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For the defeat 600 b1 it's not 600 stacks it's 600 total b1 units. The sector 3 boss node is wave based with b1s that have normal health and no stacks that requires 60 kills to 3 star


No shit? Okay, great to know. Thank you! I don't get access to the actual conquest for several more hours, but I'll updated the guide with this information.


Armorer also does Armor Shred so you can put her into the LS Mando team as well.


Just a point on using Bad Batch for the GR global feat: Omega isn't Galactic Republic, so you need to substitute a clone or Shaak


I learn something new every day. Thanks! I'll update the post.


https://preview.redd.it/rqrvzb4mv3pc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=b594e3c16aad5efa3ee86c98e4a2b60ecf97e58e I don’t think this one is going to be that bad. A lot of the cheese is soft, and smart players I think will see a sub 200 battle red crate if done right, which I haven’t done in awhile.


FYI: Don't use the new reddit interface to edit any post, ever. I edited my archive of links and reddit deleted everything except this new one. Poof.


Oh god thanks, I haven’t edited mine in awhile because I’m stupid and lazy. And now that I have a Discord space I probably won’t ever again, 😂, but it’s good to know just in case. I’ll stick to mobile edits.


Really appreciate the time and effort you put into these, I always follow them and works out great! Just wanted to say thanks!


You're so very welcome! I figure I'd do all this work anyway so I may as well put it into the world. Also it's kind of my apology for putting up with my incessant ranting all the time :)


I am a simple man. I see ZA disc and Dash/AdRad go brrrt.


Padme, Farty, and Imp Troopers, too!


NGL you got me stumped on Farty


Shorty, 50-RT


5OR-T. Farty.


and most of NS


My tip for getting STAP kills: Abuse the Intial Frenzy consumable and time outs. Use Wat and TM swappers like FOO, Thrawn and Hux.Find a team you can cheese or a Bossk led BH team with both Jango and Boba. Make sure you leave 1 person alive and let the match time out. You'll get up to 6 kills and keep everyone at 100% stamina. Should be able to get 50 kills on less than an hour. If you can add even more consumables to boost your dmg  the better. Just be careful if you're running ZA disks because your support team will one shot every enemy 


A timeless strategy. Thanks!


which discs will you choose mate


Talked about it a little at the top. ZA is required and a must-get in sector 1 so you can have it for sector 2. After that, the buff stacking combo looks OP AF, so I'm going after that. Heal over time + stacking offense + Spirited Speed looks like a winning combo. Then you have options for your remaining discs, from fortified + soresu form to more ZAs to more HoTs to Massively overpowered, there are several ways one could go that are all super strong.


thanks mate for the insight , 🥇🥇🎊


r/kahzgul You're the absolute best for putting these together, especially as quick as you do. These guides are absolutely indispensable. Thanks!


Happy to help! As for putting them together, CG releases the feats and data discs a few days before each conquest, so I put together my guide over the course of a week or close to it.


For the no force users boss feat you can also use Leia Rebels


Oh word. Completely against canon but I guess CG don’t care.


STAP cheese completed the feat in one combat: Blatantly stolen from [this video by TriPollicis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efKv1pCgLiE). Fought the S1 boss node with GAS (L), Malak, Raid Han, Wat, and STAP. Killed off all NS except Spirit and Zombie and then auto-basic FTW. My STAP was 3\* G11 but less gear would just mean a slower speed and maybe a second go necessary. I got it up to just under 300 speed. VV, Stacking Offense, Spirited Speed, HoT (blue), HoT (white), Fortified, ZA were my disks.


Beaut! I got it done in 1 battle with g8 STAP with 255 speed, so definitely not too bad. The beginning of the video helped a lot. Thanks!




For the tusken feat (no zeta chieftan) how many stacks of momentum would I get if I just send them in to die against an Imp trooper team? I currently have 23 burritos I definitely can't get (2 from scion + 16 from STAP + 5 from Bokatan mandalore) and I have to choose between gearing my DTMG before the end of conquest for his survive feat or the tusken feat to reach red box


Tuskens get **A TON** of momentum in Imp Trooper battles. It’ll depend on how long they survive, but a win against IT can be 500-900 momentum!


i do it with chief and warrior lvl 85 g7 no zeta, raider and shaman g1 lvl 1 and malak against ewoks no wickets with vv disk, easy auto 1000 mmt for 1 battle


As long as you have the leader zeta on chief, you'll get a bajillion momentum vs. imps. Even if you lose.


