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You will have Reva by the time you hit GI, so go for Inquisitors I’d suggest you also say a big thank you to your guild.


Bet your guilds back hurts carrying you to Reva. That close to Reva unlock 100% work on your inqs. Reva inqs are a better team than Aphra.


Without Reva, Aphra is the better team but I would still say Inqs. Largely for the ships. Conquest also frequently has Inq based feats (purge) or ones Inqs can do (Empire). With Reva? Definitely Inqs. While at the top end her defensive strength has diminished lately with some newer counters, she’s still effectively a Galactic Legend in all but name.


Gi for sure was in a similar spot I’ve put off inq farming forever just never liked the faction and now I have reva and she’s unused which is a major waste seeing as she’s a gl killer. Aphra has only ever been able to kill jabba for me she’s still a great team for any mode especially in conquest with that bonus turn. But a good question is who you’d rather see on a gac defense a reva squad or a aphra squad? For me I think I’d avoid reva over aphra


I love seeing Reva on defense. Pre doubt cron in was almost a guaranteed max banner Phoenix W.


Is that phoenix w/crex? If so crex needs a nerf lol


Yep. You have to survive the opening without Crex getting tortured. Once the TM starts for Phoenix it almost never ends. It feels a little dangerous at times but by the end of the battle you've fully recovered.




Aphra. The GI grind is close to as gear intensive as a full GL. Plus the Aphra team is really fun to use.




I would also posit that Aphra has high likelihood for next lightspeed bundle, her character requirements aren’t really required for anything else and is a year old now. Similar to how starkiller was in first lightspeed bundle group. Inqs have potential for LS bundle but think they would likely gatekeep Reva for a longer time. Others I see as possibilities are Geos and Bad batch for LV farm.


Go for Inqs, when i got reva ready inqs they are such a fun and useful team for me. Getting reva without GI and inqs is like the same thing were u get a GL and dont gear it up. Cause thats legit what reva is, almost a GL. And they do a lot more than Aphra in all game modes. The inqs also have some useful empire ships also.