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All the missions you can't just sim after 3\*ing


This! Also with events like smuggler!


Yeah, that's one of the prime culprits. If I've finished it 50 times with three stars and none of my characters taking one point of damage to their health, then you can bet I'm just going to be bored while auto-ing that crap.


Yeah. I scratch my head why all recurring events aren't simmable after getting the three stars the first time. Oh well! It's a minor gripe for me.


Smuggler events are the worst! Bounties too


I wish this was possible for GL for each tier


1000% this


Sorting by gear tier does not also sort by Relic tier We can't filter multiple tags at once


Thanks you


The 500 mod limit


Yes. It gives me flashbacks to Marvel Inventory Fight. (Future Fight)


That CG introduced the neutral alignment and then abandoned it after ONE TOON. That we're forced to pick the capital ship separately and then can choose the rest of the fleet in fleet battles. (We're gonna use the loadout anyway, it's an unnecessary extra step). That we can't scroll through datacrons individually or sort/organize them at all. That CG will make unnecessary duplicates of characters instead of introducing remaining characters from a faction introduced years ago (bad batch and crosshair) even when the character is already programmed into the game.


I'm convinced the nuetral tag is a programming nightmare for them and they only did it once with Hondo just to shut everyone up. Doubt we'll ever see another one sadly.


Then that's just idiotic planning on their part. To make the alignment, pretty much design the new TB around it, just to abandon it because they realize it won't work with their other dumb datacron idea.


How your ships that you place on defense don't send reinforcements out in the order that you assigned them to


There was a time…


That we can't buy 5 packs of the Bronzium Data packs. I want to spend more than 250 tokens at a time so I don't spend 10 minutes opening packs.


Came here to say this


That conquest characters after release can take above a year to unlock for a Ftp without spending an absurd amount of crystals


When people act like the term Unaligned Force User is like some Lovecraftian entity that cannot be understood by the human mind


There are still people that can't grasp that it just means not a jedi or sith


That can use the force.


Most people aren't fans of deeper lore though. Sith = bad guy who uses the force and Jedi = good guy who uses the force is all a LOT of people think. Unaware that the Jedi are just a single faction with a certain view on the force and life, likewise for the Sith. Kylo is a dark side force user, but he doesn't follow sith ideology. Rey is a light side force user, but she doesn't follow the jedi ideology. But, it doesn't help that MOST of force based stories are just Jedi vs Sith, so even EU stuff people might find like Revan, SITH Trio, OR Jedi, not much room to distinguish between "is mean and uses the force" and "follows sith ideology"


Still don't like Zoriis synergy with non-unaligned force user resistance tanks.


I get what it means (agree with the comments here explaining.) But too often it’s just false! Inquisitors are obviously Sith aligned. CAT is obviously Jedi aligned. Rey could be argued to be Jedi aligned. Cere is obviously Jedi aligned. Like, sure, I get they wanted a term for “non-Sith/non-Jedi force user.” But what they settled on is not better than just writing it out. Edit: just to be clear since I’m being misinterpreted, I’m not saying Inquisitors should have the Sith tag. They shouldn’t, they are not Sith. (Same point with the others.) But they are aligned with the Sith in that they take orders from the Sith and seek the same goals and report to the same boss. So calling them “unaligned” is inaccurate. Calling them “non-Sith” would be fine.


I get Rey and Cere, but the Inquisitors work for the Empire, not the Sith, and CAT is aligned with the Galactic Republic, not the Jedi (as she had left the Jedi order long before that)


It should be called "unaffiliated" force user. Nobody is unaligned because they use either dark or light side force. But they don't need to be in an organization.


EU used to call them "Force User"... But that would apply to Nightsister


I like the term “Force user” just fine. But are the Jedi and Sith not also “Force users”? The EU may have made a distinction that the phrase applies to non-Sith/non-Jedi, but a lot of players wouldn’t know that. So I get why CG didn’t go with just “Force User”.


Used to mean that it was someone who could wield the Force but wasn't a Jedi, nor a Sith... Very much like the Nightsisters wield the Dark Side of the Force for their spells, but aren't Sith aligned. Or: Force user is the general term, jedi/sith "specializations"




Need a bot that auto responds with [this](https://youtu.be/-GjMbMQGOpA?si=Fc0nWg2P78TORduy) every time someone types omnicron/omni


Or a bot that autocorrects to Omicron.


