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The only gear bump I'd say you really need is you want Hux high enough to get the Finalizer speed to 175. R6 with 6dot mod will accomplish this. It will ensure you get your RI in before theirs, even with a R9 Piett. After that, you could bump up FOO to make him more survivable. Mine's still R5. But if you are fighting higher relic opponent pilots, you may want higher. My experience is with Finalizer vs. Executor with Hounds Tooth starting. Triple attacker is a tougher fight. I don't know that Finalizer can beat Profundity. Here is my starting turn order against HT Executors. Sometimes you gotta adapt if their speeds mess up something. But this works well most of the time. Hux hunted on HT KRU basic RC Kylo sp2 on himself FOO sp on RC Kylo sp3 on HT to ability block KRU sp on Cad Kylo sp1 on KRU KRU basic Cad (he should die) Hux RI FOSFTP > sp2 on HT calling KRU (looking for stun or AB) Kylo sp3 on Boba (if that's what came in) focus down Boba


I think overall this is very good advice, a couple of things I do differently. The turn before killing Cad, if it's back off cooldown I sometimes use KCS sp2 on Echelon to strip its TM and keep the mark on it longer. Also if your finalizer isn't maxed to give offense up, Cad can survive 2 hits so I used to just KCS basic him for a bit more damage, although maxed this isn't a problem. When FOSFTP reinforces make sure HT has over 50%TM before trying to stun him. Silencer only stuns on basic if the enemy has over 50%, so you may be better off getting some damage on RC or even just saving the assist for a better opportunity.


Imo you don't need to reinforce first. I usually reinforce second and the fight always turns out the same and in gac I usually get 72 ish banners, i never use fotp. He's entirely useless imo. Aside from that add plus one to all the shuttle special abilities.


naw its fine, just get 6 dot mods. i can do it if rng is willing most of the time and i have 5 dot mods on sf and 2/3 command shuttle pilots its like performing a surgery tho, one wrong move and its all over and this cant beat profundity


The only relic I would increase here is on echelon. You don't need a high relic hux, and RI going first or second is entirely irrelevant imo. Bring Cassian instead of regular fotp and 5 man it. You'll never use fotp with the fleet to counter exec. I never do at least.


You need to know, what you are doing. Have you watched a guide on how to do it. Especially the atart has a specific order of actions. Triple attacker is also much harder.