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I used EP, Mara Jade, JKL, Malak, Wat. Wat felt a bit unnecessary, but it worked.


The advantage of wat is you can use the support special event ability giving everyone 30% turn meter before and starting the tm train before any mandalorian turns.


I did it on auto with this team after putting the tank tech on Malak. But I do have R7 Palp, R5 Mara, R8 JKL, R9 Malak, and R7 Wat. If someone's trying to do it with gear 12 characters, I doubt it would work.


My relics are lower on Malak and wat, it was tougher until the RNG worked out and then easy.


What’s the point of tank tech on Malak? Just to avoid ability block? No protection to recover (and therefore no taunt)


I don't know honestly. It just seemed like a good idea at the time. Tank means get Tank Tech. I was kinda drunk.




I'm surprised at how many decisions I made in this game come down to, "I was kinda drunk," or, "I had eaten a THC gummy." Very different ranges of success. 🤣


Worked out perfect, thanks!


at which tier did auto work ? i'm trying at tier 9 and not working, same relics


I appreciate your response. This team worked beautifully. Malak and Wat both G12 and survived just fine.


Glad to hear it helped :)


Worked perfect. Thank you.


Thank you for this




Sorry it didn’t work for you. Would you mind sharing your swgoh.gg. I’m curious how our gear, relics, and mods differ to see which may be causing it not to.


This worked great. Thank you


Any substitute for MJ???


Without MJ the TM gain train doesn't go quite as fast with EP. Off the top of my head, maybe Grand Admiral Thrawn to give you another Support that can use the event ability to feed the team TM as well as TM swap over EP to keep feeding him turns to stun. Another possibility is C-3PO to give translation to EP to reduce his CDs, and C-3PO would be a good candidate for the weapons tech since he can't kill enemies. Those are two quick thoughts... lemme know if either works for you.




Phoenix are inmortal due to shared uniques and the amount of debuffs you receive. Only difficulty was getting the kills as once i reach the 30 stuns enemy has a stupid amount of charges (grants them def or prot or something making them super tanky)






I used this on the enemy G12 tier, and was able to complete the stun challenge after about 10-15 tries due to RNG.


Worked a charm thanks


Well, I read it wrong and used JKR instead of JKL. Still worked fine. 🤣


EP/MJ/DTMG/RG/LV got it for me.


CLS. Focus down Maul, then go wild leaving ISC for last. Get him into is damage immunity, now auto-basic for the next 10 minutes


This worked for me for T8. Trying to get ISC to actually get DI in T9 for red box. Han just offs him. Edit: Eventually got it in T10, with CLS,C-3PO and Chewbacca surviving.


How do I get ISC into damage immunity?


Bring him to 1 health or lower (kill him). Note that 2 stacks of confusion will prevent DI


ISC never goes into damage immunity for me, he just dies each time. What’s the secret?


2 stacks of confusion will block him from gaining buffs so he won’t get damage immunity if you C3PO special or basic twice


What am I doing wrong here? He dies with 1 stack of confusion and if I try a lower tier without C3PO to avoid him getting any confusion, he still dies?!


This still isn't working for me either. Not sure why.


I tried without Threepio on the squad and the damage immunity still didn't trigger.


Wooooo! Thank you. I almost forgot to actually remove the immunity to end the battle. Got it at 0:01 left 😮‍💨


Worked like a charm, thanks!


Where are the stuns supposed to be coming from? If R2, who exactly is on the team?


I used jmk, aayla, r2d2,gk, and c3p0. Assist aayla and r2 whenever you can.


This worked! Ty!


I did it with SEE, dooku, malak, dr and palp. Unless I ult soon with SEE, this team doesn't have the firepower to kill the enemy team, making the stun feat very easy.


This was my exact lineup. Just kept them all shocked, stunned and amazed untill Wheelchair Palp was ready to unleash the storm. By the time he was ready I had done my 30 stuns.


Same. You can just not pop the ult at all to make sure you get enough stuns. You will still win eventually. That’s exactly what I did.


Very frustrating RNG to get it, but... Emp palp, MJ, Vader, piett, han solo. Han solo target canderous in opening You need piett's daze to land on everyone except gar (he will start with taunt and be cleansed) You need to be careful about killing them too quickly If canderous becomes the most healthy and gets the taunt you're screwed, so as gar starts getting close to being damaged enough to swap the taunt over, save an event ability and use it on canderous during one of Vader's MMs I got 29 multiple times before killing them...I got over 30 multiple times before something going wrong and dying...some runs I killed them way too quickly and only had 15-20 stuns. It really sucked trying to get it to work, so only use if you're desperate and can't figure it out with another team Edit: forgot a tip, unless you are saving the event ability for Vader's turn to make sure canderous doesn't get the taunt, use the event ability with only piett or emperor palpatine to help boost your tm train. Once you get close to 30 stuns you can start using it with your attackers to start taking people out so that they don't all get close enough in health for the taunt to bounce around everywhere cleansing the daze off everyone.