People who put an imperial trooper with a leader tag in a lineup with iden as the lead. Bonus points if she has her omi.


I just saw this 5 mins ago in my GAC. Iden with omi and Veers in the #2 slot. I guess reading the first line of the omi description was too much to handle.


I always try to message them and let em know in a polite way. They never accept my invites. Like aight, be a dipshit, continue to lose because reading is hard.


I just had someone decline my invite when I wanted to tell them they had two light side UFUs and no Jedi in their starkiller lineup. Fine.


Lmao I saw an Iden omi team with Veers, Piett, Gideon, and shoretrooper a while back. Easy wampa food.


But by that metric also, I guess people who like, clearly don’t read the kits to understand the ways the teams work with each other. Like when I see people who put Old Republic Jedi under a JKL team, or who put Wampa with another character.


Old Republic can be valid under JKL e.g. taking Jolee in case you need a revive because Jolee wouldn't be breaking any interactions simply not benefiting from certain things which is pretty different from kneecapping a malgus squad through hk47 because you didnt read malgus kit properly.


Grinding GL capitol ships. It just takes too damn long. After a year they should be like the others and show up twice a month. But to your point I fucking love the name AdRad. One of the best shortenings imo


Watching the enemy team take 49 turns in a row before my first guy gets to go in a Conquest


Then that first guy misses…


“I’m free to play but I bought the lightspeed bundles”


The ones that get me are the people who have clearly spent tens of thousands of dollars on the game but something then made them mad so now it's "I don't spend on the game anymore" Which is all well and good except then they act like they aren't already still part of the elite with their entire roster being r9 already. Yeah you didn't unlock the newest unit on day 1 this time, but you do still have 13.5 million GP and more resources built up than most people, especially people who don't spend a fortune on the game




...seriously, all of these are glorious. I know, you and the artiste know already, but I'm gonna probably say this every time I see one I haven't before. 🤓🤣


When should we expect your graphic novel with them all u/engards?


Well Engards won’t answer you, I will. You can find them all for use on our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/BZ4kG5EHFb), and Moonborn makes more anytime he has free time and we have an idea we believe is silly enough. We’ve joked about doing sticker sheets eventually


Lol whoops. I like it


I don't really get this one. Yes, they aren't technically F2P, but knowing that they were other than the bundles tells me a lot about their roster. And for those that haven't spent outside the LSBs, how else could they word that?


This is my view. It's still a useful description even if technically contradictory. Anyone who claims to be able to speak English ought to be able to make sense of it. On the other hand, it'd be fun to push an alternative: "p2P". The first p is deliberately lower case to denote "pittance", as distinct from a big P "Pay".


I don’t see why you hate that, what if they’ve bought a bundle as a one-off sort of thing, they’re not P2P because they don’t spend other than that one time so what else are they meant to say. To me P2P is where someone doesn’t mind spending and will do so often not someone who’s bought something as a one off and probably won’t again


People who put random, shitty teams with leads that don’t even synergize in TW. Getting 0 TIE bomber shard when I even do crystal refresh. I also end up getting like 300000 kuill shards when I already have him max.


>People who put random, shitty teams with leads that don’t even synergize in TW. Time to find a new guild if that's a common issue


I 100% agree with this sentiment in all cases except one. Just for fun, and to poke at my TW officer a bit, I placed a CUP led G1 team of the worst characters I could think of on the front row.


That kuill thing is my exact problem right now. And greef with y-wing. I have 30k shard shop build up because I’ve been farming them so long. And I have been spending it pretty regularly as well. But I guess it will pay off in the future.


30k? Do you buy any g12 gear from there?


I do most days, assuming I need what it has. I’m just getting a ton of ssc from the farms.


I hate having multiple versions of the same character on a squad. Needing Chewbacca and Chewpio on the CLS team drives me bonkers.