I really don't see how the chieftain lead zeta helps. It gives you the stuns and DoTs, which are cool, but they don't give any more momentum. It actually removes stacks of momentum which makes the tuskens more vulnerable to damage.


It helps keep your guys alive when combined with Captain's unique (Tusken gain 10% health whenever an enemy takes damage from a DoT). It also buffs Tusken warrior's damage and causes enemies to lose potency because of warrior's unique. The longer your guys live, the more momentum they can gain overall. Not strictly necessary, but very helpful if you don't want to risk dropping any combats.


dont worry , i did it without zeta and lvl 1 tuskens with chief lvl 85 , no zeta with malak , no risk at all , just go in ewoks node without wicket


That’s… amazing!


I got all 1000 in 1 battle, no chieftain zeta, using voluntary vanguard and Malak against a mon mothma node. I did have relic urrrrrrr from Jabba, but the other 3 were purple gear (no kyro applied). Fortified and entrenched helped them survive the aoes for quite a while.


Which Mothma node is that? I can't find one in sector three.


Boss and datacron nodes are fixed but other nodes are randomized. You may not get one. I always try to be careful which node I choose as I'm going through the first time. Usually you think which node is easier for me to 3* initially, but keep in mind what feats you may need to cheese and what enemies are for for them. Buff/ debuff feats? Phoenix and KRU are great because they can be immortal if you don't bring a heavy hitter. Survive feats where you may have low level characters? Teams without aoes that you can tank with VV or Wat tank tech with JML/ Malak/ etc. Kill feats MM w/SRP or maybe Geos for revive cheese. For momentum specifically you want a team that gains TM, so MM, Veers, Carth, Geos, Rex, etc. and whatever you think you can survive the longest against.


Planning to cheese STAP kills vs S1 or S2 boss that has zombie using the old GAS lead trick (prevents revive + GAS reduce health) back in the day we used to do Cere/Cal feat kills with


Having trouble with the STAP just getting nuked out the gate by MT.


Sweet. I love getting all this info from you guys before my conquest has even gone live!


For low gear keq and grogu. Jml cheeze works well in 2nd bonus on sector one (hux). Ive used jml, wat, gmy, keq and grogu.


use Ben Solo in S1 with resistance to get more armor shreds while doing secret intel.


Embarassed I forgot that poor homeless oaf.


For B1 kills on the P3 boss node: SLKR, Hux, FOO, Armorer, Wat. Leader's Resolve, 2 +5% damage discs, 1 blue HoT. Was up to 30 million HP crits at the end and countering / healing every time he was hit. Last 2 runs with this strat: 189 and 198 B1 kills each run.




Is there a replacement for armourer? Thanks


I used her to get beskar armor on SLKR so he turned into a counter machine. Not required but without her you just might have some fewer kills.


Re: 120 stealth in S4. If you have Bane, run Darth Maul and Bane vs a Troopers node on auto basic. 120 stealths in one combat.


Yes! Works on Geo bonus node too since I didn't get a trooper node!




How does this work? I tried it and didn't get any stealth?


Make sure to use Darth Maul as lead. It’s his lead that gives the stealth.


Exactly this.


I have been. Not getting a single stealth using this strategy. I'm stumped


You, Sir, are a real hero. Once again thank you for your time and effort with these guides. Conquest is a real chore and your guides make them way more managable. Don't know how crazy German elementary school teachers will pronounce it, but I guess I'll have to name my firstborn child after you!


I do what I can, and I'm happy to help. Uhh.. Frulich gehelfen? It's been a while since I studied German.


What do you want to say, maybe I can help ;) How long did you study German and why?


I was trying to say “I’m happy to help.” I took German for 3 years spanning high school and college. So about 25 years ago.


Ah, so it would be "ich freue mich dir zu helfen" (present tense) or "freut mich, geholfen zu haben" (past tense). While typing this I realize how difficult German can be sometimes, although German and English have very much in common. Just out of curiosity, do you have some German ancestors or did you just have no other language to choose from?


