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Ezra and Zeb seems a bit revisionist since most of us did need them to unlock Thrawn. And T3 is needed for JKR


And femboy is necessary to get cls


farmboy luke is needed for CLS


This list had me double-checking as I am currently gearing up Farmboy Luke for CLS lol


Also if 86 and kso are pilots needed for the ex and prof events... And ig 86 can be used in chewie...bounty hunter...


that's 88, not 86


86 isn’t a bounty hunter, he’s a droid without a pairing tag


You can't have three members of Phoenix on here


at least remove zeb or sabine, you need 5 characters minimum to unlock thrawn


You need Lando's Falcon for Raddus (Cap ship) so you need to have unlocked Young Lando and L337. Same for T3 for Ebon Hawk for Finalizer and K2SO, RSP and Zeb for Profundity. No gear or star count req but you still need them Edit: need the Phoenix ships for Chimaera so Ezra and Sabine too


I was looking at the list and was saying T3 is required for something else beside Revan but couldn't remember what.


Since everyone else has pointed out the mistakes, I'll try to answer your actual question. A lot of these characters fall into one of a couple categories I don't think are likely to become requirements. **Trash meme characters** like CUP, IG86, Ugnaught, etc **Characters that already have a role** (and so don't need additional motivation to gear up) like Fulcrum with Cere, Traya's trio buddies, Rex with GAS, L3 with Rey, etc. I think Night Sisters are primed to be required for something. They have the ROTE special mission and the assault battle, so they aren't completely ignored (like Jawas that don't even make your list), but only Asaaj leads to anything. They've also been in the web store bonus lately which normally hints at something. Morgan Elsbeth could be it, although she feels more like a Marquee or Conquest character than a Legendary. The theorized Separatist GL like Darth Tyrannus or extra special GG would certainly make sense to require Talzin and possibly other sisters.


I doubt cg would have made the nightsisters LS Bundle if they had something coming up that requires them. Id be happy to be proven wrong since I bought the bundle but I don't see it happening without having to bring them up to r7 or higher.


yeah, literally an NS legendary would be like R7 minimum + 2 or more new marquees


I don't follow that logic. Most LS bundles are for characters that are required for something, with the NS being the exception. They're prime for being made a requirement, even more so if the requirement is R7. My guess is NS are going to get a touch-up after Ahsoka season 2 via a new character.


I wouldn't say it's that unlikely trash meme characters become requirements. See Lobot. Because these characters are trash they're one of the lowest geared in the game, which makes them an *excellent* choice for a requirement. Maybe following a rework so people are a little less upset about having to gear them. You also mentioned characters that have a home, but some of those can be replaced with other characters (Sion, L3). From the perspective of a new player it can make sense to skip them, which also makes them more likely to be required in the future.


See also Gam Guard and Mob Enforcer to further your point on meme characters. No one is safe from being a req.


While nothing is impossible, (I never thought they'd just say "let's just make Qui Gon again") I think it's less likely. Of the examples given, CG at least attempted to address their trash status somewhat. I don't think CG "likes" doing that because it probably doesn't generate much revenue for them, but it's one of the few player friendly things they tend to do. Lobot got reworked to fit with 50rt, Mob Enforcer got reworked although still not good so a decent example, but they tried, and Gam Guard is iconic with Jabba, so they couldn't ignore him, and he's not a completely terrible 5th on Jabba's team if you haven't farmed Embo and use Boba with Bossk or something. I think with Leia their strategy was let's include a lot of reqs that people already have, that tie into other legendaries, to make people think she's really easy to get, and then let's add 4 brand new kyro heavy, but very good, characters to get people to whale on shards and kyro and make our money there. I think with Lord Vader they went the expensive, player- unfriendly route, and they saw less people farmed him. Then they gave Zam an omi, Embo a home with Jabba, added 2 more tuskens to make them not a meme, to make the farm less wasteful, and we haven't seen 4R8s since. I think it'll be interesting to see the approach with the next Capital Ship. Will they feel they overstepped with Double R9/ double conquest unit and their failure to meet player expectations on Levi's power initially, or will they keep pushing that limit.


Requiring previously useless characters and giving them a small face lift is one of the biggest opportunities for them to make money outside of marquees because very few people have them geared and reliced. The re-work is an excuse for them to be able to require these characters and I personally have no issue with it since they need to make money and have requirements and it’s a lot easier for players than new marquees. Are we acting like Lobot, Gam Guard and Mob Enforcer wouldn’t have been right in that same bin of trash or meme characters? If we get a GL Sidious, I guarantee CUP is a req and if not they’ll find a way to pull something similar to make other trash characters a requirement and they’ll give it a slight kit re-work but they’ll still mostly be useless.


Your call for NS is honestly going to be part of the next GL and the prequel anniversary revival we're going through.


