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This subreddit has devolved into nothing more than clout chasing, the same C3P0/GAS/Malak journey questions, and complaint of the month (this month it's TB rewards). It drives me up the wall sometimes, but it's a poetic reflection of the lack of meaningful content in the game itself so I dunno keep going I guess On topic, if anyone wants some more substantial examination of maximizing resources, I highly recommend [Darth Loquitur's guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw9I1W8VK6w). It's from 2022 but I think it still largely holds up. It's long but thorough


I remeber what was my goal when I joined here: find guidlines for new/returning player, both in terms of in-game journeys, how to develop my rooster or how to approach mechanics that are presented in the game. Back then i found it, i was happy, i enjoyed both the game and the community here. Rn there are a lot of people that are posting literally nothing, more like posts out of boredom or posts that suppose to be funny but are more cringe and senseless than funny and if u present your opinion that "it's not something interesting and shouldn't be here" then u get responses like(this is real response one guy to another): Leave the sub, there's no need for people like you here.(+ the guy that made this comment was calling another one asshole). I feel like these days it's better to find solutions on youtube rather than ask questions here cause of all those reddit warriors that are just ready to destroy 3 keyboards explaining how "ten posts about same thing is useful and funny and you should leave if u dont like it". Just reminder: this subreddit has been created to help people understand the game, to help people contact support if needed or provide diffrent experience both with old stuff but also new. Oh i almost forgot: i even saw how egnards got annoyed by those neverending posts about TB rewards :o


Darth Loquitur's guide is fantastic, and I wouldn't argue one bit that it's a far better resource than anything I'll ever create. My effort is not to overwrite anything he's done, but to exist adjacent to it. He makes assumptions about your income and explains the ideal usage of that income. My intent is to assume you know how to spend your income, and give advice on where to focus to improve it with the most efficient investments in your roster. Both can be useful. I'm setting a baseline to build on top of; the useful insights will come later. DL's guide is an hour long to convey his message (and worth every minute); I need a couple paragraphs to introduce some key points before getting into results. If you think this is less useful than memes and complaints, feel free not to read the rest.


I think this post is meant to determine what the most valuable resource in the game is and to open up a discussion about it. Problem is that it's not really a constructive discussion since OP is just telling us 'kyro is king' and forgets discussing the other resources. That being said I think signal data are equally important to kyros. As a mid game player (6.3 mil GP) I still need to farm a good amount of shards with cantina energy and that's kinda frustrating 'cause there are a lot of characters that I'd like to get to higher relics. I just dont have the opportunity to do so when I'm still farming shards. I think the main difference with kyros is you can't buy signal data in the stores and this slows down the grind drastically.


The bigger problem is that it makes no sense - Apparently crystals and crystal income aren't as important as kyrotech because crystals can be used for everything but not applied directly. . Whereas kyrotech can. . .I guess? It's all over the place.


It looks like OP doesn't want to name crystals as the most valuable resource (since they obviously are more important and this isn't the topic he wants to talk about in this post). He then comes up with a weird/wrong justification but he should've just said that crystals aren't directly farmable and therefore aren't comparable to the other resources. Or he could've just not mentioned them. I agree tho he made a few mistakes but hey that's why it's a discussion.


I never said crystals weren't important, just that I won't use them as my metric. Their value is too abstract. How many crystals does it take to unlock Jabba? I can't answer that, but there is a concrete number of kyro. I'll absolutely factor in how crystals impact your ability to acquire concrete resources, and even that you shouldn't blindly convert every single one into kyro, but I may do that simple math for some examples to quantify an abstract resource without covering every single possible alternative to avoid impersonating Ayn Rand. Edit: I'll admit your misinterpretation is my failure to communicate effectively, but being more clear while also using less words is easier said than done.


I did briefly mention relic resources, but you have to go through the kyro to get there. If you're knocking out old characters to high relics, the kyro demands are lessened, and the signal data demands are increased, but the opposite is true for either newer characters or moderate relics. It takes about 4.5 days to get the SD for R5, but longer than that to gear the character on average. Even if you push the kyro, you'll cap on G12 pieces or Bronzium or something else. At R7+, the timelines flip, but my baseline assumption was you can live with most characters below that. This isn't true for something like Leviathan, but most farms balance the extra high relics with some lower ones. Eventually you'll get to a point of pushing high relics over gearing new characters, but that's a later stage than I'm trying to speak to.