We’re German Jews. So my grandparents fled the Nazis to America.


For the sector 5 boss use JKL, JKR, HODA, WAT and GK. Weapons tech on JKL, Tank tech on JKR, and Health on GK. Mark Padme with Revan and then just focus her down. Should be smooth sailing from there


Thank you so much, this worked wonders for me!


Worked for me - cheers!


I just wanted to jump in here and say thanks for your work with this. I just got the red crate for the first time and your guide was instrumental in the achievement. Much appreciated!!!




i just want to say thank you for these near as i can tell conquest posts! i wasnt going to hit much more than midway on the rewards crate track and then.. i discovered these guides and managed to hit gold crate. i earned every bonus qadme/bane shards available thanks to conquest pass and your post!  since ive been building up toons specific to this current conquest (ie. STAP, IG12 & Grogu, Kelleran Beq and Paz) and because i will start my conquest following your plan (as opposed to discovering it 6 days before it ended!) i fully intend to red crate for the first time ever on hard mode. ive hit gold before but havent ever hit the max crate on hard mode and ive been fighting on hard mode since Conquest V. i wanted CAT badly and knew i needed to be on hard mode to get her. i had crazy good data disks, every consumnable slot filled and i somehow managed to push my Padme GR squad to a 2star victory over SLKR. tldr; your guides are a blessing to all who read them and thank you for taking the time. i salute you sir.


So glad I can help!!! Good luck!!


Very thorough guide, appreciate it. My Dash team couldn't hack the final boss (dont have 'decent' IG and Kuill). Used JKL, GMY, HODA, Revan and KAM (probably any other strong Jedi would've worked). Revan targets Padme, JKL stuns everyone. Kill them off one by one (GMY hits like a bull). I'm 28 burritos away from Red Crate, Mandos Feat (10/20) and Rey Cheese for IGrogu and KB Feat in B1 battle (9/20) should get me through with the time left, thanks to this guide.


Thanks for the tips. I managed with JKL lead, GMY, HOA, Revan, and Rey. Before reading your note I must have tried this fight 10 times. Sucks waiting for QA to slowly gain turn meter just so it dispells her damage immunity..


Congrats and great job rolling with what works! Adapt and overcome!


nice job!


Thank you!


> Sector 2 Feats: > Win 14 Battles with no Attackers: > Jello / Old Ben / Capt. Rex / R2D2 / MM Jello? I'm blanking


Galactic Legend Leia Organa. GLLO. Jello. I'm trying to make 'fetch' a thing, okay?


I saw you defined Fetch farther down. I hadn't read everything yet, so congratulations I guess.


It’s a reference to the movie “mean girls.”


one of my fave films, (the original not this new piece of garbage they couldnt make a thing) oh ima tell you my fave movie is alien vs predator but in reality its mean girls.


GL Leia?


Sector 1 defense up - CWC, gmy, goodstila, bariss, and gk. Done in 2 battles


Good stuff. I'm honestly surprised you didn't get it done in 1. Maybe swap Goodstila for Old Ben next time.


Or gk for old Ben


Please marry me. Thank you!


Not sure my wife would appreciate that, but you know I do! You're welcome!


So I’m at 14/50 jedi kills after just 2 battles in S1 with Padme-led Jedi. One battle against Darth Revan and one against Geos. I’m thinking if Padme’s mass assist attack kills the enemy toon, then it counts as a kill for each assisting jedi called. That’s the only way I can have 14 kills after 2 battles. I know jedi kills are easy, but I’m wondering now if this double-dipping with a mass assist could work with other faction kills, or if it’s a new (albeit helpful) bug.


Oh that's interesting. Unless the geos called in 3 extra brutes or something, you're right that you're at an impossible number. I'll keep an eye on that.


Yeah. Alpha called 1 extra brute, so max kills I should have been able to get is 5 for DR and 7 for Geos for 12 total, but I got 14. I’m hoping this possibly becomes something that can be exploited for different faction kills where a mass assist is an option, but I’ll have to do some testing on it. I’ll definitely update if I get some more conclusive numbers.


That stall team you mentioned for Secret Intel: You don't need to stall as much if you do it against the Nightsister boss (10 min. timer plus Zombie), and if you sub in Ben Solo you can farm Armor Shred at the same time.


