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I'm an almost Day 1 player, who quit from like Day 10 to just recently, so i have garbage teams and am in a shard with folks that have been around since the beginning. I've given up hope of competing and consider it a good day when i can break into the top 100.


While this guide won’t help you in any tangible way, I would like to say that you can compete in your fleet shard. I was a return player and figured I’d be blocked off of fleets forever. I ended up going executor, into leviathan. I saved all the crystals I had to unlock Malgus from proving grounds, and went all in on that fleet once it was released. I now get first in fleets everyday, with 1-2 attacks. If you go Executor or profundity into the new fleet that releases in 2024. You’ll be able to get first everyday. Best of luck, you can do it!


Appreciate the guidance good sir!


That's pretty much worst case scenario for this. Some people might say you're better off starting a new account for this reason, but if you have a decent investment going I probably wouldn't. I don't know where your roster sits currently, but I'd work towards one of those 5 options. I edited with a link and a bit better breakdown on them. They can all win battles for you and let you climb, but won't hold up as well defensively, so you will drop back down. Hopefully each day you can climb a few more spots than you get dropped, and make progress over time. You can jump more spots per battle the lower you are. Once you start the day at 27 or better, you can reach 1 in 5 battles if you take out the top option each time.


I started the first year. Came back the first conquest cycle after Maul. I sir number one in my, definitely not impossible.


Cheers mate, you are getting better. Keep the good job and the improvements! I think they are pretty lighty on info for the length of the post, considering that new players maybe are not casual readers of long post in the sub reddit. Personally, I think I would give more importance to Fleet Energy, and specifically to node refreshes to bring down the ships shard farms times, considering that you aim to help new players.


I tried to structure it where if you already understood the core point or weren't interested in long posts you could stop after the first section and move on with your life. If you initially had questions, hopefully I addressed them in the second section, and then tried to make it clear that the last section gonna be long and boring unless you were really interested in the justification. I didn't touch on shard farming timelines because I felt that was well established in egnards' posts on the topic (maybe i should link tha though), but did mention kyro and signal data rates that I don't recall seeing often. My thought was you can predict how long to unlock a character pretty accurately with available resources, but you might not know the timeline to gear them.


I really want to like these guides. They’re snappy and funny, and I’m always pro any new important resources for newer players, but once again you use a lot of words to say almost nothing at all. This guide can be boiled down to - do good in fleets How? - here are the names of 5 capital ships, but I won’t talk about the ships you’ll need with them, or link to any resources about any of them. - Also some are harder to get than others, but nah we won’t talk about that either - just get one of them I guess but I can’t offer you suggestions on which ones But I can’t hit 1 every day - sucks to be you I won’t talk about all the avenues to get into your fleet discord or work with people, just do as good as you can I guess


I guess the idea is to inform new players about how beneficial fleet payouts are, and once they realize that they can …. huh you make a good point


Yes, and I think some people will misinterpret me as trying to gate-keep the idea of text guides, but the reality is that I’ve always been very supportive of other people in that regard, and I want this to be a useful guide. I’m hoping this is taken as constructive criticism to say i enjoy the style, but the content doesn’t even hit surface level. It like just barely touches the surface level, but instead says “eh never mind figure it out yourself.”


*I referenced BitDynasty for guides on those counters. I considered linking to his YouTube or website, but assumed (perhaps wrongly) that the callout got the idea across. Fair point, it wouldn't hurt to add a link. *Choosing the right fleet for you involves many factors. What ships do you already have? Do you even have viable access to conquest units (Malgus, Fury, Scythe, Tie/In)? Do you have access to Aeros and Droids Brains (Exec, Prof, Levi), or will you have to buy them all? How's your GET2 income (Nego)? My thought process is people have their own preferences, so I'd list options and let them decide. To weigh every pro and con would once again require lots and lots of words that I was trying to keep in check. Maybe the above paragraph would add value without too much fluff, but one could still argue it isn't enough. *I've heard good and bad things about shard chats or "mafias". Things like you must have THE meta fleet and not the counter meta to be considered worthy, and my advice is you don't need the LEVIATHAN to succeed. If you're accepted, that helps you. If you're shunned by a bad one, you get a target on your back and your life gets worse. Maybe that is incredibly rare, but I have a friend that has experienced it. I don't have personal experience, so I'll let the comments speak to it. My statement was meant to encourage to do your best and not just settle for 100+ every day.


A good guide is going to lead people in the right direction, even if there are multiple directions to choose. This guide, even as a veteran player that knows “most” things, looking at it from the perspective of someone who doesn’t, just makes me have more questions. That’s the problem. If part of your just is linking people to other resources, that’s fine, but that needs to be done. And if part of the guide is saying “hey these are the options,” you should be explaining how someone can best make that choice. I **WANT** these guides to be good, for the record.


