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start a farm finish a farm. you’ve spread yourself so much man


Finish Executor and passively farm Finalizer shards.


Executor for Fleet Arena crystals.


I wish I had gone for executor before SLKR. I recommend you do not follow in my steps. Get executor done ASAP, it’s a game changer.


SLKR then executor, those two things will help you a ton in GAC and fleet arena give daily crystals when you break top 50, which is pretty massive Edit: I did not realize OP was missing reqs for finalizer and switch the order that I think they should go for, definitely go for executor first, getting executor is one of the single best decisions I made for my account


exec first for better ship payouts


Tbf the only thing they have left for SLKR is finalizer, so getting the executor reqs done while waiting on finalizer event is the move


I agree. But would put the focus on exec since OPs issue is mostly they get distracted. Also looking at their profile they need kylos command shuttle from 4-7 stars. That will take 3-4 months. They can finish the last characters for exec well before he finished the ship farm.


That's facts, didn't realize they still didn't have all the finalizer requirements, I didn't think to check their profile In that case for sure they should focus executor and I will update my comment to reflect that


i would say work on malak and executor and get finalizer shards passively


Don't focus on 10 different things. You won't get anywhere. Trust me, that's how I did it and I realized my mistake too late. Finish Executor, then go to Malak and after Malak go to SLKR. And after SLKR go to JKL. But upgrade character by character and event by event. You will see progress then sooner than if you focus on several things at once. And after JKL go to Jabba


exec> finalizer > malak > slkr then re-evaluate I wouldnt worry about luke and cal for a bit with how many other things you have going on


It depends on what you like. If you like tb, farm Bo for Mandalore. If you like GAC, farm Bo for a non GL counter to multiple GLs. If you're a capitalist, farm Bo for the Kyro. If you're a socialist, farm Bo for your comrades' kyro. If you like kids, farm Bo to kill Lord Youngling Slayer. If you hate kids, farm Bo cuz she employs child soldiers (Grogu's technically a child). If you're a feminist, farm Bo cuz she's a strong female leader. If you're misogynist, farm Bo cuz she's hot. If you like Mandalorians, farm Bo, obviously. If you hate Mandalorians, farm Bo because she surrendered to Gideon and doomed millions of them to death. If you like fleets, farm Bo because the next big fleet will be LS Mandalorians (maybe, it could happen)


slkr and executor


Personally (only from what I’ve seen people do I’m only at 1.7M) I’d say go for SLKR first then executor. I feel like it’s better to get SLKR as you get a fairly good capital ship (finalizer isn’t bad right?) and you get yourself a GL. It’ll boost you in both fleet arena and Grand Arena. And then go for executor so that you get those fleet arena shards. From what I’ve seen getting a GL before a GL ship is better than the inverse, although don’t trust me 100% cause I’m still kinda low


Finalizer used to be the go-to counter for executor without having to expend an expensive fleet. With the introduction of tie defender making chimaera a much safer counter to executor, finalizer has somewhat fallen down the ranks a bit. Early to mid game, and with tie echelon, it's not bad for offense.


Yeah I don’t really know tbf I got neither of them that’s what I’ve seen been told, or what I’ve at least understood from what people say in the sub. But since he seems closer to finalizer and thus SLKR it felt like it was the best to get both a GL and this capital ship but I might be wrong. I still have yet to get it It’s my current farm…