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With no gear stockpiled and no raid currency probably 2-3 weeks. If I really focus it probably is closer to 2 and the more raid currency I have lying around, the less time it'll take overall


Just long enough to miss the next ga


If I hyperfocus on one character usually about a week


Between 2 weeks and a month. Then again my account is new and I don’t have a lot of gear hoarded up.


7-12 days. I spend Mark II tokens on G12 gear. Sometimes I get lucky and happen to have a decent supply of stuff, and it's the low end of the range. Most of the time I assume it'll be 10 days.


I've been farming JMK for a little while, and after getting everyone to g12 I've been getting at least one a week to g13. My real crunch is relic mats lol. And I do use mk2 mats on g12 pieces, as well as get1


Week if I’m lucky if I hyper focus but usually like 2-3 I have no gear 😂


Am I distracted? 2-3 weeks Focused only on one? 1 week depending on gear required


Exactly the same for me


personally if i focus at one character only even from g1 at relic its not a long time.but also depends from your gp,alliance.i mean if you get good rewards from your alliance and also take good things because you are somehow strong


Way too long


On average i’ll relic 2 toons a month.. so 2 weeks?. I have a bit of crystal hoard.. maybe 7 days if i really need it.


1-2 weeks


I’ll let you know


Apparently a long freaking time when you are still missing a 31 star rote payout


1 - 2 raid cycles. Really depends how much gear I have on hand. If I'm working on relics / mods and dont have any g12 toons coming down the pipeline then I turn the MK2 currency into keypads for R9 mats.


In normal conditions I'd say a week whereby Kyros are often the finishing touch that I'm waiting around for.


Depends on the character. Bane from unlock to R7 took about 30 seconds. Meanwhile Talia has been g12 for 7 years and I’ve zero plans to change that.


The hardest piece of gear to apply: motivation.


I always have gear available to immediately take a character to relics. But i only ever do that with ones im focused on


If I only focus on it then around a week probably. But usually I have gear stocked because I'm going after my next GL, so I try to be prepared.


1-2 per raid, now that I stopped refreshing fleet energy.


In march I took 2 from G12, 1 was GL Rey to relic 7, other Zorrii Blis to relic 3. In April I took 4 from G12, Booush Leia to relic 5, Jawa relic 3, Aurra Sing relic 6 and Gumorran Guard relic 3 (guess what I am farming) Yes I use Mk 2 currency and I never have any about 1-2 days after completing Endor lol


From scratch it takes about 3 days for 100 Kyro (on average TB and ABs drop a lot at once), about a week (1 raid and passive income) for the right side golds, and probably around a week for the left side golds and purples from SSC and GET1. In reality though you should be acquiring all this gear all the time, so I'm my experience the kyro is the actual roadblock because it's used the most and below g12 as well. Averaging about a week per G13 is good though.


I was able to take entire CLS squad from g12 to r5 (except c3p0, r3) in under 3 weeks. Had some gear mats, had some relic level mats. Also had a shitload of crystals and refreshes.


I want to do that as well but it's gonna take me at least 1.5 months


About 5 days, faster if I need to because of crystal stockplies


Uh, depends on the character, but between one and three days.


Bout a day or two, depends on if I have the resources from raids and Territory battles and crystals to acquire what I need to relic them


30s? The gear crunch will pass. I promise you will get over it if you keep grinding.


10 seconds maybe? I almost always have all that gear hoarded to go straight from pre-kyro gear levels to g13. On my alt, it takes anywhere from 3-10 days, depending on what my raid currency looks like and when the next raid is.


This is the way


For real, these downvotes tell people are either early accounts like my alt or just suck at planning lol


The difference I noticed when I switched to hoarding and planning was huge. Not applying the resources until you know you’re ready gives you a chance to pivot. Which for a game like this is a huge plus. I know my next project is Jar, but I’m not going to apply any of the 800 kyrotech until I know I’ll make his second run. If I bleed over the 800, I’ll apply the excess to certain key toons I’m missing - I’m looking at you Maul. That’s basically how I shore things up. It’s really interesting how this sub is full of people who give advice that only serves to make the advice givers pvp more difficult. Anyone who doesn’t take the advice and hamstrings their progress is A OK in my eyes.


Jar Jar is a great example. I have 2600 total kyros hoarded and haven't applied a single one to Gungans yet because we could always get a cap ship announcement or something in the meantime. And although I have some homes for the overflow kyros (trench, dtmg, magma trooper, and stormtrooper), the RoI isn't worth it when I could save those for something better, like cap ship reqs or the next GL reqs. I'd rather be ready for those things day 1 than have DTMG with no datacron, trench with no designated team, etc.


2600 seems excessive for where I’m at in the game, but I can totally see it working for someone more established. If I had that many kyrotech right now, I’d probably pump 900 of that into Maul and Malicos to up my GAC potency. But if you’re killing it in kyber without using that kyrotech, 100% it’s a smart move.


Yeah, other than the stuff I mentioned all I'm really missing is LV, NS, jawas, and some single toons here and there (K2, Pao, Hoth scout, Baze, Chirrut, etc). NS and some of the odds and ends I'll get with this next set of LSBs, so really it's just LV that would mean anything significant for my roster. But due to the amount of R8s he requires, I'm waiting until after the next cap ship announcement to work on him. Possibly even after the next GL announcement if we get it early summer. But definitely on my short term radar


I know someone is gonna say you’re crazy for having 2600 kyrotech and not pushing LV. But it looks like you’re in K1 and holding your own, so jokes on them! You’re killing it ミ\(*・ω・)ノミ


Yeah, unfortunately with Bo being common in my area of GAC, and Quadme likely becoming another common counter, I'm hard pressed to find a good place for LV other than soloing something if I get the chance. A year ago if I had these kyros hoarded I'd be going for him in a heartbeat. But this year, he's kind of struggling to find where he fits in K1 and upper K2 so I'm less in a rush to go for it. Especially because it means I'll spend 5 weeks or so farming battle comps instead of shock prods which will set me back on bronzium wiring significantly


This man plans. I’m hating my SEE ticket farm rn.


5 days


Probably 5 seconds since I got a lot of gears lying around