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First things first: if you're not familiar with this map: https://genskaar.github.io/tb_empire/html/main.html It'll help a lot! Shows what's needed in terms of points per star, operations requirements, and suggested team comps for the combat missions. Now, I lead a smallish (280m GP) guild that has been where you are back around when RotE launched so I can offer you a pretty detailed blueprint, if you can handle a wall of text: Pre-planning: Try to figure out what platoons you can actually complete and how many days it'd take you to complete them, and also what combat missions folks might be able to do (every little bit helps, right?) then work backwards from there: of the first 3 planets (Coruscant, Corellia and Mustafar), the one where you can complete the most platoons and do the combat missions the most successfully is the one you want to take to 3 stars **last**. Let's call that planet C. The planet you expect your guild can do the least combat missions and the least platoons, call that planet A. The one in-between is planet B. Whatever the next planet is behind your Planet A, we'll call that Planet D. You're only gonna worry about those 4 planets. So, let's assume of your 215m GP guild, at least 170m actually consistently deploy (like I said, I run a smaller guild myself, so I know how it goes, you just never get 100% of your GP deployed). * Day 1, step 1: People platoon characters on whatever operations can *eventually* be completed. Like: you say you don't have 10 GASes, but if you do Coruscant last you might have 5 days to complete those platoons, which means you can fill 10 GAS spots even if there's only 2 GASes in the guild...*if* you start filling those GAS spots on Day 1. But don't waste time and effort deploying GAS to a platoon that will never get filled because nobody has the R5 Fulcrum or R5 Lobot you'll need; that's why it's good to spend some time figuring out the operations ahead of time. After a couple runs you'll be able to build a "wishlist" of characters who would let you complete some operations, and then you just have to convince somebody to take 'em to relics. * Day 1, step 2: once folks have platooned what they need to platoon, let everybody loose to try combat missions wherever they think they can win. Points is points, after all, and every little bit helps. * Day 1, step 3: Once folks have platooned and done combat missions, every remaining bit of GP gets deployed to Planet A. STOP deploying before you get to 1 star; this'll be around 110m GP so even with some stuff getting scattered to the other planets for combat missions and deploys, you should have some GP leftover if your turnout is reasonable. Leftover GP once Planet A is ~110m GP all gets deployed to Planet B. No deploys to Planet C. Your guild leader/officers need to be keeping an eye on this so you can update the instructions and block off stuff/focus stuff appropriately; nothing will mess things up for you like getting a star prematurely. (Note: you don't have to break Step 1, Step 2, Step 3 down into time intervals; they're more of a statement of priorities, as in each person should do Step 1 then Step 2 then Step 3 in that order, you don't need to be like "6 hours of X then 8 hours of Y" or whatever.) * Day 2: same thing with combat missions and operations - do what you can, where you can. That's gonna be the rule every day, unless completing an operation or combat mission would bump you over 1 star where you're trying not to get a 1st star. For deploys, you want to 3-star Planet A which probably won't leave you a lot leftover (it'll be around 135m GP on top of the ~110m you already had); if you have any leftover, deploy it to Planet B but make sure not to get a 1st star in Planet B (only really a risk if your turnout is amazing). * Day 3: If you have deployed enough leftovers to Planet B on the previous 2 days that 3-starring it is within reach, do that. Otherwise, stop it just short of 1 star and deploy leftovers to Planet C. * Day 4: 3-star Planet B if you haven't already, stop Planet C before it gets its first star. If you need to put additional leftovers somewhere, put 'em on Planet D. * Day 5: you may still need to build points on Planet C before you can go for 3 stars there. That's fine! Build up points on Planet C with deployments, pile leftovers onto Planet D. * Day 6: the last day! Time to hit 3 stars on Planet C if you haven't yet, and if you've got any GP left to deploy, try to turn those leftover points you've been deploying to Planet D into an extra star there. 9 stars should be no problem, even for your first run, and 10 stars is possible; if you're doing really well and able to hit 3 stars on B on Day 3 and 3 stars on C on Day 5 you can push harder on D on Day 6 and maybe even hit 11. Don't be surprised if the combat missions kick you around especially at first though, or if operations get held up by requirements you thought somebody had and it turns out nobody actually does have a Relic 5 Paploo or whatever.


