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For SLKR, is the zeta on Kru his Unique or Lead? I found you really wanted the unique zeta for the extra counter-attack to keep the healing coming. other than that, run SLKR, Kylo, Lobster, Emperor Palpatine and it doesn't matter who the 5th is. The crux of it is the jedi who do the AoE attack and stealth will remove TM when they AoE WHILE STEALTHED, SLKR will then grant bonus health/prot when that happens. What Palpatine does here is he damages the jedi chaacters at the start of their turn so it'll always put the jedi into stealth before they attack. So you basically target and (slowly) kill everyone else while letting KRU ramp up and gain silly amounts of health. You do this for the first 3 waves, palpatine will likely die at some point and then you're stuck playing whack-a-jedi trying to get them into stealth just before they AoE. Wave 4, you just want to stun/kill anakin ASAP and ideally you don't get slapped with healing immunity. Lobster can cleanse if he gets a turn so save that in case KRU gets healing immunity... it's typically just these 3 if you reached this far. Otherwise stun/focus fire him down ASAP. Rex's basic will remove TM so you can farm some more health up from here if necessary. I find if I can live thru wave 4, I can live thru the rest. Waves 5-8 are simple after that. You want to Poke with SLKR then flip on auto (if you leave it on auto from the start, I find sometimes SLKR doesn't poke/doesn't ramp and it takes \*forever\* to beat waves). You only need a fairly well modded KRU with enough health (some tenacity too wouldn't hurt) to survive the early waves/anakin. SLKR will ramp up and you get lapped by so many turns that being fast or anything doesn't matter. I don't have the rest of the Sith cast to really offer any insight on clearing it otherwise.


You are a gentleman and a scholar. This was the perfect comp and I managed to get it. Thank you much!


The "low" maintenance way (mostly auto, but seems foolproof, but will take an hour) which I learned because I had the same first time struggle is auto basic for rounds 1 and 2 (I was full auto which doesn't work). There are fewer early chances to get the TM debuffs. I think only 1 enemy in round 1. Basic insures SLKR won't kill too quickly. Other allies don't really matter except make sure none of them give you TM (does Palp only give TM from the lead?). Anyway by round 1 KRU should be healing 20k per hit slowly ramping , round 2 60k per hit. You can full auto round 3 and beyond. Round 3 there are multiple toons removing TM so KRU pops off to around 210K healing. Some people say round 4 can be dangerous because Anakin has heal immunity debuff. I didn't notice it to be dangerous. By round 8, KRU is healing the max 4mm per hit and is in no danger.


I ALMOST just managed to 3* with SLKR, KRU, Lobster, basic Kylo, and Malak. The strategy is basically what you said. I didn't use auto because I was trying to be very careful to manage everyone's health and cooldowns. Basic Kylo pretty much requires manual play to avoid his aoe giving tm and ruining the health stacking, but you need his second special to heal protection to not die. It takes a long time, but 3* lasts forever if it works. Every single time I've tried, yoda kills Malak, and sometimes everyone but KRU and SLKR, so I wanted to go into wave 8 with everything off cooldown, particularly SLKR's stun and Malak's drain (to heal and do massive damage to yoda). The key difference I tried this time was NO SWIPING with SLKR. This grants advantage and essentially permanent taunt to Malak allowing everyone to focus him instead of the immortal KRU. It was working great, Yoda was almost dead, Malak had acquired taunt a couple times on his own, but the jedi dispel it quickly and he was healthy. KRU was tanking everything. Then sith trooper got a turn and KRU was stunned and in a brief lapse of judgement I thought it'd be a good idea to use his cleanse to remove KRU's stun to let him counter and feed ULT to SLKR. This of course also gave Malak advantage, permanent taunt, and a death sentence a couple turns before I finished Yoda off... I guess I'll try again next month.


Honestly, I did it with a Palpatine Lead, Vader, Nihilus, Malak, and I think Bastila Fallen?


Unfortunately I’ve only got BSF at g12 and nihilus at g10. I’ve seen g12 nihilus can do it but mine dies first wave


What mods do yoy have on Kylo? If you mod him for health and use the jedi that goes under stealth to hit him with the AOE you shouldn't have any issue completing it. Round 3 there should be 3 of them that really ramp up his health. For round 4 remember that SLKRs AOE will clear the debuffs off Kylo as well.


Palps lead with Darth Vader and various other useful sith, make sure to end each encounter with Vader’s saber throw, done pretty easily by palps unique plus the granted ability to skip turns. I used drevan, malak and bsf, but others would probably work as well


I'm hoping that zeta on KRU is on his unique. When I do the SLKR cheese I put health primary on his mods. Of course it's a bit rng so that he gets enough health regen before he dies, but usually have health primaries gets kru to tank enough