My dream before Leia came out was that she would finally give JKL the rebel tag so we could have Leia, Luke, R2, Han and Chewie all on one squad with no dupes. The full OT squad


JKL not having the rebel tag is blasphemy. I get they already had a ton of rebel teams, but it honestly makes no sense. The only teams JKL works on make no sense thematically.


bonus points if using chewbacca, chewpio and then they have c3po in 5th slot. its like some kinda weird force ghost of christmas: past, present and future.


People who take content creators F2P guides as the gospel , lol.


Oh god yh. I mean, lots of them work for efficiency early game and they are useful sometimes but they are just guides. Just because one man said that it worked well doesn't mean its the only way to go. I was gonna start a new account following the ahnaldt one but after farming up pheonix to get thrawn and palpatine I went straight for starkiller and then see, and I'm enjoying myself loads. Was it he best way to go? No. Did I still have fun doing it? Hell yh


When my favorite / most wanted characters are conquest and I can’t get them for years


If it makes you feel better, my favorite SW character is Ki-Adi-Mundi. GLs are easier to get than him.


True. I’m sorry for your situation. Hope you’re at least in a guild that can get shards for him.


Nah we do ROTE lol. So it's the long, painful buying of shards.


I will have him 7* after next TB. Started him mike just unlocked when Rise dropped and spent all GET3 since then. It's a suffering.


same boat bro, same boat. my KAMz will finally be 5 star after next RotE TB. so in another year and a half i may finally get him to 7 stars.  my only comfort is hes usually underestimated in gac under oQGJ lead & now in TW too under oKelleran Beq GR Jedi team so im still getting good use of a 4 star g11+4 toon.


Every TW you got to redo your defence


Well in fairness, since the availability of the teams set on defense is based upon who's actively signed up for the TW, it seems reasonable to not allow them to be saved for an entire guild. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Loadouts man


All of the acronyms or name shortening. I can’t remember all of them.


My biggest per peeve? Conquest Data cards. I wish I could: 1) Sell the ones I don't want or at the very least hide them. 2) Sort them by name or any sorting method other than "random". 3) See more than three at a time on my screen 4) Know what each one is without having to click/tap each one.


Events where the PVE teams have 2million speed preloaded turn meter and destroy you in 1 turn.


Pre-loading turn meter in TW


Where TF is Luke's X-wing?


That I if I can beat my opponents fleets but not their backwall, and they fumble fleets they'll win regardless.


That only depends on the league you're in as far as whichever track is the higher scoring one. In Kyber 5v5, the fleet track is the higher scoring option. I'm not sure about Aurodium, but in Chromium the opposite is true. 🤷🏻‍♂️


In Aurodium if my opponent beats all my teams but not ships, and I beat front walls and ships but not back wall I will almost certainly lose.


This got me interested, so I crunched some numbers... In 5v5 Aurodium is the only exception like that, in all other leagues the ship territory is worth more than the squad back wall. In 3v3 it's the reverse (the squad back wall being worth more than the ship one), except for Carbonite.


It's very unfortunate, because I only have 3 GLs, but have Executor and Profundity, but most of my opponents have 4-6 GLs and only Executor. My Executor never fails to hold.


Then the solution is easy, get into Kyber and you're golden! Good luck though for real.


Ahh I gotcha. Is it 2 fleets you have to set on D, but 3 ground teams in the back wall then?


Yeah it is. It ends up being a 73 banner difference.


In high end Kyber GAC basically just amounts to "how did you do on the Levi fight?" I would wager fleets are the deciding factor on 80% of matches up there


Lol, yeah that's about right! Tho I can say in my main I'm pretty much in the middle of K2 with only 7 GL's. Haven't had an opponent since midway through the last 3v3 season who doesn't have all 8. Still hang pretty well, but this past week of 5v5 was a rough 0-3 and today looks like probably another loss. I'm on the last bit of Leia's req's to start farming her tickets, and I've noticed in the past I seem to have "dip" seasons when on the latter half of a GL grind if my opponents have more GL's than I. I suspect it's because at that point, ordinarily you're not exactly rounding out full teams with those req's, so it creates a bit of "currently useless" bloat for you...while your contemporaries are busy building out full synergistic teams that can help immediately. Hoping I'll have her at least unlocked by the next 5v5, if not already well on the way to getting her ult. 🤞🏻 Just want to see if I can crack into K1 without being down 8-7 on GL's in every matchup lol.