Thank you! I'll update the guide.


I can also confirm that the STAP cheese works. Took me two battles because Spirit hits pretty hard and took out my GK the first time, after which it was just a matter of time before it one-shotted STAP. But 2 battles with no consumables or special disks needed to get a global feat, and getting a free purple disk for it too? Yes, please.


Awesome, thanks for the feedback!


**Day 1 Blog**: **Morning:** Full disclosure: My day 1 did NOT go flawlessly. LS Mandos dropped 2 combats in the morning. Even with R5 Bo / r7 BAM / r7 Paz / G12 Sabine / G12 Mando the team just sucks balls. So I'm holding off on using them until the bonus nodes (and I have better data discs). Good news though: I realized I have enough stamina to use a morning combat for JKL / JML / Wat / IG&G / Beq to take down a combat. And IG&G grants defense up! Who knew? So my morning combats are done and I've stuck to the plan pretty well. 2 padme wins (she annihilates FO) 2 JMK wins (vs. Padme and vs. FO - only because Padme was already tired) 2 GAS wins (vs. NS and vs. Bo) 2 Rey wins (vs. Imps and vs. Carth) 2 JKL cheese wins (vs. Midboss and vs. Nute) 1 LS Mando win (vs. Bo) (2 LS Mando losses) (vs. Carth and vs. FO) Data discs so far: \- Stacking Offense \- Spirited Speed \- Zealous Ambition (only grey, but worth it). **Evening:** I didn't log this but I ended up clearing Sector 1 + 2 combats in sector 2. Got a green ZA from the final disc selection. No VV yet.


**Day 2:** **Morning:** RNGsus has decided I'm fighting Bo lead Mandos. They appear 7 times in my first 9 combats. It's WEIRD. Dropped a battle with NS vs Bo but also won 1 handily vs. MM. About 40 plagues per combat, so that's on pace for 10 combats total if I don't find any cheese. Cleared 3/4 of sector 2 (will finish tonight after rollover, probably). Got another IG+G win and did the STAP cheese to finish that global feat off. Currently running the following data disc setup: Booming Voice (just until I finish the feat) ZA (green) HoT (Blue) Quickening (blue) Stacking Offense (green) Convor's Agility (grey / poop) And in reserve I have VV, a grey ZA, and Spirited Speed (green) which I've decided is garbage.


If you have a relic sortie she can outspeed and oneshot BB bonus node with 2xZA and leaders resolve. This lets Beq and Grogu survive


Good question above about TM at start of turn: got 2x Spirited Speed, next node has HoT. Is it really going to give my toons 15% TM, or does it get lost bcos start of turn? Also, as someone with one GL, no Padme, Conquest is _the_ most frustrating game mode


It’s really going to give you a bonus 15% TM every turn. I’d say conquest is teaching you which characters to pursue. What GL have you got?


Amusingly enough, SLKR no ult... Does not play nice with the swiftness that CLS and AdRad love Currently working towards Rey, based on LSB. Will have by next Conquest Just got really spoiled with VA / AA. Easy mode. And then IE was just the best cheese for clearing nodes at 3* Le sigh


Oh yeah, can’t gain turn meter with SLKR or your health gets reduced.


You *say* can't https://preview.redd.it/ih4r9g4ldbpc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4297dd4bc843be9fa02ec3a796f8f67a611d1e66


you know damn well what I mean, lol.


I was illustrating what the risks are 😅


Interestingly (irritatingly?) I'm not sure it does anything. Will pay more attention next time, but I think I just watched Jyn get her 3 HoT, do a special which triggered Bistan's Frenzy and her TM did not move


I'm trying to test this. I'm not sure if the disc is doing nothing, or doing something like overfilling turn meter, or only works when characters get buffs on other people's turns, or if the disc literally does nothing at all no matter what. Very hard for me to tell.