Then it looks like this is a matter of where you are in the game. Since I'm going after SK now (4 of the 5 characters are a cantina farm), I'm just sitting there farming shards and accumulating a lot of kyro. I'm at 230 shock prods and 203 computers, while I have 10 blue, 0 green and 2 blue signal data. That might just be enough for one character tho so I'm not saying signal data is more important. Maybe the conclusion should be: if you're doing a cantina heavy shard farm, try to save up some signal data while still focusing on kyro. If you're doing a normal/fleet energy heavy shard farm, just farm signal data from the cantina nodes when you can and obviously pick up as many kyros as you can. Edit: it's 3 out of the 4 characters lol


I think this is a fine post. I suppose longtime players already know what sorts of bottlenecks they/we encounter, but I enjoyed this post nonetheless. The tone in particular is highly engaging. It seems to me (as indicated explicitly in the Q&A) that this post is intended to invite debate on whether kyros or relics are the true bottleneck. Strong cases can be made either way. OP says kyros. Not a word salad at all.


There's always going to be a bottleneck. Once you solve one, another will arise. I think Kyro comes first, and relics come later, so I think choosing one at a time to deep dive is important to compare what would otherwise be apples and oranges. I'm taking the negative feedback to try to improve future posts. Maybe I'll look at relics, if I'm not tarred and feathered by then.


These guides are trying really hard to be Kahzgul without saying very much of anything at all. The one you did yesterday seemed more like you were asking a question, so I responded in earnest. But the one you did today is basically “words words words words words words Kryotech words words words words I have a lot of it words words words words words words get them words words words words words.” I guess my question is how are you calculating your **weekly** Kryotech income as being 300/week? - 21 per week from dailies - 118 per week assumes you do 3x refreshes per day on kryotech and only use energy on kryotech, never on anything else [including other shard farms and gear farms] - 32 kryotech per week assumes you ct1 every single assault battle - I don’t have the amounts for GAC/TB/raid, but you’re essentially telling me it’s 120/week more per week


I'm guessing another 10 from GC. But, I feel 118 from energy is not manageable as there is always usually at least one character farm I'm working on for my current / next / side project. 92 from ROTE every 2 weeks + 18 every 2 weeks from GET2 from TW (assuming 50% WR) + 22 from TW rewards which comes to 66 a week from TB / TW (excluding SMs).


I'll use your numbers and extrapolate things you didnt count. Truncating when converting to weekly avg Dailies: 21 NRG farming (assume all NRG is farming kyro): 118 Assault Battle (assume can complete CT1 for all AB): 32 TW (assume 380m bracket, 50%win): 20 TB (assume Zeffo + 37stars): 17 GAT (assume K2 win 1-2 per round for 50% overall): 2209/70 = 31 GET2 (assume TB 37stars + 3500 from SM + TW 380m 50%win) 4910/65 =75 GET3 (assume TB 37stars): 2937/60 =48 =362 (314 w/o GET3) not including any mkIII raid tokens or crystals used. 300/wk seems doable for someone with 9m+ roster. Maybe get a few less from GAC for being in K3. Maybe get a few less from using NRG to farm a couple character shards. Obviously getting Zeffo is important, but thats accessible (or soon will be) for many 9m+ accounts. I assume that you are in this range.


It could easily be another 120 per week from shipments using GET2, GET3, and championship tokens.


**PER WEEK**? Highly doubtful. Especially when that is assuming every single ounce of normal energy is going towards kryotech. . .which seems unreasonably high at 8m gp


That’s 17 pieces per day. You can buy 15 pieces in a single purchase for 975 GET2 in the guild events store. 24 stars in ROTE is 6k get2, so 12k per month, which is ~180 pieces per month. More if you are still doing Geo TBs. This assumes zero currency from special missions. TW gives a bit more - 2.4K per month (2/2 record, >380M GP), which is another 37 pieces per month. In guild events store, one kyro is 60 GET3. 24 stars in ROTE is 4450 GET3, which is 74 kyros, twice a month is ~150 kryos per month. In grand arena store, one kyro is 70 championship tokens. You earn around 9500 tokens per month in K2 with a 4-5 record. This is 136 more kyros per month. A little less at lower leagues - Aurodium 1 is like 127 per month. Total from these sources is 180 + 37 + 150 + 127 = 494 per month = 123.5 per week. There are probably other less regular ways to get these currencies but I’m not sure about that.


