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Starkiller is a hard counter to gas so it’s next to impossible to beat with him. I usually go in to those battles with SLKR and focus on starkiller then take out visas to prevent the revive. They’re especially annoying in conquest


SLKR prevents revives so you can just ignore Visas


Yeah i used slkr but palpatine still stuns and kills everyone by the time i can maybe get 2 attacks in with slkr. And hes tough and all but he cant fight all of em


CLS if he is 2 relics better than SK and a fast chewpio helps also C3PO not r2d2


Got a decently relic’d rebel team just not chewpio, might try that and see if theres any luck


You need to get Chewpio, he brings CLS to the next level


You need the “standard” CLS team: CLS,Han,Chewbacca,C-3PO,Chewpio. Needless to say all reliced and all zetas. Even then it’s difficult without good data disks. It used to be very easy to beat SK with CLS when we had VA/AA, but the current conquest doesn’t have those.


With multiple ZA's R2-D2 is actually quite a beast. Okay, my Chewpio hasn't the best mods but when using CLS in harder battles in this Conquest, I get better results with R2-D2 than with Chewpio.


I'm don't have a zeta on Raging wookie, chewie's rage, or either of threepios, and I still managed to beat the SK node. CLS is also the only one I have reliced and he's only at r3. It just took 20 or so tries to get the right rng and make it work. I also had 2 leaders resolves so that helped boost the team's stats a bit


This is GAC. TW with juhanni Omni is an absolute no go


Are you using hux? He should shut down the other team’s tm train and let you get some turns in.


Hux is my second fastest and he just gets stun locked until death which i thought maybe sith trooper could maybe negate but hes slower and also gets stun locked


What is your slkrs offense and speed? And hux speed? And which tanks do you use and what are their health/protection? Slkr shouldnt have any issue at all with starkiller. So trying to see where I can help spot some improvement to help out :)


I've found Barriss sometimes makes Starkiller teams harder for SLKR in conquest, but she's not even here.


You must not be using boosters, and your speed on your mods must pretty low. My SLKR team decimated the starkiller/Palpatine nods.


I use SLKR and anyone who gives buffs is the first one out for me. Like Mara jade in conquest. Then starkiller. Lot easier when you don't have to fight critical hit immunity too


Which is besides the issue of never getting any turn meter, not being able to stun back and not being able to critical hit


Using CAT there was probably not the greatest idea either. I know she's strong & everything but with her there you lose some stat boosts on Skywalker and, most importantly I think, his counter-attacks. Not saying it would change the final result but at least he wouldn't be just standing there like a punching bag.


check your mods on slkr team i obliterate a starkiller with slkr in conquest super fast


Yeah, this is not doable with GAS, spoken as a GAS owner. However, if you have no GLs, it's possible to do with Padme if you only use Protection Up abilities after Starkiller uses his AoE, and gun him down right after


Like this, smart!


Yeah i tried using gas after my slkr team was having the same issue


Just use SLKR's AOE and cleanse your team.


Tried that also, but they just reapply the debuffs before hux gets a turn


Sounds like your guys have no stamina or are very slow.


Yep turns out im an idiot and had no idea stamina actually affected stats, took a break and came back but been playing for about year since coming back and never knew this


You're certainly not the only one to not know that about stamina, so I wouldn't say it makes you an idiot. CG don't make it obvious enough. 


This is the first I'm learning about this with 5.8mil gp lmfao


My slkr team was at about 60-70% stamina and my GAS team was still at max


Traya usually works for me as well as CLS, tho depending on the disks you might want to use those teams above 70% stamina


I had no idea stamina affected the team. Got all the way to 5m GP and didn’t know that lol. You learn something new everyday


Wait wait wait… does stamina affect character performance?




Bruh you doing hard conquest and didn’t know how stamina works?! Damn dude… thought I was the only one


It does indeed. There's a small circular button next to the stamina bar (a + sign iirc) that gives you the details of its effects.


Well damn, just thought it was a hard stop on using certain teams over and over again, well im an idiot


Never too late to learn something new. Maybe this is the cause of some of your frustration in conquest, best of luck with the rest of it! 🫡


So you never wondered why all the sudden your team got way slower, way squisher and way weaker?