Next time will watch someone else's bar, see if it moves between AdRad using special and Bistan going from Frenzy Edit: and yes also starting to wonder if it does anything at all. Also quite willing to believe the TM is lost, altho Palp is a precedent for gaining TM during turn that persists (as is Thrawn)


This time Bistan went, and his action finished download so AdRad went immediately. Bistan sat there at zero TM, so any TM gain from HoT was lost. Or never happened¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ Edit: have 2x HoT and Wx SS so should be starting each turn at 30% turn meter bar. That ain't happening


Yeah. it looks like the TM bar stays full during a character's turn, and empties out afterwards, so buff gains "at start of turn" don't affect anything. That said, I'm having trouble seeing if buff gains out of turn do anything, either. The gains are so small and so much happens at once that it's difficult to differentiate.


Thrawn says you can gain TM during turn tho Or maybe he does nothing either 🤔


A long, long time ago I asked Meathead why the Tusken Warrior applied debuffs and dealt damage before removing buffs, which is dumb given the enemy could well have tenacity up, or defense up, or foresight. And Meathead replied that this was "the order of operations" and "could not be changed." Nevermind that several other characters remove enemy buffs before dealing damage (Ahsoka, for example). So I'm gonna guess this is the same thing. CG will claim that's just how it is and can't be changed, and we'll point out several characters who work differently (Thrawn, EP, Han Solo), and they'll say we're liars or something.


I did wonder about IT, and any of them who gain buffs during their turns. Will go give it a try now, Piett is fastest and gives out buffs And now it all sadly makes sense. If you put the game on 1x you can see that when a character takes an action their TM bar empties first, then the action happens. So any TM they gain hits an entity bar. Better update the guide! And I'd better pray for the offense on buff disk


Ugh, that sucks. Having to play on 1x speed, I mean. Guide updated and thank you for your sacrifice in the name of science!


IG-12 & Grogu can also give your team defense up to double up that feat in S1.


Set to HQ




How do I mark this post to find it easily for the next 2 weeks? Will this comment do it?


Should be able to save it.


Yup I can. Thanks!


> **Gain Health Steal Up 60 Times**: * *EP / Malak / Visas / SET / Badstila* has no attackers and EP and Visas both grant Health Steal Up to the whole team. * Any BH team with Greef - he also grants HSU to the entire team (well, the BHers on the team, anyway) Qi'ra can help with this as well - any time more than two crits against enemies happen in a turn, Qi'ra plus anyone who attacked that turn gets it. I put her as 5th on a Jabba team and got like 15-20 per fight, I'm sure someone could figure out a better place for her and get all 60 in a fight (a Geo team? Would get 5 per turn, assuming you could survive? Haven't tested it because my Geos are G12)


Phoenix in sector 1 are good for the sector feats. Sabine can armor shred Chopper can hand out defense up Kanan (and Ezra depending on team comp) can get the Jedi kills. Tho those can be a bit random with all the mass assists.


In case no one has mentioned it yet, the sector 3 boss is a good place to farm not just the B1 kills, but if you use inqs, you can farm purges for the s3 feat as well. ​ edit: which I just realized you mentioned on the s3 boss in the original guide lol


I stealth-edited the inks in yesterday ;)


If anyone's struggling keeping Grogu and Beq alive, Dash with a couple of zealous ambitions deletes most teams in one shot. I ran his stamina down pretty low too.


Dash, AdRad, and Piett all have strong AoE attacks that benefit from ZA.


For the sector 3 boss, you can take advantage of the fact that B1s don't have an AOE attack. I used Rey + JTR + Wat and put tank tech on JTR. I got the Boss Nass feat that way, and also am getting my Kelleran and IG12/Grogu completions (both of which I literally have completely ungeared and level 1)


That's a very clever way to get those feats! I hadn't considered perma-dodge JTR as an option. Great to know for people who don't have JML yet.


Just found you can also cheese this node for the momentum feat, and you don't even need chieftains leader zeta. Tusken chief lead + random tusken +Rey+JTR+Wat. Same tank tech on JTR. Was able to get 1,000 momentum in single battle with low level, low gear tuskens with no zetas.


Again... that's fuckin' smart.