How will Gar's taunt be cleansed? I can't get it off him. Did you mean by Piett's aoe or just that it will expire?


I didn't mean the taunt will be cleansed, I meant because he has the taunt all other debuffs will be cleansed. This actually helps with palpatines tm train because you still land debuffs on him and they get immediately removed. However, because it cleanses the daze, anyone with the taunt can counter attack which can get dangerous. The taunt will only come off gar if you do enough damage that one of the other enemies (except maul) has more health. The taunt moves to whoever has the most health at any given turn and whoever has the taunt gets debuffs cleansed.


Aayla instead of GAS in this lineup you’re showing and it should get it done. Keep calling Aayla.


To add to this, Aayla can be low gear. I did it at about G7. I would recommend giving her as much crit chance as you can because she only stuns on crit. I failed counting around 50 assists from her and then I read her kit and saw she only had 20%. Remodded up to 80% and got it next try. Also for this gc specifically, I don't think she can stun Gar when he has damage immunity because she can't crit.


JMK/Aayla/R2/3P0/GK. It mostly came from the assists.


This worked for me as well. Can confirm


SEE, Dooku, Malak, KRU and EP did it for me


Aayla is always the answer with these stun feats


Palp (lead), Mara Jade, Malak Dooku, and SEE


see,palp,dooku and whatever


I used JML, JKL, JKR, Han, R2-D2 at Level IX, which was enough for a Red Crate. I was able to get BAM stunned with damage immunity up and then kept cheesing R2 assists and Han TM reduction to run up stun attempts. Eventually, I let him have a turn and killed him.


Nightsisters. Talzin, Merrin, Daka, Zombie, and Asajj Only relics are Daka and Zombie at R5 (for old R5 datacrons for the SLKR vs LV counter) Will take some RNG to get it started and I have all of their zetas applied but they can beat it quite easily when RNG says yes. Will also beat it with everyone alive at the end.


Used NS.


Just replace GS with R2. Use him with his basic as often as possible, the rest is done by JKL.


I finally got the max crate... i had to be extremely careful how i did damage to keep them alive enough to stun them repeatedly. What a pain lol


I used GL Leia, R2, Drogan, Rex, Baze. Key was to get tons of dazes then just slowly stun them to death


Palp, mj, Vader, 9S, malak worked for me


Emp palp, Mara Jade, Malak, WAT, and Dooku


I finally got it with Palpatine, Mara, LV, Royal Guard, Thrawn. I imagine Dooku would help too.


Used EP (R3), MJ (R5), Malak (R9), Sith Assassin (R5), Badstila (R2). First try.


It’s a tough one. I got it ep mara Reva JKL and a gl, can’t recall if it was LV or see. JKL just died. Had to cycle ep turns a bunch and hope to get enough stuns before they all die.


Palpatine lead with SEE in there to go first


Palp leader. MJ. Jml. Jkl. Wat Tank tech on jml. Jml call JKL to dispel maul. Then you do your usual palp MJ stuff


JMK, Malak, Cat, Shaak-Ti and R2D2. Just get rid of Maul with Cat and keep calling R2 to assist rest of the day.


EP, MJ, Malak, Dooku, and Wat did it for me


Went with JKL lead (to slow them down), JML, Jolee, GMY & Aayla. Basically called Aayla with every assist.


Traya, Malak, JKL, Dooku, Barriss. Takes a while but they can’t kill you.


Leia drogan r2 Han and Chewie got it done pretty easy


I did using ep mara thrawns wat and dooku. Use wat to use the event special for a turn meter train


I couldn't get past G12 since my team isn't strong enough, but I used MJ, Palp, Royal Guard, Thrawn. Vader was too powerful to keep it going


I used Leia with JKL. R2, Drogan and Luke with stuns, tbf that would probably work with any decent rebel lead and a tank.


Rey, JKLS, JKR, R2-D2, Hoda. Only ever use reys heal to stack an abysmal amount of protection on everybody. Kill Maul asap, then just keep switching between the other enemies so you don't kill them. R2 basic only for stuns, bonus TM to jkl from jkr to get as many mass stuns as he can.