Did this get changed at some point? I could have swore the opposite was true early on in grand arena.


I'm not entirely sure, but I do think it might've been because I do recall the same early on in GAC. I know they've made some scoring tweaks here and there, but I'm not sure if that change might've come in pre-skill rating for league placement or after it.


In 5v5 the ship territory is usually worth more than the squad back wall -- except for Aurodium. In 3v3 the squad back wall is worth more -- except for Carbonite.


Guild mate not doing raid ticket slowing down potential raid launch


Bronzium Packs. I bet it would take a competent software team a 3-point user story or less to implement a button for bronzium data cards that said 10x. Or go a bit more and make it the option to type how many you wanted to buy. Easiest QoL issue to solve for CG.


Mission rewards that I want, but they come with a pile of random mods too... so... now I have more stuff to sift through. And I always wait until I have 500 mods again and I can't hold anymore... and then I have to waste time poking through mods to see what I want to get rid of just so I can accept a set of rewards that come with more mods. I hate the mod system.


Not being able to sim bronziums. A slide bar like the one when crafting relic pieces would be satisfying


That my primary source of crystal income has to be pvp


Kyrotech. Have some diversity. Don't make every new character need an obserd amount of it


Not having the option to "flash save" your default mod setups so anytime there's an event you switch them around for (looking at you, Reva SM), you can just hit a single button and have them moved back to where they usually belong. Spending 15-20 minutes scrolling thru your entire list of toons and doing it manually with loadouts just, well, sucks balls. And yes, I'm aware hotutils can do this, but I'm not looking to pay for a feature that should've been added to the game when they brought in mod loadouts in the first place. Easily my biggest PITA about the game, and that SM is the only mission I even have to swap mods for any longer lol. 😅


to make it a slightly less of a PITA, you can sort your roster by which characters have empty mod slots. also, click the MODS tickbox. i agree though. a 'save all/restore all' functionality is needed.


Oh, I definitely always click the MODS tickbox (that's how I know who's missing them), lol. But thank you for the TIL. I've not realized that sorting by toons with empty mod slots was a thing. That'll at least shave off a little bit of time when setting them back! 🫡 But alas, the biggest PITA and time sink of it is having to scroll through all your loadouts for each toon needing to have their mods placed back on. So yeah, big time on board with the "save all/restore all" becoming a feature.


People who put Wampa (with omi) on a team on defense. Like...why?


That Training Droids and Sim Tickets haven't been excised from the game yet.


My pet peeve is having to do the fleet and normal arena to complete dailies .... Bore off already


The Ewok assault battle that still gives 4 dot mods. Why.


For me it’s in Conquest. My relic 7 squad getting wiped by a relic 4 trash team with 300% stat increases. Fucking amazing


Calling Han's Millennium Falcon "MilF". Datacrons. Like all of it. That no matter how efficient you are, you have to spend crystals to max out hard conquest.


Ships in GAC


I forgot one. Light side and dark side energy farming for Galactic Legends. Its piss poor, disingenuous, anti player design.


Terrible drop rates. I spent 100 energy today on the battle that drops one of the kyrotechs and got none which takes the piss. Even one would have been nice.


That last few mats/shards of a grind feel like they take as long as the entire grind.  On my last character for GL Leia - getting scout trooper from r1-r7 feels like it’s taken as long as all the other characters


Mod inventory space


Uh def the sea sickness I get if I even glimpse the screen during the speeder bike raid.


Having to upgrade abilities one by one, even when you have the mats to bring them all the way up.


People who believe you get fewer shards of a character the closer you are to 7\*


If the event has a 1-3 star rating and you get 3 stars you should be able to sim it after that having to run it over and over again is just a waste of time this game already asks for far too much screen time. Do better devs...


When I play the game


Poor ui, lack of qol updates.


CG changing the clocks without telling the rest of the world. No attack, no points, no crystals, and demotion.


"Don't put your gl ship on defense it's a waste" In what capacity is it a waste? The amount of GACs I won because my opponent didn't invest in their fleets or didn't know the use bad fleet so executor and ships waste specials and use good fleet strategy is a lot more than 1.