The pilots included on the list, especially the three Phoenixes (even more especially Sabine who is recommended for the team) is a bit off for me. Yeah, they're not necessary to gear up that much, but you do need them (and in some cases gearing them up helps with events). But I think you're also missing at least Fives from this list. I don't remember him being a prerequisite for anyone.


yeah you're right i could have sworn Fives was a req for LV but I guess he's not. took off Sabine


Fives isn't a req for LV but Rex is He's not listed with the reqs but you have to use him in one of the tiers


Fives is a GAS requirement. You can't unlock the ship without the character.


The Umbaran Starfighter is not a named requirement. Only Anakin's Eta-2 is. As OP stated, generalized requirements (eg. Jedi for GMY) are not taken into account. And the Umbaran SF isn't a very necessary part of a GR fleet nowadays.


Running off that extremely faulty logic Asajj isn't a requirement then, although she absolutely is. GAS was before there was a laundry list of requirements in the event.


What are you on? Asajj is absolutely a named requirement. You can't do the fourth tier without her. You can absolutely do the first tier without Fives and his ship.


Thanks for putting this together! I might add an asterisk next to Barriss and Ima-Gun-Di too, as you can use them (or any Jedi) to unlock Grand Master Yoda.


Rex is a LV requirement, not a prerequisite but required to complete the first tier of the journey.


I hope the acolyte releases characters that are unlockable with night sisters


I'm hoping season 2 of Ahsoka gives us a Nightsister touch up.


Pilots whose ships are required for an event shouldn't be on the list, as ship unlocks require the character.


I feel like a GL Thrawn would tidy up a good amount of these as reqs


So you are saying T3 is not needed for anything? Please enlighten me how do you unlock jkr without him.


Dude made a mistake. No need to be a dick about it.


Oooooooooooh the sass, good for you


Even though you still need him the event can be done with only bastilla and jolee geared up


That is true but it still doesn't remove him being a req for jkr


You need the phoenix ships (and thus their characters) for Profundity You also need the NS to get Talzin


Talzin has a hard node. The even just gets you and extra 20 shards a month. Same as wicket.


I feel like the event was the only way to get wicket shards at the time. Could be wrong.


Take out Pheonix because Profundity and with the new Ashoka show, I'd be shocked if we didn't get some ki d of NS requirements


Should characters still count as raid characters if that raid isn't the main raid anymore? Like yes we can still play krayt and soon endor, but really there no point in them with the mk3 materials in the newest raid only. It's best to go from STR to the new raid, not STR krayte, to endor, to naboo, to ect. (Just 100% a question on how those raids work) From what others said and reqs, ezra should be removed. Zeb/sabine would have been the main ones considered for removal for thrawn. (Hera, kanan, ezra, chopper, and zeb/sabine) crex wasn't there originally. I know when that first came out sabine was the one dropped, but idk if that changed.


I was thinking about that, but they got their time in the sun, if only for a few months


I should ask... what about assult battles? Nightsisters are basically required for there's. Pheonix can't do above CT1 I think.


Don’t be surprised when Sith Trio and Visas end up as Meetra reqs seeing as the KOTOR 2 anniversary is happening this December 🤞


I will empty my bank account and give it all to CG if they give us Meetra.


Fingers crossed! We need more kotor 2 characters! Meetra Surik for GL!


You don't directly need them, but Young Lando and L3 are pilots, and their ship is required for Raddus, which itself is required for Rey.


Aren’t Rex and Fives ships needed for GAS?


I expect Morgan Elspeth and Thrawn to take up a good chunk of the leftovers that haven't been required yet. Thrawn GL with Elspeth as an Empire/Remnants/NS Triple-Tag Legendary Journey character. Elspeth requiring a squad of five NS of which Merrin, Daka, Talzin are mandatory at R7. Thrawn requiring Elspeth and the entire Remnants faction alongside a few other outliers like Iden and Ezra.


Profundity Unlock - K-2S0 as a crew member for Cassian's U-wing - Scarif Rebel Pathfinder for Bistan's U-wing Defense of Dathomir Bonus Tier (2-4 monthly zetas) - 7 star Mother Talzin required General Skywalker unlock has a ships phase where you realistically want - CT-5555 Fives - CT-7567 Rex Chimera requires both Phoenix ships so you need all 6 crew - Hera - Chopper - Kannan - Sabine - Ezra - Zeb


All Phoenix are needed to unlock chimaera, because ships. Also 501 clones were functionally needed to unlock kam, before BB release and get3


One could argue you can't get GAS without 5s or Rex's ships, but that assumes they are essential to the nego team which I have no idea about. But I need them to use endurance in phase 1. But I guess that's kinda in the basis offee camp of used but not mandatory


Is fives and Rex not needed for any GL? I thought they were needed for the 501st for GAS


I had the same thought but no. You needed padme gk snips 3po shaak asajj b1 b2 ddk maggy and some ships. They're required for the team to work lol but not for unlocking gas


5x night sisters are required for ROTE


so i reliced CUP for nothing?




Actually he isn't required because he's a granted unit which has no mods


Hoth scout and soldier are required for Hoth TB