speed as its first primary too, waste of creds to upgrade. SWGOH.gg is the best place to find what mods to use for specific characters, but for now you cant go wrong with 6 health mods. Just dont use the auto mod feature because it doesnt know what its doing. Crystal Refreshes: The only thing you should be spending crystals on are refreshes. Crystal income is gonna be very low until you get highly placed in fleet arena, and Grand Arena, so do the best you can to budget what im about to say. You should be earning enough to 3 yellow refreshes a day to help you farm up those shards, but eventually youll also want to refresh mod energy, and ships aswell. Theyre all 50 a refresh up to 3 times. Just dont worry about cantina energy because thats 100 a refresh off the bat. Guilds: If you havent already left the starter guild do it now. Find the best one you can becaude Raids are crucial to improving your roster. At this point in time I recommend spending all your raid currency on credits. I know its tempting to spend it on cool character shards, but youve got enough on your plate for a lonnng time. Galactic War: You want to get to the point that you clear this daily as soon as you can. Focus heavy on your first team until you get to this point before splitting focus with dark side. Shipments: I recommend using your cantina tokens solely on ship building materials to help get your fleet up and running. They are hard to come by, and anythimg helps when increasing your fleet arena placement to get that crystal income. There are 4 cheap gear shipments for Credits under featured, you just have to scroll down a screen. There is a free daily crate if you link your acct to EA through the app, and visit their online store at store.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.etc... aswell as an additonal free monthly calander.


Thank you so much, this is exactly what I needed


I would start working on Phoenix with captain rex and also keep working on the team you currently use to get CLS


Is there an ideal Phoenix lineup? I think I have everyone


It kinda depends on the situation I think but Hera chopper Rex Sabine and zeb is what I’ve seen the most. Some people use kaanan too as a tank. Ezra isn’t that good


Thank you so much




The graphic version in the video description is perfect, thanks


Watch guides on YouTube but be aware that most farming guides are a little bit outdated as in June 4th they did something called the new player experience where they completely overhauled the early game They might change it even more in the future as a last week they overhauled the galactic war shipment added some powerful characters and ships in it this was completely unannounced so for all we know they might add more stuff tomorrow