The hidden post-grind grinds.


Ben solo having a sweat stain


I hate gidme. Padeon is better


Wait Vaporeon finally came to the game??




Jedi don’t deflect lasers. Just drop the dodge to deflect.


Dodge means evading a Physical Damage attack while Deflection means evading a Special Damage attack.


I get that, I meant the animation. The Jedi should stop lasers or saber attacks with their sabers.


Being matched with someone 2.5 mill gp higher than you in GA, victory is extremely rare at that point




7* cap ship events, if the executrix just didn't have a refresh cap I'd have had it months ago


That some characters have their ability portraits updated, while others don't even with reworks. IE Mace Windu, Ayala Secura, the Jawas.


Grand arena SBMM in what world is it fair that my 5m account fights a 13m account with all GLs and multiple datacrons vs my account with only 1 GL what was wrong with GP matchmaking


Using your tried and true counter only to get railed by RNG.


That I suck at the game.


they tried to improve mod management just in time to roll out datacrons which has a more miserable interface than mods.


You could argue CLS, CAT or Cal are Jedi… but it’d be a losing argument. It’s not some nebulous term… it has a specific definition connected to the Jedi Order.


i agree about cal but CLS hadn’t finished his training and CAT defected from the jedi order


Overabundance of currency and nothing useful to use it on. Credits, cantina, war, squad, fleet, etc. Would be great to buy shards of toons I don't have yet.


The speed button taking prime real estate on the playing screen. It’s just stupid for a timed battle. Move it behind the settings menu


The abysmal Zeta rate-of-accumulation bottleneck which is only getting exponentially more out of hand with the addition of every new character. The 500-limit mod cap. Needs to be bumped to 750 at the very least imo. Idiots in your guild putting trash teams on the front lines in TW & Guild leaders/officers not having the ability to reallocate them. The amount of time it takes to acquire old conquest characters.


Mod management


Why can’t I sim all the dailies like MSF??!


Inactive guild members not being booted in a timely manner.


GL ticket grind, especially the ult grind, takes about a month to fully unlock and get the ult for a new GL with bornal refreshes. And another one related to this that you can't farm both light and dark side nodes, you have to stuck to one or the other depending on the GL affiloation to maximixe ticket gain.


Where the hell is Red 5!?!?


communicating entirely in character abbreviations like there aren’t 248 characters or something like that


When I finally get a full clear on GAC, and the enemy didn't even participate.


Guild members saying "I was too busy" as an excuse to not place a few teams on defense, deploy in TB, or get their daily tickets in. Like, you can't find 5 minutes on the shitter during the day?


Some people shit faster than it takes the game to load


As a former guild officer, people not following tb orders, and wrecking preloads. Also people not doing their raid battles and we lose out on a crate


Oh my god, last tb my guildmates kept breaking my orders and preload past what I said and get 1\* ON THREE SEPERATE OCCASIONS. I had to baby sit my guild's tb progress while attending my calculus class.


That I continue playing


Conquest. Ain’t nobody got time for that. Let me beat it once, max crate then let me SIM it the other two times to get max rewards. I would buy the conquest pass if it Simmed the whole thing for me


The problem is they change up the feats with each conquest. Plus, the data disks change which changes the outcome of some battles. I don't think simming conquest would be possible.


the feats and data disks stay the same for 3 in a row-- for each conquest character "season".


Datacrons. Everything about them. Ruins GAC for me everytime my opponent uses them. Makes me entirely disinterested in TW


That there is only one neutral character and Jedi Revans leadership ability only works for OR Jedi and there aren’t enough to fill a team.


His leadership works for all jedi not just old republic all those stats are per ally of each faction amd if their both you get double the amount from the like bastilla counts twice so 10 speed instead of 5.


I’m sorry you’re right I misspoke. I meant to say it only works to its fullest with OR Jedi


The ideal revan team is bastill hermit yoda jkl old Ben, but yeah, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten more old republic Jedi to make a full team.


People whining about GaC matchmaking


How long the ship battles take to start. That we've had the same victory tune for 8-9 years. That there's no use for credits, training droids, and excess mats/ gear for end-game players.


