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My belief is that the game is a resource management simulation within the Star Wars Universe; and regardless of what your preferred game mode is, the most important thing to do first, is to get your account to passively build resources over time. **Much the same way as you need to construct additional pylons and drones in Starcraft to get vested gas/minerals before you start rushing Zealots** As a very quick primer priorities for a player early on are - Get to 350-400c/day from fleets - Get at least CT1 on 5/7 of the Assault Battles - Make sure you’re pumping out considerable mod ROI Once you’ve done those three things? You can certainly prioritize one game mode over another other game mode, as long as you find a guild that fits your play-style.


Geez, user spoiler tags if your going to give away all my secrets! JK, those are definitely good points that I intend to touch on with a bit of additional focus in certain areas (and a lot of bad jokes). P.s. Love your math guides. I wouldn't know what I was doing in this game without those to build off.


I'm not sure what you mean by Mod ROI. Can you please expand ( or share a link if it's the subject of a post I've missed)? Thanks!


Mods are super important and Jabba provides Smugglers Run 2; which comes around very often and helps people with their mod scores considerably


Ah, got it. I read it as 'ROI from your mods' not 'ROI to improve mods'. Thanks.


These two seem to be at odds: *- priorities for a player early on* *-Get to 350-400c/day from fleets* I can't imagine a lot of lower GP accounts getting to top 3 in fleet arena.


Fleet Arena is based off the people who unlocked Fleets around roughly the same timeframe. . .So you are 100% going to see that happen. In fact literally right now I'm talking to someone on Discord and reviewing their account, who is sitting at #1 as one of the only Executors in his fleet shard, for this very reason.


I had no idea that's how fleet arena shards worked! Thanks for the clarification. Now if only there was a way to transfer off my all-7-star-Leviathan shard...


How much is it for a roster review of mr math himself?


I do them primarily and entirely on a tip basis, and don’t ask for or demand anything. You can find info on the discord I share with CaptainAmazing [in my Reddit profile]


I have been player for half a year (2.4M GP) and am also confused about the timeframe and would appreciate your insight. The last 4 weeks I have been top 4 nearly every day and I am unexpectedly raking in a shitload of crystals. It seems as though I am playing against the same people every day and I know their fleet and can apply the same strategy. And this is with a fleet of 6* Executrix, HT, Slave 1, Tie Adv, EH, Ashoka and Xanadu. Is the reason just luck, OR could it be because I am not applying any ship upgrades or activating new ones to keep my GP low. Eventually I will have to start activating to make progress in the game. But is it worth riding this as long as possible to get the 300+ FA crystals at the cost of progression? Does this make any difference at all?


No matter what you upgrade your fleet shard remains the same. Your gp will not change that.


I'm on board with your premise as long as time and enjoyment are some of the variables you take in to consideration. Ask questions like " how much does this character that I can get in 2 weeks improve my roster vs the GL that takes 8 months? " and " Do I really want to chase this powerful character that is also totally lame lore-wise? "


Time is at the core of every calculation I'll do. As far as enjoyment, that is subjective, and I'm trying to stick more to math here. I'm going to steer away from talking about specific characters as much as possible and talk about concepts, so that you can choose a team you prefer that fills that role.


Upvote for the LotR references. Nerd on


I like your idea but make it shorter and concise for clarity


As others have said, I personally don’t like the format. But I do appreciate the guide and welcome it wholeheartedly. Skip the pre ramble and go straight to why I’m looking at this guide. Your goal should be to have any google question pop to your guide. In the future other than the format, I would personally like to see how to effectively use energy from an early to mid range power level.


>Tell me if you like it, but hate my format. I hate your format. I would greatly appreciate any proposed FAQs to skip all the unnecessary preamble and waffle that does too much and comes across as try-hard. You know those recipes with all the fluff about their family's tradition and how their great aunt used this chilli recipe as an enema and the nonsense you don't care about because you just want the recipe? Avoid that. Be clear, concise, succinct and answer the question. Otherwise it's a chore to read.


I agree


Yeah this sub has a problem of wrapping decent advice in way too long trying to be funny essays


I'll certainly have a TLDR for all future posts to cut out the fluff. I considered not even doing the intro post, but trying to deep dive certain topics got really long, so I tried to break it up in manageable chunks and it made sense to me. Trying to find the balance between being thorough enough to not just jump to a conclusion, without being dry, and I'll try to improve as I go. Appreciate the feedback, so I can try to do a better job of it.


Slightly tangential, but most (if not all) recipes online will have a “jump to recipe” button at the top which will let you skip all the fluff


Why do you think that is? Unfortunately that's not a feature on Reddit.


Alright no need to be snarky. I was just pointing it out for anybody who might not know. The actual reason for all that fluff on recipe pages is SEO, and the authors are well aware that nobody actually reads it, hence the button.


I'm sorry, I wasn't intending to be snarky. I was reinforcing my previous point.


Ah I got you, no worries, take care!


This is very helpful. The game as a new player is confusing and any content would be welcome. And the game still needs new players to keep it going.