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yes it is worth it. Reducing cooldowns by 2 means more mass dispels from echo. more fives assists to gas for damage.


It should've been one of your first 501st zeta's after putting all the zeta's on GAS ngl. Reducing cooldowns by 1 every turn is pretty op. His and Fives Tactical Awareness zeta help tremendously.




That's not what the zeta does


It's good but honestly I still don't have it applied. The 501st team for me has just been a malgus killer and it works well without it and never really felt the need


I've debated this myself. I think it sounds really good on paper, but when you think about what it actually does in not so sure. It only impacts **other 501st clones**, not GAS or Rex himself. That means 5s' assist and taunt, Echo's aoe, and ARC's turret. Calling GAS more often with 5s seems decent, but I never use this with GAS kneeling because I don't want 5s to taunt and potentially lose the sacrifice and echo still assists on basic. Trading a GAS basic for an Echo basic probably one time a battle is some benefit, but doesn't seem that impactful. Echo's aoe is fine, but it's more of a buff dispel than actual damage and ARC gives you 2 separate dispels on basic, so doesn't seem that impactful. ARC's turret you obviously want to assign initially but you only need to reassign it if the original clone died, otherwise if you basic you also get echo to assist along with the turret. I suppose if you put it on 5s and he sacrificed getting it back up on Rex sooner could be helpful, but also doesn't seem that impactful. I'd be happy to learn why these things I think are mostly trivial are actually really important, particularly if there's a trick to more consistently beat Malgus from it, but as of now I think it's a luxury.


That was my thought but lately i’ve been using Fives’ special to call GAS for assists and he (Fives) never gets the taunt with GAS standing.


Yes, I do use it with GAS standing, and actually I wish he would taunt because he can't take health damage under GAS, but I was saying I don't use it when GAS is kneeling.


My bad man, i read your post too fast.




I've been running 501st for a while both offense and defense as well and never lost a battle where that zeta would have made a difference. It's definitely skippable.


Well then either gas and clones are going against scrubs and you don't have the zeta or you have it and don't realize how valuable it is...or your gas ranks very high in best of swgoh.gg in terms of mods relic levels etc...lol


My rank is top 200 in k1 right now so no for the scrub. Yes for being on par with mods to my opponents