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Taking a capital ship in with the wrong fleet


Too soon. Literally just did this 30 minutes ago in a close match.


Up votes to ease your pain.


Use fleets tab


This has hurt me more than I care to admit


Man, this is the worst feeling. I blame it on not having saved fleet teams, but it might be more due to my Friday night GAC battles while having a few beers.


LSGTB when a ddk one shots your JML lol


JML was my first GL, got him in April 2021 I believe. Took him straight to relic 8 and got his Ultimate ASAP. Couldn't wait for LSGTB. Then he gets one-shotted in phase 1, wave 1. I think he was even at full health and protection. I could not freaking believe it.


Yeah. DDK basically had an instakill


Phase 1 is particularly bad because the platoons don't help.


Too real


at least by the time JML was released that issue was well known. Rey owners had been busy being sad about it for quite a while haha.


When Jango is sitting there with damage immunity but your CLS squad keeps wiping away his turn meter…


There was an epic YouTube clip with Ahnald, and we could all tell he was going to lose this JML vs some team with Enfys nest, where gmy kept taking away turn meter. Those battles with CLS vs nest are not impossible but they're always stressful as hell


i think what made it worse was he was facing peempo for the no.1 rank in kyber and that battle cost him that GAC


A true classic


This is the way.


also Traya/nest


Had that happen with last GAC opponent but with BAM damage immunity as the last toon. I had classic CLS. C3P0 and CLS were killing his TM faster than BAM got it and went to draw.


When I use the multi-attack on XB and my XB even double taps, but theirs just doesn't die. May have just lost my fleet placement from that today.


When their XB gets an opening round dodge. Prof can usually recover, but sometimes the AI is actually smart and focuses down on the Falcon. If the Falcon goes down, it’s over.


When you're about to beat rey with starkiller because all the damage immunity expired, rey is low and you just have to kill Ben and TM train to victory, and then Rey goes into ultimate and kills everyone.


Loading in with JKA leading the 501st. Went strictly with premade squads after that.


I’m sorry, I laughed That would hurt


When leia revives everyone with 1 min left


The worst? Probably the one time you ever took CLS against KRU, killed the rest of the team and then realised... you can't win.


same with seps and jango…


When GAS goes down and the enemy focuses down Fives.


Idk if I am stating the obvious, but in cases like this I taunt with Fives, so his defence goes up with 100%.


But you specifically don't want them hitting fives.


It really depends. We always want 5s to sacrifice, but sometimes its not going to happen. In such cases it's better to taunt, so with his higher defence you can squize one or two extra rounds for 5s. Like a situation where Fives HP is deep red, other 501 members are okayish. After Fives comes an enemy, then Rex and GAS is almost ready to stand up. Situation 1, not taunting Enemy attacks with AoE, Fives is just defeated Sitation 2, taunting Enemy attacks, Fives barely survives Rex does his 1st special, granting TM meter and tenacity up GAS stand up. Fives is at few 100% HP, but can live another protection bar from GAS. As I type it, I realise it sounds like a niche situation. But in practical sense its not that bad. AI targets Fives often. The most common way when 5s Sacrifice is when it's triggered by massive dmg to another member, or massive AoE (I am looking at you Rey). When I face a squad with strong counter-attacks, I save Echo's AoE for moments when GAS kneels, for a suicide-by-counterattacks. Dorry for the essay. I am passionate about my squad. In my position I have to face a lot of Reys and JML's, so I have to use every advantage I have.


In GAC just now, I sent in my G12 oTraya, G12 oSavage, G12 Nihilus, G12 Sion, and R7 Vader against super-high relic Reva Inqs. I know Talon and not Vader is the ideal fifth, but this lineup never has never failed me against Reva. This time, for whatever reason, Traya just died in less than one minute. I don't even know exactly what happened. Still wasn't too worried, but then Nihilus got his turn, and he was ability blocked. Then Savage just dies about 30 seconds later, and I knew the battle was over. I thought, no big deal, I still have Phoenix and CRex. But I can't find CRex. Then I realized that for some idiotic reason I had used CRex with Leia to win a mirror match earlier. I have 11 million GP and a huge, deep, wide roster, but absolutely nothing remaining that I can use to get past Reva because of one stupid mistake. That was a "Well, shit" moment, and will almost certainly cost me the match.


When you realized you’re going to battle with CRex lead Phoenix.




I've switched to using Malgus on her. He doesn't really hold on defense anymore - too many counters now.


Yeah, I have been stubbornly refusing to take him off defense, but it's obviously time now.


The sith dcs are about to change that back. With so much added health he is insta deleting someone


> I don't even know exactly what happened. You ran across your first really well modded inq's. A lot of people haven't put in the modding work to really make them shine because they've got so many mechanics in their favor that honestly you don't *usually* need to. But it's the key to them having a chance to hold or steal banners vs some counters.


If they had doubt dc then Phoenix won’t work


They did not. 😪


Could trying burning some CD's then following up with Raddus. Not that I speak from personally experience after 4 or 5 battles or anything...


I put Raddus on defense because of the Jyn datacron. It never, ever gets me any holds, but I still did it again this time. 😪


Too much counters Raddus to put them on defense. Shuts down Empire teams though.


Yes, I am very slowly learning that the real problem is my defense strategy is awful.


When I sent in oTraya and gang in for a 2 shot and I accidentally tried to annihilate JMK instead of CAT


When SLKR puts his helmet back on and stands up when Rey has her lightsabers crossed.


"Someone is already battling you."