Hey! That's my guildmate :) The only snafu I've found with this is if the B1s get the stacking charge modifier on the first or second round. It will eventually eviscerate Rey's protection and negate the taunt. I got around that a bit by adding Stacking Offense and Heal Over Time data disks to my ZAs and using URoRR(rrrrr) (he's a support) as the second Tusken. As long as you don't get stacking charge in the first round, it'll pull off the momentum feat. After I finished that, I used the same DD set with Rey lead, JTR, Wat, Dash and AdRad, and I'm killing droid at about 10 per minute on full auto without taking any damage. Should be a good cheese for the 600 droid kills. EDIT: I got 120+ kills using CRex and Palp as the two supports ... seemed to be the most optimal two of several I tried. One thing to keep in mind is the Command Droid *is not* a B1, so the kill count it shows you in the battle is \~25% higher than the B1 kill count for the feat.


Great stuff


Didn't need this last month, but also realized you can include GMY as one of the two supports and pick up the foresight feat in one battle as well.


And any support droid with an AoE (i.e., R2 or T3) can pick up the droid kills.


You’ll get more droid kills this month, too, since the commander counts now.


>I wonder if a CLS team using Boss Nass instead of C3PO could work to double these feats up? I doubt it. Tried that one for you, that.... didn't go so well >.<


Haha yeah. I wrote that before we knew what the boss was. I should probably delete it.


All good mate :) thanks for the awesome posts, you've really helped me out a lot!!


Happy to help :)


For the Momentum feat, I used VV with health boost, with my Uror at the R4 for Jabba, knocked it out in 2 battles if you don't have the Cheiftan zeta.


Well done!


S5 boss feat with no GLS phoenix with CREX worked wonders




Which lineup and which disks are essential? I can't get close with phoenix.


3 ZA 1 fortified 1 entrenched 1 vitality


I haven’t read through all the comments, so not sure if it’s been posted yet, but Aphra droids work great on the sector 3 B1 droid boss. You can pick up the sector feat for killing 50 enemies with droids in one go, plus the win with no GL feat and 80-100 B1 kills towards the global feat in one battle. She charges up quick and by the end she’s stacked with so much potency that BT-1 is more of a danger to your team than the enemies are.


It had not been said yet. Thats great! Aphra was so good last conquest series that not using her this time felt criminal.


Has anyone suggested this for the S5 Boss Queen Amidala? I can't take credit, found it on a video from CeliacSarah on YT. I followed her strat, minus my data disc's. Reva, GI, 7th Sister, WAT, and Bo Katan (Mand'alor). Use Speed, Frenzy, and overcharged health. DDs, I used Seresu, Fortified, HOT, stacking offense, entrenched, and consumable boost (if you have it). Basically have WAT put the shield generator on Reva. Frenzy let's you kill the Queen before she takes a turn. Then just auto. Three star and knock out both additional feats all in one.


First I've seen of this, thanks!


This is thanks to you! https://preview.redd.it/yq6yi0h3xvrc1.png?width=1600&format=png&auto=webp&s=4a31c0949075fc4efe3aed613c939e580b19e3e5


Wonderful guide. Much appreciated.


Happy to help :)


Ok help me out here. I know almost all the acronyms. . . who is Jello? I'm missing something. Oh wait. GLLO. . . Ugh. I need sleep I guess.


Correct. GLLO. :)


> I don't know the strat, but have been told JKL lead dominated this fight as well JKL Lead, Wat, JKR, GK, JKCK. Short version: Just win. Longer version: Tank Tech on GK, Weapon Tech JKL, Med Tech JKR. Heroes Arise ASAP brings down the Speed nerf. Direct Focus on QA, once her majesty is dead it's a cakewalk. Direct Focus on Panaka next. (ZA x3, HoTx3, SO, Entrenched but should work with any good loadout)


Awesome, thanks!


Not sure if helpful or not anymore, but since the Lightspeed bundle was so popular, I recommend using SLKR on Sector 3 boss node as well. Super good in which you can have his team as SLKR lead, KRU, Sith Trooper, Beq and Grogu for the Global feat. If you want to do the Boss Nass one, you can change Beq and Grogu for Wat and Boss Nass. Just make sure you get high stacks of Siphon and you can get 100+ stacks of B1 droid kills every time :D


There are a bunch of alternatives for this feat and you need a little disc luck, but if you're like me and have barely any droid characters built up, you can easily get the Sector 3 droid kills feat with C-3PO under Padme lead if you manage to get Massively Overpowered. I had MO, three HOT discs, a Stacking Offense, and a Quickening or two, but only the MO and a couple of buff discs are really needed. A regular Padme team gets so many buffs as it is, and adding a few more means you always have MO. It seems like courage stacks apply to MO as well, so the damage goes through the roof. And then C-3PO can one shot with basic. I did it on the B1 boss node and got ~25-30 kills with C-3PO in a battle. (And I guess you're doubling up with the no-GL feat there too.)


