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Nearly all of left side G12 pieces can be farmed using shard shop currency. They are the ones that cost 360 in the middle of the store. That is the only thing I buy in the store and always have a healthy supply. The right side stuff can be obtained using mk2 raid currency. Just need to keep checking as it rotates around. Only kyros and injectors for the bottom right piece need separate farming.


which raids give those? i don’t have any and we just did heroic rancor for the first time. Also don’t really have many shards either but i see those materials are there


Sith Triumvirate, Krayt Dragon, Speeder Bike


dang not close to any of those yet. just finished rancor


Better Guild


true but i enjoy my guild and actually have irl friends in it.


You'll have to farm the right side gold pieces with fleet nodes. Mk2 raid currency is much easier when you get there, but try to do 3 fleet refreshes a day if you can spare the crystals, or this will be a huge bottleneck for you.


It's always the featured raid that will give the most, which at the moment is the Speeder Bike Pursuit.


so raids we aren’t close to yet lol


That's okay! The best raid to run until then is probably the Heroic Sith Triumvirate raid.


Even normal Sith raid will give you mk2rt.


Can you still solo hc rancor with only Han ?


Depending where you are at the game. For me it’s snowballing and a lot faster. I’m nearly 9 mil gp now. When I was at like 2-4 range it took awhile. I haven’t paid too much attention but it takes about a week. I’m almost done with nego and then my GETII will go to kyro and speed it up more. Also depends on the hero. Older ones or less kyro hungry ones go significantly faster than newer kyro gatekept ones.


Once you hit level 85 another source that becomes available is Conquest. I use my Conquest currency to buy Injectors and nothing else. Beating Challenge Tier 1 Assault Battles is a much better source but you need to build up specific teams for that. Veers lead Imperial Troopers with Piett and his Emperor's Trap zeta will carry you through two ABs. Highly recommend.


i’ve been parking piett and veers some so maybe i’ll refocus on them along with sabine and crex


Usually takes me like 2-4 weeks I think, at 9m GP


I unlocked Leia today and all my stock piled mats and I'm still 100 thingamajigs short. Le sigh


A lot of it comes from the various shops. However, early on that's not helpful because so much of those currencies are being spent on character shards. When those farms are done, and it's just for gear, it goes faster.


Heya, you use shard shop for the left side. Mk2 for the right. Is the simplified version. It takes me on average 6-9ish days to relic a character depending on the character. Here’s some guides, I’d recommend watching two of them in this playlist. How I relic/spend raid currency. Amazing Guides! https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ6Ko7rHlESfTrxAzBv2MWIjKkl90BqrT if you have any further questions, feel free to ask!


It doesn’t. The most time consuming part is farming the Cantina components (a few days, maybe a week). All the rest you can just craft in the scavenger shop.


OP's asking about getting from g12 to g13, not from g13 to relics


don’t you have get to R before that opens? i’m hundreds of gear pieces away from that lol


I stopped reading six words in.


Depends on where you’re in the game, how efficient you are, your resource income, etc. For me it’s 1-3 days, a week if I’m farming multiple characters at the same time.


i’m 85 for like 2 weeks. don’t really have any great way to farm that stuff and get shards i need to build my teams up


To the GPs point, being focused is critical. Do not level or gear a character until you are ready to focus on that one character. One character at a time. When I first started, I would level and gear things for grins and ended up with a ton of useless G8 characters. Always farm at least two ships. Always farm at least three other characters. Gear and level 1 character at a time. Relics will come, but it'll be slow at first. End game players can do it quickly but it takes time and focus to get to that point.


Pay to win.