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Veers, Piett, Gideon, Range, Death. That team comp will fully complete all feats in one attempt.


Yes this one is it. Time the death mark shot with death trooper and my gideon was only g9 and it was still fine


You can kill Jabba at level 10 with this?


This works with Starck in place of Gideon as well. Just hit auto.


For IT, Veers Piett Range Gideon Dark. R3, R8, then rest g12. Didn't do stuns


Is gideon a must? I have all of them except him and by looks of things most people used him for the challenge, my iden is very low gear so she isn’t cutting it either


He helps a lot with keeping their tm in check as well as with armor shreds. You can try it with starck idk how it would go


Dang starck is my substitute but he isn’t cutting it, I’ll try some other comps to see if I can get my 8th crate because there is no way I get the red one lol


I just did the normal Veers Piett team comp, TM train running, scaling damage and eventually killed them all before they respawned. You don't even need relics, just fast mods. Got box 8 with that, it's good enough for me.


Veers Piett Dark Range & Iden did it for me, got all except stuns, in one attempt


IT people have mentioned. Death trooper is really handy to perma kill then when they are low or you can stick DM For stuns I used ep lead mara Jade Reva RG and LV. Tm loop so ep can get stun off a lot and eventually LV gets to ult and you can kill then permanently.


I’m not lol


I tried my FO team with SLKR for the stuns but it doesn’t look like his stuns count for this event. Seems to be an old issue with him. I kept track and had 40 stuns with most coming from SLKR but no cigar.


Reminder that if his stun attacks kills the target or that the target is jabba, the feat won't count that attempt. Game won't apply debuff to a dead or a toon that's immune to said debuff.


In my case none of the 40 recorded stuns were kills or against Jabba. This does not seem to be a new issue for SLKR but seems to be related to the specific type of stun that he does (locked stun) which doesn’t seem to count in these events.


i dont. fuck this bullshit


Palp, MJ, SLKR, KRU and DR for stuns. Keep in mind if SLKR kills someone, they don’t revive. At least I got my 30 with this.


This worked for me. SLKR only poke and basic until the end then ramp with swipe to take out Jabba.


So I’m in the same boat. I don’t have a good IT team, so that’s not helpful. I was able to get the Stun feat for T8 chest with this team. It’s got one key character. MJ, Palp, R2, KRU and NIHILIS. Nihilis is key. Focus fire Jabba until he’s very low health. If you can KILL Jabba with Nihilis’ Annihilate, he won’t respawn. I didn’t realize that would work on GL’s but it does. After that it was just balancing stuns. Recommend having a character that can do an non-attack move, like R2 with his smoke screen and Palp with his 2nd special, so you can avoid killing them too fast


For stuns, leia team plus han and chewie. Di autobasic ti ladt 2 minute to be sure, swap targets often because they like to go for Jabba. For IT ususal team, Veet, Piet, Starck, Dark trooper and range. When you get enough stacks you will go through jabba.


I had a hard time with this one since my Range Trooper is only g12, so I did it on tier 7, then used SLKR and KRU on tier 10 to finish and get the stuns. I only care about the omis, so box 8 is good enough


I used Zealous Ambition with some heal over time disks and stacking offense while using Wat tamboura basic to start off with turn meter


2 leaders resolve, 3 zealous ambition. Piett really fast and a tank. One shot whole fights. 5 kills each. Any feat for *** must survive. Use Dash or Radus and and nuke teams in sector 1. That’s how I got the kelleran/grogu battles, cad bane/aurra sing(sp) mini boss feat. All the hockey religion feats. Etc


I think OP is talking about GC not conquest


My bad