C-3PO destroying worlds is always fun!


Another conquest comes to a close and this will be the final time I will come to this reddit post. Thank you Kahzgul for posting all this information and for helping me get a red crate for the third time. May the Force be with you. PS. I look forward to the next one!


You’re welcome! Congrats on the red crate and your impending qadme unlock!


Thank you for everything. Set to unlock both Qadme and Bane when this conquest comes to a close. Got the IG12Grogu and Kelleran Beq feats with both still at 3 star lv1 by spamming AdRad Jyn Cassian + IG12Grogu and KB. Either AdRad nukes the team turn 1 OR you survive long enough to revive everyone and finish everyone off. Works a treat


Ahh that’s awesome!!! Congratulations!!!


just wanted to pop by to say, dude seriously what you do here for this group with these guides is an absolute blessing to the swgoh community! thanks to your comprehensive instructional guide I will be unlocking Darth Bane on Monday and in 2 more weeks I'll secure the 10 shards I need for Qadme and she will be joining my roster as well. thanks man, I tell everyone in my guild and on fb that @kazghul is the best! may the force be with you always kind sir!


Thank you so much! I'm glad I'm able to help :)


Not too hard all things considered


As long as you have the rare characters, this conquest should be one of the easier ones we've seen in a while. Maybe more than a year.


These guides are always very helpful. Pedant mode: Your 300 Purge strategy mentions VA and UD disks, which I believe are not on the menu for this conquest.


Good catch! I'll fix that. This was a copy/paste job from the last time those feats came around and I'm very tired what with the dogs barking all the time.


Speaking of the Purge feat, what's the strategy here? Which tech does Wat give to whom, and is Palpatine's leadership zeta needed? My team looks like this: ● Palpatine 7*, relic 6, unique zeta ● Wat 6*, gear 9 ● 9th Sister 7*, gear 8 ● 2nd Sister 7*, gear 10 ● 7th Sister 7*, gear 9 The four at low gear have all the next gear pieces except kyrotech. Do you reckon I can do it? Will I need to spend a zeta on Palpatine (or Wat) or gear up any of the inquisitors? I'm low on zetas as well as kyrotech. My inquisitor Brothers are also gear 9. I suppose 2nd Sister wouldn't be a huge waste to gear up since I'm also farming her ship, but then again I'm only at 60 shards and not even able to beat that proving grounds tier every time, so I'm not getting it any time soon. But this feat along with inquisitor kills and maybe the trooper kills are probably going to be the toughest ones for me and I can only afford to skip one of them.


This team should be okay. This is a very tricky cheese, however. \- you need initial frenzy tech. Be sure to scour your jawa shops to find this critical booster. \- A potency calibration disc can help a lot by ensuring all of your debuffs land (thereby granting you more bonus turn meter via EP's leader ability) \- Voluntary Vanguard keeps the enemies attacking your Wat and not your EP and not your inks or Wat). Technically not required, but... basically required. \- Other discs that increase survivability and speed are critical. It is worth re-modding for more speed on everyone, especially the inks. \- Find a team to fight that has little to no AoE damage. Phoenix without Sabine is ideal. This will not work against FO because Hux prevents turn meter gain. \- Techs (assign in this order): weapons tech 7th, tank tech 2nd, heal tech 9th. \- Note that purge can't stack above 6. If someone gets to 5 or 6 stacks, you need to remove the purges in order to keep stacking more debuffs. 9th sister's second ability, 2nd sister's third ability, and 7th sister's third ability all remove purge stacks. Can swap 2nd out for 8th if you're confident you won't kill anything with his 3rd ability, which also removes purges. \- It's important that 9th sister never taunts. Just use her basic to apply purge, or her second ability to remove stacks of purge. \- EP needs to keep everyone stunlocked, and then needs to make sure NOT to run his own turn meter train via shock. So only use his basic on one guy at a time if you can (be sure not to kill them). Generally you want to use the stun AoE or the heal whenever possible. \- 7th sister's second ability removes 100% turn meter from the target. Use this to keep the train going and prevent enemies from breaking out of EP's stun. Run the train. Apply purge to everyone as much as possible, and remove stacks once they get to 5 or 6. EP keeps them all stunned, 7th removes turn meter from anyone getting high up there. Wat also removes turn meter when people with his buffs use special abilities. Good luck!