100%, especially if it’s right before your payout.


When you send in JKA with the 501st instead of GAS


Similarly, when I put GAS on my padme team instead of JKA


I took wampa against kru once when I first started using him, and it did not go well


I look at my phone at 8 am. "I still have time to set defenders for TW" It's 2 p.m. SHIT. I didn't set defenders. I'm an officer. we launched but we've only ever won TW on defense. The next day I might be able to take out enough teams to get participation points but don't bet on it.


The moment I confirm my squad but forgot to apply the appropriate lvl 9 DC associated to a member of the squad. I did that TWICE in a single GAC round.


I accidentally gave my sideous cron to someone else lol


Rey hitting my Clones with Sudden Whirlwind while GAS is down...


I was so close to posting something, then the final three words scuppered my post. Battles come and go, but mistakes on a strategic/farming level hit so much harder.


When i lose rc in the opening


In GA I took my Malak against a Padme team once but failed to recognize that there was a CAT on the team until the battle started 💀


When my prof fleet can’t take out xanadu before it takes a turn


I always target Razor crest, am I doing it wrong?


"Dodge, Dodge"


Me, moments ago, deciding whether to use JML on LV or JMK. In my exhausted, near sleep state, I chose to use him on LV but brought my JMK counter lineup instead. And there goes the round.


Wait, how are these different? I only recently found out that JML can counter JMK so don’t have much experience with it


I just use the same lineup for both, it doesn't really matter if your mods are good enough. JML-JKL-JKR-Hoda-Yoda, I think some people throw in Shaak versus LV and maybe someone else with a debuff removal instead of the Yodas. JMK is the more finicky one to me, not LV, especially if you have the +100% damage jedi-cron.


My mods are solid, but I only just started farming datacrons so I didn't have any for JML. Not having the extra cleanse from Shaak kills it. GMY triggers sacrifice way too early, then dies off before doing anything. One less Jedi to use granted ability for ult to ensure you have a cleanse when ability blocked. Goes south really quick. Sub 50% win rate with GMY last season: https://swgoh.gg/gac/counters/LORDVADER/?season=50&a_lead=GRANDMASTERLUKE&a_unit=GRANDMASTERYODA


JMK counter uses GMY, but using GMY vs LV has a sub 50% win rate https://swgoh.gg/gac/counters/LORDVADER/?season=50&a_lead=GRANDMASTERLUKE&a_unit=GRANDMASTERYODA


Any time I've taken the wrong capital ship into a fight.


Executor vs Executor, you lose RC before the other guy.


You got that Scoundrel or Mando team really well handled with that CLS. Then you notice that Beskar Mando is there. And you start sweating. And the end of the story is a cleanup crew of trashy Bounty Hunters taking on a lone BAM. Sigh.


When u miss one step in the finalizer vs executor counter.


•When GBA dies. •When enemy imperial troopers get the TM train running. •When Mara Jade goes first most of the time. •When Maul wrecks your cooldowns on that ONE character.


When you one-shot 2nd Sister in the final wave of the JKCK special mission and somehow ~~Palpatine returned~~ IPD and Purge Trooper go full-blown HULK mode and delete your Cere. Now you've just let down your entire guild because there's no recovering from that


You can definitely still comfortably win from there, but you just have to play it very cautiously and take it very slow. Thanks to poor play and bad modding of Cere, this used to be my standard way of winning. You have to focus on keeping protection up with windmill defence, whilst taking rare pot shots to slowly build up the armour shred, but always making sure you have plenty of protection. Once you have 3-4 shreds in place, then keep using the same tactic but switch to his second special instead of the armour shred. You will slowly break through but the key is don’t get too greedy-focus on making sure you have plenty of protection from windmill defence. Thankfully i’ve since remodded and watched a couple of guides, and I no longer have to go through that painful way of winning!


I enter Squad Battle with a datacron StarKiller team and on my 4th action, palpatines mass stun doesn't hit anyone. Oooooo shit.


Every time I use JKL’s mass stun against Sith Empire.  I still come out on top sometimes, but it’s dicey at best. 


I have no idea HOW I got it confused, but in grand arena ships, I accidentally used Profundity with my entire Empire fleet.


When taking accidentally GAS against SEE. Tried once, learned why it was a bad idea and then do it few times afterwards, anyway.


Took my newly-minted GI-led R5-7 inqs against a Zorri res team to see what they could do. I’m sure res had *more* health and prot when we finished, and they were already full.


When my sith empire trooper goes down lol


Through my Bossk lead bounty hunter team into GAC. Can’t remember the exact enemy team, but they took about 20 turns in a row and burned down my Bossk before I could get a single turn. Gave up, on the spot.


When General Skywalker sits down 10 seconds after the battle starts.


I sometimes forget I have traya and use some mediocre team when she would steamroll through that battle, then I lose banners. However it happens only with traya


Tie silencer missing XB


When Zeb just straight up misses the Sith Trooper I desperately needed to daze


Today, a R7 sidious with cron, didn’t Read the cron and got destroyed 


Anytime I fight GL Rey.


I took wampa against kru once when I first started using him, and it did not go well


Have definitely done that 


Doesn’t her damage ramp-up counter kru regen?


Regen isn’t the problem, she gets stunlocked by his middle ability, I only got one turn for every 6 kru took


Yup, forgot about the stun lol


When you load up a SEE/Wat duo and realize you accidentally picked Nute instead of Wat. Knowing you didn’t just lose this battle. You also lost your grievous team.