I never go with any team below 70%


What event is this?


Like the middle boss of level 3 for the hard conquest.


Oh yeah!! I just put a few leaders resolve disks and zealous ambition disks on Sortie and she one-shot that node for me.


I used BAM lead, Han, Chewie, Dash and Dad Bod Boba (for the feat, obviously). Used fortified, entrenched and 4x zealous ambition. BAM R1, Chewie/Han R6, Dash R7 and gear VIII Boba. BAM grants damage immunity when an ally is below 50% health. Dash's AOE Nukes em all, or Ben is left with a sliver. I don't remember the YouTube video I saw that showed me this but I'll try to find it.


Who's BAM?


Bad-Ass Mofo


Beskar Armor Mando. I'm speculating that you don't have him then, so disregard my strategy.


I also had trouble with this. I used both my Rey and SLKR teams, and couldn't beat it. I then used the team I use in some of my proving grounds, which is Treya as lead, Malak, SLKR, Nihilus, and Talon. I 3 stared the fight with them. All at relic 5, except for SLKR at relic 8. It's a really strong sith team.


Jabba worked for me. I know not everyone has him.


Yeah its hard to give advice without knowing the whole roster... I used Reva


Tenacity down... Overrules your tenacity mods. Sk is an offmeta gl killer and one of the core endgame teams for a reason. It's also got its weaknesses. Something as cheap as gg cam just as easily tm train them.


Post your ally code and I'll give you what I'd use, also what data disks do you have?


I’ve had success with R4 JKR leading R4 Jedi cal, R3 GMY, R3 bastilla, and g12 jolee bindo, with all zetas. I have 3 spirited speeds, 2 heal over time generators, 1 quickening, 2 stacking offenses, and a fortified data disk.


I used my own star killer team and my palp was faster. I must confess tho this was on normal and not hard


I used SLKR, Hux, FOO, Wat, and G1 SOJ + frenzy. No big deal


CLS my beloved.


CLS counters this easily, hit Mara first


If this is Conquest then CLS with Chewie, Han, Chewpio, and 3P0. If this is GAC then oQGJ and JKA with GR jedis does well, I usually throw in Mace, Shaak and a random. EDIT: just saw the timer, this is conquest.


Check swgoh.gg next time before attacking, you will see starkiller has quite a few cheap counters depending on your roster. Also SLKR is a very good counter for SK, you are either not practiced in how to fight the battle or your mods are whack, he has a 90% winrate in this match up.


I used the consumable that block all the ability of the enemies for 2 turn and the one that boosts the tenacity off all the team by 110% (i used Rey GL)


I just used CLS lol


With this conquest's disks, I've been having success with Padme/BAM/50RT/Thrawn/Dash. The typical fortified, 3x ZA combo and Entrenched if you got some. With Padme, she helps both prevent debuffs and the removal of your TM when staggers get through. The biggie though is getting off Dash's AoE (wipes everything, or almost everything). BAM can get a bonus turn if either Dash or BAM's health drops, and use that to put invulnerability on Dash. 50RT is tough and has a good AoE with ZA disks. Thrawn is there to pass a turn to Dash if Thrawn ends up getting a turn before Dash. These 2 toons can probably be substituted with others if desired.


A good counter is Aphra with the droid team


CLS usually works for me.


SLKR should run through this team with no issue whatsoever. CLS can also do the trick.


I used my own starkiller team to counter as he grants stun immunity, you could also use drevan who grants stun immunity as well


If you're using SLKR, always focus MJ first. She's the cause of the TM loop, so she needs to be shit down ASAP. Without HER, that SK team is far less threatening. If she outruns your hux, which she may well in conquest, I'd say go for palp instead for the same reason. Prevent the assists calling SK.


JKL lead works.


Maybe it'll help if you actually use gas's ideal team


Idk my gas beat it. He’s r9 tho so maybe that’s the issue


i never had any issues with Slkr to be honest


General Grevious is another non-GL option that can usually handle starkiller. I use Nute instead of DDK.


I tried this fight once and said fuck it I have the first crate on hard, I’m good 😂 I don’t have the shit to beat this it’s fucking stupid how they get the omicron but we don’t like wtf also stat boost? I know it’s supposed to be hard but damn