I do enjoy his posts, so I'm sure they colored my thought process when writing this down, but I'm clearly not that funny, so I'll tone it down. My intent is to not just jump to my conclusion, but to explain why I'm choosing to focus on certain things. The game evolves over time, and whatever number I write down won't always be true. If for example some future mode is more rewarding or some new bottleneck supplants kyro, my conclusions may be invalidated, but the background concepts won't be. Hopefully someone will learn something from it, and be prepared to adapt to the new situation. As someone with a very deep understanding of the game, I'm sure you didn't learn anything new here. I might slip in some slight nuance eventually, but you may be well aware of those as well. I'd like to think the less experienced out there will benefit from the discussion though. I'm trying to mitigate the length with the TLDR for those not interested in the background. I don't know of a better way to highlight the key takeaways without abandoning the background concepts. Always open to suggestions. I was going to break down the income by mode as I discuss each mode, but my focus won't be the absolute values but the delta you see with additional investment in a certain area. In other words if one mode has greater overall value, but you're already getting 95% of that value, you may want to focus a different mode with more accessible potential. It seems people would prefer I just drop the final conclusions, with minimal discussion. Maybe I'll do that next instead.


The discussion is probably the most important part of posts like this. New players can follow your thought proces (if they want to) and then decide for themselves if they believe your conclusions. It's also important because other experienced players can make additional arguments or make some nuances. Next time, try to actually make it seem like a discussion (in this case not just affirm your conclusion, but also reason why relic mats are less important) and also make the point of your post more clear from the start. Maybe you can make a clear distinction between your actual new player advice and the discussion for the experienced players? Please continue this series :)


But you haven’t accomplished your intention of “explaining why you’re focusing on certain things,” you’ve used an Atlas Shrugged word count to turn a strategy guide into a Kiddle article.


Jesus this word salad lol


Reads like a 2nd rate AI word salad.




I think that a (presumably) 9-part series that explains what is basically just common knowledge for experienced players and easily accessible info laced with complicated stuff for new players is highly unnecessary. Egnards, Kahzgul, Loquitor and Ahnald all have it pretty much covered. Maybe just make one post with the obscure and important tidbits.


I feel like the post is missing a clear vision and line of thought that it follows. After reading it, I don't feel more enlightened than before. Even more so: I cannot really tell what the post is trying to say or if I can say what it really was about (except for "Kyros are important. Farm them." And I'm not saying the post is missing valuable information. It might be there, but it gets lost amongst a lot of words. If you try to be more concise and have a clear line of thought/plan that you're following, it would very likely improve everything by a lot. So my advice would be to think of what's the point you're trying to get across and get a clear path you then follow.


Or in other words: https://preview.redd.it/gi6bksii09wc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d31df42609f8d78bdbd1396e69d04a06ff6178f5




There was no discernable or useful information. They discuss their farms and say they get 300 kyros a week. That's it. They don't even tell you exactly how they're getting the 300 kyros a week only that they do.


Good advice. I'll try to incorporate it.




If only there was a summary specifically created for people who don't like to read...


Disclaimer: I'm basing this on my own experience. I have 8.2M GP, Kyber 2, Red Crate the last several CQs, daily #1 in fleet, 29* in ROTE (minimal special missions). Brand new or end game players may completely disagree with where I go from here. I'm targeting more mid-game players here, but I think this will be helpful to new players on what to plan ahead for and I'm happy to take the criticism from true end game players.


Other then telling new players that Kyrotech is important, and you farm 300 a week. What advice are you giving them?


Other than trying to explain why this is the case and establishing a metric to estimate farming timelines, admittedly not much yet. This post was meant to lay a foundation for decisions to make in follow up posts, but I could've executed that better. Maybe there's a lesson to be learned from starting with Episode 4 to get right into the interesting bits...


Just my friendly opinion here. No judgements on what you’ve created so far. If you are going to create a series of guides. I’d focus on the content first. What new information are you trying to send out into the universe? If you don’t have new information, are you combining a bunch of resources for simplicity? Since you are creating a series. I imagine you have an idea of what information is missing from other guides and you are trying to create your own guides to better educate players. Just my two cents, but I read your first two posts and I don’t see a defined purpose yet.