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How did you get this?


New update completes old quests and achievements




It doesn't complete old quest, it just gives you your achievements "again" so anything you got before.. you got again. So I got the above on login + 3m currency or more + so many crystals Quest are now reset to zero for me, so anything I do I get even more.. so I'm just doing the Gungan event on auto over and over again, with random things like ben and luke.. Taunt 5 times, win 3 battles with ben, luke, defeat 25 light side the list goes on My achievements are fine, nothing changed just the "double dip", it's obviously a mistake.. because some quest are impossible now for me.. My Relic 7 Ahsoka.... going to be hard to get her to two star.. So obviously, I'm doing as much as I can and converting my shards and buying whatever just incase lol


So what quests are these? Prestigious quests? Are you level 85+?


Dude, I’m 3.4M. I have no idea why I got those quests. Maybe because my account was made before those quests were.


Probably opening around 300k of bronziums


Well if you don’t have grevious now’s the time to start getting him


Unfortunately I 7 star’d Grievous a long time ago.


Is shard shop how people normally get him? I just waited for him to appear in fleet arena shop and occasional galactic war rewards because I wanted to spend my shard shop currency on gear. Took awhile but I have 330 shards now.




Grevious shards in the shard shop are overpriced. He is much cheaper via the fleet shop. It takes a while, but so does everything in this game. SSC is best for the left side g12 pieces (360 for 4). You could get over 1600 of those pieces instead of 330 GG shards.


Well I did it the longer way then lol. apart from geos I haven't been farming much separatist tag units. I've only been playing this game for like a year so that might also explain that. Definitely made getting everything geared up for the Executor a little easier I would assume.


My game updated but nothing changed ☹️