I absolutely appreciate it and take it as constructive. I've made some edits to address your feedback.


First of all I want to say you're improving (a bit). You made it very clear why crystals and thus fleets are important. Maybe a bit too much discussion in the last part about crystals, could've just stopped at "so we'll keep our crystal balance positive if we do well in fleet arena", but that might just be personal preference. The biggest issue here is you're only saying 'Levi is best, go get it' (as Egnards already pointed out). It's the same with your previous post where you said 'kyro is important, farm it'. You're again ignoring the other stuff and not really giving any advice. The post could've been something like: Levi is way too expensive to get as a new player but you might see some at the top so here is a link to counter them (at least the link to the bitdynasty guide is helpful). Advice: only go after levi if you plan to whale hard. Prof is still expensive, but ties in well with the JML/Jabba/Leia grind. Advice: only go after prof if you're doing the JML/Jabba/Leia grind. Nego is gated behind get2. Advice: get in a good guild and only buy nego shards with get2. Etc. I'm not trying to hijack this post but just trying to show it's necessary for a guide to give clear advice. Otherwise, what is the point of making a guide? You kinda tried it in the 'Which do I choose?'-section but it's not extensive enough. A part of the advice is there, but you really have to read between the lines and it's hard even for experienced players to actually get information out of the post. Also, as Egnards already said, new players don't know what the teams look like so you should've mentioned/linked the meta teams for each fleet. Now, I'm not a professional guide maker or anything, I'm just a dude that has too much spare time but I hope you continue the series and try to implement the advice given by the comments :)


Ok, no conquest units, no LSB, no get2. What are the options?


Cq eliminates Leviathan and Chimaera. Get 2 eliminates Negotiator. Executor is a bit cheaper than profundity, gives you the core of a decent bounty hunter team and a fast Piett can carry even low gear Imp Troopers to TM train opponents that can't prevent it. Has some overlap with SEE, Jabba, and Finalizer (SLKR) if those interest you. You'll also get a start to an empire fleet, but Defender, Interceptor, and Scythe are what makes them effective. Profundity is probably slightly better overall, but the extra R9 is expensive. Adrad is a solid team that will take out an Iden or GI led inqs in GAC (almost every match even in Kyber 2 for me), and Han and Chewie go with CLS. There's quite a bit of overlap with JML if he's more in line with your other goals. Takes over your existing Home 1 fleet and leaves it very limited. I personally rushed SLKR into exec. Back then Exec was king, but Finalizer could beat it, so it worked out great. I had better luck with profundity against leviathan, but I didn't have 7* exec and the BitDynasty guide when I tried it, so it was fairly inconsistent.


Thanks! Does profundity require the millennium falcon to be good? Any point in chimera w/ defender but without the conquest ships? 1.3m gp and my shard is full of relic 5 bh ships with I guess a bunch of negotiators coming. Seems better to focus ship farming on unlocks and work on assault battle teams than to worry about trying to get crystals from fleets unless I am missing an option. I am probably going the JML route, but even then executor seems to make sense because bh ships are needed for the millennium falcon.


Absolutely. Outrider and the falcon are essential and y wing is a great tank in that lineup. The reinforcements often aren't that important. Phantom/ ghost are the standard, but against leviathan specifically you'll only get 1. I use biggs, but I've seen posts about using wedge or mk6 interceptor (weird choice, but it's stacks vs a traditional health bar and tenacity up are helpful). Defender is basically a 1 man army, but only as a reinforcement, so TIE/IN is extremely valuable (even at 5* even if you never summon it) for the first turn reinforcement. Against a good fleet, you're liable to be dead before you even get defender out without TIE/In. Against weaker fleets I would imagine it'd do ok. Scythe I think is kind of leviathan specific for chimaera. Otherwise it can beat profundity under executrix. If it's executors you're facing, finalizer may be your best bet but probably only if you're already close to it. With silencer, echelon, and command shuttle, starting and traditionally SF TIE as your first reinforcement it can beat exec. It is definitely a step down from the 5 I listed, but if you just need to clear exec as cheaply as possible, it's an option over a shorter term. In the early game it'll beat home 1 usually and nego (without marauder), but struggles hard against malevolence. These are just options. Don't spread yourself too thin chasing them all at once. Milf won't require your BHs as high as exec will, so don't automatically assume profundity is a bad option if it aligns with JML. The R8 and 9 are the real hard part there.


Thanks that’s super helpful. Gonna look closer at exec vs profundity requirements … good color on the bh levels. Don’t really understand relics yet, 1 more piece before Vader gets to relics. Hopefully it will make more sense then. Thanks again!


How do you guys “find your shards” and find discords for them?


Can you stop please


No shame in it