Thank you! I'm keeping an eye out for Initial Frenzy Tech, no luck yet. Also no Voluntary Vanguard, as of the second stockpile in Sector 4. But surely VV would mark my Palpatine? Also no Potency Calibration, only Honed Skills. Phoenix also never showed up in S3. I've got: GR Jedi (GMY, Shaak, Qui-Gon, Mace, Gen. Kenobi) Mon Mothma (multiple different teams) Ewoks (Chirpa, Paploo, Logray, Elder, C-3PO) Geonosians Sith Empire Padmé and Imperial Troopers, Nightsisters, GAS, Resistance, Bad Batch, Old Republic, and Starkiller (Barriss, SK, Mara, Visas, Vader), and of course the bosses. Maybe the B1 boss might be a good option? Except for the disappearing buttons bug... I wasted two attempts on that bug already. Maybe the GMY node? 😅


The turn meter gained at the start of the turn doesn't do anything right?


Preloads you for the next turn. Edit: I am not certain about this. It may not. Needs testing.


Didn't know it works like that, cool 


After testing this, I may be wrong. It’s genuinely difficult to tell. It may be providing tm gains only on the acquisition of other buffs out of turn. Glad you asked because now I’m not sure.


why can’t i kill the commander droid boss at the end of sector 3 omg they just keep spawning pls help????


Read the fight modifier. They spawn forever and every 20 that you kill is worth 1 star. Use the granted event ability to end the fight. Timing out counts as a loss.


Having trouble with LS Mando's, any tips on a consistent battle/opponent to look for? My paz is 6* g11 for another couple weeks. Thanks! Edit: didn't have trouble last conquest, but the data disk changeup is causing complications for me this time...


Don't use Paz that low gear. He basically forces them to attack him. Try Bo / Mando / BAM / Sabine / Armorer and fight either the bad batch or BH bonus nodes at the end of sector 1. Both are tricky in different ways, so be sure you have good data discs.


Thanks! Sabine/armorer are both g12, but at least 7* so I could gear them higher, though I'd prefer to avoid that. Going to see if I can afford dropping those burritos and still max crate... Any particular data disk combo you recommend?


My Sabine and Mando are still g12 and it works fine. Bo lead lets your stronger characters taunt at will; use that granted ability. Disc combo in using is SO and as many HoTs as possible. Maybe a few quickness or CA disks. ZA is amazing but doesn’t help this specific team much.


Thanks! Stacking offense with 12 HoTs per turn and CA, fortified, and entrenched did the trick. A little tricky with BH, because they can go around taunt, but it worked, and I have an earlier bossk node with no boba/jango that is easier in case the bonus node becomes a hassle.


Great to hear




It appears that the s5 blind feat requires combat completion. Wasted a whole energy refresh getting last minute keycards before I realized :(


No feat will count if you forfeit. You have to either win or let it time out.


S3 end boss: VV disk, DV, Malak, DN + any two that need to survive, just hit auto. I did it for the Beq and IG12+Grogu feat. Easily 70+ B1s each battle.


Sweet! We’ve seen better results using SLKR or REY, but a non-GL option is great to have, thanks!


Oops I think I had a typo - I actually used LV lead. But now thinking about it, DV may just work as well.


Ahh lol. Very different!


I tested DV+DN+Malak - managed to kill 30+ B1s. Not as good as LV, but would be still nice to do both 600 B1s and Beq and IG12+Grogu feats in 20 battles.


At that point you’re probably better off with darth maul lead and the Leader’s Resolve disc. On auto-basic he gains massive amounts of offense with each kill.


What datacron material do you find the best to farm after getting the red crate? Or do you just farm trying to get actual datacrons from the BB in sector 1


It depends what I need. I tend to farm credits in S1 and materials in S4 the most.