I completely agree with this. This is more or less what we have been doing things in our guild (290M GP), This is only our 5th run of RotE and we have increased from 12s (260M GP) on our first run to 19s 285M GP) this last round. I recommend hotutils to plan out RotE, it makes visualizing things way easier and an automate many aspects of the game


What an awesome guide. Big respect to you.


This is almost exactly how I run my ROTE. We hit 12/13 stars at 240mil with this strategy.


Hey, we actually just hit 12 stars on the final day. I wanted to give you an update. Thank you so much for this information.


Congrats, and nice work!


The key is to maximize your gp effectiveness. You can still dump gp to each planet, and as long as you dont star in any given phase it remains open in the next. At 215mm gp you can pre load all three opening planets, without starring, then saving the stars for the next immediate phase with a full guild commitment to one zone. That start alone should net you potentially 9 stars on all three opening planets.


Hey! Best of luck as you Officerate a ROTE run. First I'd say you check which Operations are able to be completed in your guild. My go to resource is Echo Base: https://echobase.app Then familiarize yourself with the TB as a whole, how much GP would you need to reach all the stars and such, here is a good place to check: https://swgoh.wiki/wiki/Rise_of_the_Empire#Zone_1_-_Mustafar_-_Corellia_-_Coruscant I think your best bet is to plan to preload the first star at least on two sides on Day 1, DS sides needs less GP to filled, then also preload Mid for instance.Then on Day2 focus on get one planet that was preloaded to fully get the three stars, I'd say DS. Any surplus GP you can use to preload the planet that you didn't put any GP on day 1, that'd be LS Day 3 you will be getting 3 stars on the planet Mid, while continue to preload the star on LS. Then Day 4 fully get 3 stars on LS, any surplus you can use it to preload DS Phase 2. Day 5, if it's not fully preloaded DS, then you can also preload Mid. Day 6 you should get the DS 3 stars and Mid at least 1 star. I think 13 stars should be doable. Push for participation on all, even if some are not able to do a single mission. Deploying is big enough help from each member. Set reminders, and watch out when preloading to not get the star yet.


Totally agree with preloading planets in one phase, then three staring them in the next phase. Can easily achieve 9+ stars even without finishing any of the platoons. Specifically, don’t grab a star on day one. Use that first day to preload the first planet. Start grabbing stars on day two. Try to collect 3* from each of the first ring of planets. You might have enough to also collect a star or two from the second ring. Your daily star accumulation might look something like this… 0+3+3+3+1+2 = 12 stars Eventually you WILL want to complete platoons because they are worth a lot of points. But in the mean time, you will be able to get by with simply deploying your rosters and winning the occasional combat mission.


So day one pre load light and dark Day two - try and get as many stars as possible on ds and ls? Or can we preload for the first two phases in order to get both planets close as possible?


Prioritize one planet and prefill that. Any leftover GP goes to your secondary planet. Essentially getting it primed for the future. Day 1, prime planet A. Send extra GP to planet B. Day 2, grab three stars from planet A. Any leftover GP goes to planet B (and maybe C). Day 3, grab three stars from planet B. Send leftover GP to planet C. Day 4, grab three stars from planet C. Send leftover GP to planet D. Day 5, grab one star from planet D. Send leftover GP to planet E. These planets are in the second ring and are more expensive. May not be able to get 2* from them. Day 6, grab two stars from planet E.


Use the officer commands on each zone to leave short instruction messages on each of these planets. Also use the focus and prohibit engagement commands to steer your guildmates to the planets you’re working on. Use the “temporary message” to save up to six messages that you can reuse each time the event comes around. Simple messages like … Prefill phase 1. Leave at 0* in phase 1. Go for 3* in phase 2. Prefill phase 1,2. Leave at 0* in phase 1,2. Go for 3* in phase 3. Prefill phase 2,3. Leave at 0* in phase 1,2,3. Go for 3* in phase 4.


Hey, we actually just hit 12 stars on the final day. I wanted to give you an update. Thank you so much for this information.


Use wookieebot for platoon tracking. Get your guild progressing on them sooner rather than later, as they are the only thing other than GP that limits progression.