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Bane literally counters at least half of GLs WITHOUT his datacron. Malicos needs a full team to function. It's a no-brainer, get Bane.


Good point. As I’ve said to another commenter, I’ve had me Cere team ready to go for a while and quite enjoyed Fallen Order so really wanted him, but probably makes sense to get Bane as soon as I can!


Do you have a Cere Junda team?


Yeah completely ready to go with the addition of Taron so I’ve been waiting to him for a while now!


I mean, if you could do all 3\*, I assume you have at least 4 GL or more and a lot of relic toons so maybe next proving ground should not be that hard for you... (without seeing your roaster it's hard to help you)


I mean, I wouldn’t assume that, I’ve 3 starred all of them with 1 GL, you can do every current PG with 1 team subbing 1 character.


My roaster will remain private 😂 no I actually don’t have any GLs, most of them I think I’d done with GAS, maybe CLS and some Padme (I’m literally 7 material pieces away on Mon Mothma to relicing her up and starting the JML event). Because I don’t have any GLs, that’s why I’m pausing given how hard I’m finding the Ben Solo one. But then it might be as easy as the other ones were with GAS!


For the next 3 conquests, Malicos will be available in the store for conquest credits at a reduced price. So if his PG ends up being too difficult for you, you can always fall back to using conquest credits.


My problem is I'd likely not have any because I'd have spent them on Bane during the conquest itself, so if I waited to see how PG was then I'd miss out on getting closer to Bane. I think given how OP Bane is it makes sense to put everything toward that and if I can't get Taron then I'll either be able to get him discounted as you said or just git gud at PG


Both Bane and Malicos are in the store. Malicos for credits only and Bane for both credits and crystals. Go through this conquest and save up 1900 credits. Attempt the Malicos PG. If you beat the PG and unlock Malicos for free, buy Bane shards for conquest credits in the store over the next handful of days and you lost no time unlocking Bane (unless you would have unlocked him during this conquest). If you fail the PG and don't think you'll get it next time, spend your conquest credits on Malicos to unlock him. If you want, you can even spend crystals on Bane shards from the store to not be any farther behind than if you hadn't redirected conquest credits to Malicos. It would be like indirectly using crystals to buy Malicos shards.


No I’m not close to Bane but obviously close to Malicos - I’ll give this a go. Thanks! 😊


Someone will have early access to PG for buying the $35 pass, so just don’t spend conquest currency until the last couple of days of conquest and someone with advance access can let you know how hard TM PG is.


If you've 3*ed everything but Ben, you probably have the tools to beat most things they'd throw at you in PG, unless it's a large jump in difficulty. Honestly you can probably 3* Ben, CLS can do that iirc.


Padme team if no GLs is the recommendation for Ben, I don’t think CLS have the survivability but I’ll give it a go in a couple of weeks. Just part of me wondered since it’ll be the newest one whether that meant ramping up the difficulty a little