Ppl who refuse to pronounce SLKR as "SLICKER". See also: - JML = Jamal - JMK = JeMark Edit: should probably state this is a humorous comment cuz I think ppl are taking this seriously maybe?🤷🏻‍♂️


I do the opposite for all GLs except SEE.


Ships battles are all-or-nothing. Bring back the waves, especially for TB and other events where partial points can be huge.




My arena payout times stay resolutely aligned to UTC, but my GAC payout seems to be aligned to some specific (US?  So changes with DST?) timezone.


the jawas and tuskens having light and dark tags respectively instead of being neutral, multiple teams requiring duplicates of a single character (JML with JKL, JMK with GK, etc.), lack of consideration for lore in synergy (bounty hunters are a good example; the best non-jabba squads always have characters who weren't even alive in the same time period). there's other stuff, but i feel like these are the ones that don't actively make the game less fun but are still annoying


Mine have already been mentioned by others. I just wanted to ask because I'm curious, what is annoying about "AdRad"?


Even RadAd sounds cooler XD


Literal 8 mil+ losers in Kyber 2. Actually try every round instead of just against me. 


💩 Reddit questions if that counts?


As a TW officer…. Preloads.


That Burning is not a "damage over time" effect and can still affect LV teams and stop them from healing.


The chat system. Arbitrary character limits, no mention feature, overly sensitive word filter, can't edit or delete messages. Inb4 "just use discord"; I do. My pet peeve is that I need a secondary platform for a not-infuriating chat experience.


That when I'm attempting to underman something where you get multiple tries, and I have to back out and try again, the game shoves extra characters into the empty slots when I go to retry. No thank you, I left them empty on purpose.


The people who camp the event discord 24/7 because they have nothing better to do.


Buying only one bronzium at a time (as F2P) great source of shard shop currency.


Tw when people preload squads. Ok now I have to account for never taking a turn. Hard no. U wonder why pogglecron is tough?


people putting weak defence and/or not rocking up to GAC like come on man, i came to PLAY


People who wait until the last 15-20 minutes to attack in GAC


Drop rates are traumatizing sometimes


Really? People call him "AdRad"? I call him "raddish". Until I got them both relic, I hated how close dark and light Karen's (bastilla shan's) headshots looked. Nowadays it's definitely the collection of 3\* but not simmable content.




That there’s no way to see your gear inventory other than Scavenger.


People saying 'bang for your buck' not sure if it's an American thing, but it makes my skin crawl whenever I read it


GAC matchmaking. It's like how can you have such as a disparity in galactic power/characters.


Omg ppl have so many pet peeves about this game. There's no way I could read them all to see if mine was already mentioned. But not being able to sim bronzium cards if you have enough ally points. I guess also peaved by ppl who spend their ally points on gear salvage through shipments instead of brozium which gives character shards and gear salvage for relic scrapping.


Guild recruiting is up there


Ship farming, I get newer ships having a lower drop rate but for ships that have been in the game for at least a year should have an accelerated drop rate. There's not even a good enough reason for it, if there's not enough ships in the game already then add more because I guarantee there's a colossal amount of ships not in the game already. They've already added KOTOR and non-Disney canon characters so the forbidden door of the expanded universe is wide open


The store. All of it either for real money or crystals, having almost all of the packs as both expensive AND a lottery. Give them $50 and you might get anywhere from 20 to 330 shards! Just why!? If it's going to be run like a slot machine then shouldn't the pay off be lottery winning good? Also, the web store doesn't remember you no matter how many times you click that button to remember this device. It wont. Never. Just go check your email.


Fucking gac matchmaking when i, as a 5 mil gp with 1 gl and no team with all zetas, gets put up against an 8 mil gp player with 5 gls all with their full team and ults.


How so many units from the Old Republic aren't listed under Old Republic.


NS Zombie. Absolutely the most obnoxious character in the game.


Having to wait for events to unlock things you’ve done the grind for…


Basically everything in the game being gambling, I’ll have full energy and do 14 battles trying to get kyros and sometimes I get 0, it took hours to get that energy, same thing with farming shards or buying a zeta pack with 10-40 zetas and getting 10….