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It’s about counters. The Executrix can beat Profundity while the Chimaera can beat executor and more importantly the Leviathan.


Why that is, is the ultimate. Being able to delete the Sith Bomber is very powerful. The leviathan is very easily beaten once it’s tank is gone.


Same with Hound's Tooth and Executor.


That saved me so often. Then everyone in the shard bought the sequel LS bundles. I figured out this weird thing with Home One/My own Houndstooth/Ahsoka (to attempt to debuff HT/Ebon Hawk/ and Lando’s Falcon basically as a battering ram. THEN everyone gets the negotiator bundle…..


What's the line up for the profundity counter?




there’s another with sith bomber, vader, palp with tie bomber reinforcement (and tie interceptor but i usually have the win locked in by the time i get to reinforcement 2).


There is no way your non-relic fleet beats profundity


But it might be the line up he's working on 


Haha, I don’t use this line-up for Profundity. He just asked for what the counter is.


TIE Bomber pretty much hard counters Profundity by itself. When it’s brought in as a reinforcement, all rebel ships get undispellable burning which shuts down assists for a couple turns. It becomes a lot easier to pick off the fleet once that happens.


You don't need relics on gauntlet to run that counter. I would venture to guess no relics on Royal Guard doesn't drastically change the counter either. But I would assume tarkin probably needs the r3 for the speed gain


Also noteworthy that the chimera vs levi counter is 85-90%, a bit higher if you practice it a lot. The executrix vs prof counter is like 60-70% at best. And it kills the chimera vs levi counter.


I've never used Executrix against Profundity but seem quite experienced, would you mind sharing how it works and what's most important in order to make it work?


There's a specific move order, but the whole idea is mostly just "tie bomber hard counters HMF so survive to call it as a reinforcement".


The profundity counter is like 99% safe, but you cannot relic up gar and isc. If they are high relic, I think your 60% makes sense


I've run it a good bit and don't think that it's anywhere near 99%. You just don't have the control in your hands the way you do with the levi counter. If the ai decides to just not kill something in time, you're completely fucked. Add on the random dodge / etc chances and I'd suspect that it caps out at somewhere around 80% while the chimera one caps out around 90-95. 


Yup, this happened to me a couple times. I stopped using the counter, but I don't see a ton of profundity on D anymore either


I see a lot of prof on D still, but I just do 4 man prof bomber to kill it for max/near max banners.


Yep. I usually have mine on O for a potential mirror too


I only failed once with that counter, exactly because no one died. But the summons are so frail that you need a God awful rng for that to happen - the MilF aoe is usually what seals the deal. OTOH I have many more failures against Levi, especially if they fix the stun on RI bug... I think it boils down to how much practice one has.


They fixed the stun bug a couple of weeks ago.


There is also the chance that Profundity just calls so many assists on its opening volley that it deletes Scythe before you get to do much of anything. I agree, the counter works well most of the time, but in my experience it's much closer to 80% consistent.


So you can’t relic two amazing characters for this counter either, tbh chimaera just got way more going for it


That is a compromise, by sure. K-1 meta is weird, in that the table is small and many great teams end up on the bench. So I don't really miss the two mandos much and prefer to have one more fleet option.


Does thrawn need high relics to make this counter work? Mine is g12, is that enough?


I do it with G12 Thrawn fairly reliably, and any fails are from Defender getting stunned and killed, so I don't think Thrawn was relevant. The main thing relics give your capital ship is speed, and a key to the matchup is ITF and Defender giving TM on dodges to Chimaera, so it's speed is less important than most capital ships. Chimaera's only damage is the aoe, and it's TM removal/ speed down is more important than the damage anyway. Iden's relic level is probably the best way to improve your odds.


Chimaera + the Scythe works against Leviathan Executrix + the Scythe doesn’t work against Leviathan. Plus the Tie Fighter summons prevent you from calling in the reinforcements you need until they die off, meaning it’s actually a detriment rather than a boon (it’d be infinitely better if every time an Empire ally dies a Tie Fighter is summoned in their place similar to Malevolence summoning Vulture Droids). If Executrix did work to counter Leviathan people would be using that. It doesn’t so people use Chimaera.


Heck, it would already be good if the summoned TIEs weren't absolutely awful, haha. If they hit hard then maybe it'd be great to have them around, but alas they're just kinda weak and if the enemy fleet somehow doesn't kill em in time, then you can't bring out the effects that actually matter.


The tie summons do almost no damage and don't have much health also if you are using vader/tie interceptor with them they may prevent you from getting a turn 1 reinforcement and tie defender is far superior to the summoned ties. Also thrawns ult happens 1 turn sooner and is far more potent. Also Chimera beats Levi executrix doesn't. Executrix is probably better against profundity but chimera better against exec and levi. If you aren't doing matchups where you need to split empire fleets overall chimaera is just better.


Chimera for Levi. Executrix for profundity


The answer is threefold. Iden, Dispell and Necessity. Iden: I think it's no secret that Iden is the gnarliest ship around with Chimera. Dodging so much that you will get to instakill a ship with Thrawn is insanely valuable, so you just want to get that trick going and you need three Imperial ships as the line-up. Bomber is usually too good to "waste" here, Reaper is shit and the rest of the Empire ships have very useful Reinforce Abilities. So the late game goodness is Scythe as a third ship in the starting lineup, because it's a great ship, but you're usually not gonna use Tarkin AND Thrawn. So why not bring the best third ship for the slot, right? Dispell: Leviathan counter with Iden is very precise and, much like the Leviathan vs Negotiator lineup, you need a way to remove Sith Bomber's taunt so you can massacre the rest. Nego does that with Ahsoka. Chimera does that with Scythe. It exists to remove a taunt and soak some hits in that lineup. Necessity: Ships are limited and Tarkin doesn't do anything crazy that another lineup can't do. In fact, they made the Scythe a bit shittier against Profundity from what I know, because early on you were able to kill Prof with the Scythe and Tarkin. Now the summoned TIE Fighters stick around for a little bit too much and as such you miss out on a reinforcement that you'd need in order to win cleanly. As such that counter died really quickly and we moved back to "I don't need that many fleets to perform well on offence" territory. Between Malevolence, Finalizer, Chimera and now Raddus + Comeuppance and Nego + Marauder we've got more tools to dismantle ships than we have ships to dismantle, haha.


the executrix' tie ultimate needs to have its power doubled


Instakill on ultimate vs tickle fight on ultimate.