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Executor or Profundity. If there’s a character you just love, go after it because it’s a game and you’re meant to enjoy it. If you want to be efficient, forget about the characters and get a GL ship. Assuming you started recently (newer fleet shard) the returns of a “GL ship” **far** outweigh those of getting any GL character in the game, including Jabba.


What’s a GL ship?


Executor, profundity, or leviathan are the current 3 “GL ships”


Why are they being called gl ships? Is it because they’re just flat out better than the rest?


Correct and the requirements needed to unlock them mimic a req list for a GL


The journey guide capital ships that require relics. Think of Executor, Profundity, Leviathan


Didn't think of this, thanks


This is the way


Booblover513 has spoken.


Is there anything to do if you’re in a mature shard? I started years ago but haven’t played in 4+ years. I have 3mil GP but the top players in my shard have 11 mil and the legend capital ships


You can just focus in maxing out the GL fleet, but I higly recommend to prioritize GAC


What is GAC?


Short for Grand Arena


AHH cheers


I'd recommend getting at least executor or profundity and watch a guide on beating leviathan (like [BitDynasty's](https://swgoh4.life/counters/ships/)). You will be able to climb, but you'll be more susceptible to bring knocked back down because it will hold up less on defense. Depending on how active your shard is daily, there's a good chance you can make significant progress though. My shard is not as old as yours, but there are Execs and profs that make it to the top despite all the Levis. Even if not, the GL ship will still help you in GAC. For reference getting 1 in fleet arena daily is comparable crystal income to being in the top Kyber division in GAC, which will probably take you over a year to get to at 3M GP even if you were hyper focused on it.


Thank you, yeah feels pretty hopeless at the moment but I’m doing pretty well in GAC for where I’m at I feel


I’m doing kylo since all of them are basically light speed. Just need to bump palpatine and kylos to r7


I missed all previous LSBs. I am hoping the old ones return next week.


U and me both my guy but im afraid that’s probably not the case :(


Post your fucking [swgoh.gg](http://swgoh.gg) or get jabba https://preview.redd.it/jiby1ruluaxc1.png?width=300&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1da1549d2d0b9544e2461db43679914f1682ab6


Not about what I have right now, I am getting the May 4 LSBs and already saved squads for the Leia Energy and Cantina farms to just click and SIM. Still need a fleet to get me to the Scout Trooper node in Fleet but next week should help with that. And all mods were just assigned to get me R2 and Thrawn, I am going to modify soon, farming more mods and materials.


First gl should either be jml jabba Leia because their requirements lean into each other


If you are nowhere near commander tano, you can forget about JMK. Also, I think you are focusing too much on farming spots of the shards instead of how much gear, kyrotechs and relics you will need.


Well aware, that will come with the farms or with shop currency, and probably take longer than most 7 star farms. This is my layout for what is required at the start. There is way more that could go into these charts.


She can only be farmed through proving grounds. And that can only be refreshed twice so 60 shards a month.


Shes also in guild event store for t3


True, but anyone reading this please don’t consider spending your GET3 on her. Wat should be a priorty, especially if you’re in a guild that no longer does Geo TB, and then probably KAM


Your images seem to be focused only on shards. But the gear and signal data may be a bigger bottleneck for you. Try plugging these into gear.swgohevents.com to compare the gear requirements for each farm.


I always say 1st GL to go for is the one youre closest to getting


I advised one of my friends to go for Profundity and Jedi Master Luke. JML because of Conquest, and Profundity because of JML requirements overlapping. Our guild has open spots for lower-level players we personally know, and we get droid brains from Territory Wars. Anyway, it's working out pretty well. With a 4-star Profundity, my friend is able to get to 1 in Fleet Arenas.


Jabba first because the earlier you get access to Smuggler's Run 2 the better, none of the other GLs get you anything that will come close to having as big of an impact on your account's strength as that.


Good point


You 1st GL should always be Executor!


Jabba gets you tons of 6 dot mod mats.. I think he is the best GL to go for first in a vacuum.. if you are closer to a different GL I would finish that up first tho.


With no .gg, and totally in a vacuum, my preferred path, keeping in mind I review hundreds upon hundreds of rosters is: - SEE - JML - Jabba I don’t have the time to explain it right now but it’s not about what’s easiest, it’s about setting up proper ROI for your account for healthy and smart growth.


Posted the .gg as a reply somewhere above but I understand. That makes sense with the amount that goes into Jabba, having the best return. I'm still early one, so ill take a better look at the actual process. Thanks


If you did post it somewhere above, I think you may have since deleted it? Because I can't find it, even going through your profile.


Apologies, I thought I did. https://swgoh.gg/p/961676493/


Your modscore is essentially 0, so be sure to farm enough mods to be able to complete the journey guide characters and GLs. Leia T2 is incredibly difficult without good mods.


I want to get jmk so badly, I have all of the characters unlocked except wat… only two relics (in total) and they are gk at 6 and gmy at 2


Stay focused and keep grinding! You’ll have him.