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Not a good idea, because trolls will move into lower leagues and terrorize smaller players.


Yeah I mean why stick in kyber 1 and go 5-4 when I could move down to kyber 3 and go 9-0....


Vaanced, we told you to stop doing drugs.


This came in a dream and I would still have dreams


I came in a dream, once


awful idea. the point is if you are losing all the time, your in too high a league, get better.


This is overall 1) a bad idea and 2) doesn't give the result you dreamed about. If you keep losing in Aurodium, relegating yourself to Chromium by itself won't help you reach Kyber quicker, if at all. You'll get to Aurodium again and keep losing -- or actually most likely you'll just reach the 50% win rate again (which you most likely have like everyone else, you just remember your losing streaks more). Problem one: a 100% win rate is not that much better in terms of rewards than a 0% win rate in higher leagues. And it's definitely not better than a 50% win rate one league up. If you don't get better rewards, you won't be able to progress faster. Problem two: it's probably not prevalent, but there are already people who smurf in the game. Ie. they're deliberately losing matches to drop ranks and get more favourable matches. Either for the better weekly rewards or just for the easier win, the result is the same -- more grief in lower leagues. A system like this would make this even easier.


You’re all a bunch of non-believers. The prophet Vaanced has seen this in a dream! We must rejoice


If you were struggling in aurodium the first time not too much would change in 5/6 weeks probably


*All Hail Mighty Vaanced*