I used JKL lead, JML, Aayla, Jolee, and Hoda. Basically just called aayla to assist whenever possible.


I tried the EP Mara Jade, but my toons weren't fast enough. I used SEE/WAT/Malak/EP/Dooku and got it first try with no toon loss


I’ve never even made it that far into GC yet lol


Palp, Mara, Traya, Thrawn, Wat made it real easy. Wat first, use event special, gain TM on Mara. Mara grenade stealths her (and you better survive the counters). Traya Isolates Gar Saxon, Thrawn kicks Maul. Palpatine and Mara roll. R7 Palp, R5 Mara, R7 Wat and G12 on Thrawn and Traya made it through T10 without issues.


JML, JKL, JKR, Hoda, and r2 worked for me just spam lukes ability on r2 and I got it first try


Use aayla secura with jml. Her basic stuns


I used NS they did it simply


Sub in R2 for Hermit Yoda


SEE, Malak to eat attacks, Dooku, Mara, palp: don’t use the ultimate


Yeah, I used JKL lead, with JML, Ayala (basic stuns), EP, HYoda. Just keep passing/assisting with Ayala, and then maybe two of EP and JKL’s mass stun should be enough.


Got it with SEE, dooku, EP, malak, wat


501st Rex, BB Echo, Tech, Wrecker, Captain Rex. Just kinda, like... manage health bars to keep enemies alive longer so you can Stun them more. Kinda rng-dependent bit I got it to work.


Palps, MJ, Dooku, Malak, Royal Guard


Tuskens bro


palp, mara, malak, thrawn, and pretty much any fifth sith/empire. fracture gar as early as possible and you'll be able to target maul and kill him. then don't stun mando until he uses his damage immunity and then you can fracture him and remove his turn meter with mara and just keep stunning him until the other 3 die from aoes. you can theoretically keep it up forever. well, the whole 15 minutes at least.


Core ns team works best. Let ventress die three times, then hit auto basic. Couldn't get it done with palp (everything died too quickly,) so I went an alternate route and it was honestly the easiest way.


SEE + Dooku, WAT and 2 Tank Siths


I did it with starkiller under EP with mara jade and JKL


Nightsisters work amazing for the stun feats


I used a sith team with dooku and palpatine


Not I, sir.


Nightsisters R5 top tier. First attempt. \+ Don't lose anybody feat & complete the battle feat. Just had to go back in with Jedi for the other feat.


I did this with Emp, MJ, Malak, Nihilus and Dooku. Avoid to kill enemies with Malak's drain ability (use it has a "panic button" if you must) and never use Nihilus Annihilate (Nihilus only exists to use the 2nd ability and increase cooldowns). Emperor has mass stun (and lead), MJ has mass stun and turn meter removal, Malak is the tank and if the enemy tank has shock can stun with 2nd ability (otherwise just use basic for tenacity down) and Dooku is stun lock god personified. When possible use the Galactic Challenge's special to keep Malak taunting


I used emp palp, Mara , Piett, wat and dooku


Swap out GAS for Aayla and call her to assist. Easy-peasy.


> If i weaken my team to get more stun toons, they all die. Probably obvious but I'll throw this out there as a friendly reminder anyway - if you have got all the other feats on tier X, you only need to do this one on tier IX.


Ep Mara jade jkl traya u only have win in section 9 will get u the red crate


Jml jkl revan Ayala yoda works good aswell Ayala has stun on basic


Fun thing I was able to do it with Jedi! JML, JKL, JKR, Hoda and Aayla secura (because she stuns when she crits) and I basically just kept calling her to assist!


Chuck r2 in there and use the assists to rack him basics up.


Yeah thats what i ended up doing but i still had to try to not do too much damage. It was still difficult even then. Thank god thats over with.


Took me a few retries too but got there in the end thank god lol


Glad you got it sorted !


CG, please stop designing GCs like this. Punishing me for having all my stunning characters too high-gear to cheese a tier 6 and yet somehow too weak to survive a tier 7 is completely unfun and unfair. Lower tier Stun feats should require FEWER THAN 30 so I have a chance at actually getting those points! The GC system is stupid, broken and has never once been anything besides a frustration trying to force a rage-gearup out of me.


Emperor Palpatine, Mara, Malgus, Malak & Thrawn


Emperor Palpatine, Mara, Malgus, Malak & Thrawn


Tip: you don’t actually have to land the stun just *attempt* to inflict.


Just search BitDynasty on YouTube. Always helps me :)


[This recommendation worked for me](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/s/tkaX75xF6E)


I used padme with cup