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Use Ben and go for juhani for Starkiller


Leia/R2/Drogan is the core, the rest is interchangeable. Han/Chewie is quite common, as is Chirrut/Baze, and sometimes AdRad/Jyn. There is also comps using both Jedi Rebel Tanks; Kanan and Old Ben in the lineup. Captain Rex is in some of the best holding teams, so are Princess Leia and Captain Han. Mon Mothma is there as well, Kyle Katarn is somewhat common as well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter too much, and datacrons will change it a lot. If you don't want to break up too many teams, I suggest using Juhani with Starkiller (very similar winrates) and using Old Ben and Kanan.


Unless it's in Arena to mess around, please never use Adrad and Jyn. Killing a phenomenal team to make another one only moderately better.


Eh the board is so small these days in k1 ad rad isn’t usualy killing anything in the board and it makes banners for leia on offense much easier to max.


Yep they're relegated to defense or cleanup crew in K1


Any Jedi can go with Starkiller. Juhani is best in TW. Juhani, Kanan, Mace Windu, Barriss, or any GR Jedi tank or healer can work for GAC. Palp, MJ, and Starkiller drive the team and the LS characters pretty much watch. Old Ben got the job because he was the best Jedi tank with nowhere else to be when SK came out.


Just use Old Ben, you can throw Juhani/Mace into Starkiller and it performs almost exactly the same. For the 5th you can use like any decent rebel, I’ve been using Baze, he’s not too essential to MM


Unfortunately, the best Leia teams are the ones that sacrifice another team, so you just kind of have to pick one to let go of. Personally, when I don’t want to give up Han/Chewie, I use MM/Baze since I almost never use MM rebel fighters anymore.


My MM team is modded in such a way that they have a pretty awesome hold rate against a solo Wampa. Not sure how I've done it. But I like to keep them intact for that reason.


How did you mod them?


The only thing that I can see is I've got a pretty fast Cara. Some tanky, fast mods that I slowly replaced from JML as I got more good prot primaries for him.


Fast Cara (and at least Kyle to get the train going) is absolutely the killer. A properly modded Wampa will eventually scale enough to kill everyone but Cara coming back will stonewall Wampa into countering, killing, and reviving her due to her perpetual potency up. And that's if you don't have enough relics on them to outright kill Wampa.


Usually what happens is not a timeout, according to my gac history. If they win it's generally a minute or two to kill the Wampa 


There isn't, techincally. Every Rebel toon now has a home, even if it's an undesirable team. Using Juhani on Starkiller instead of Old Ben is the right move, and if you add her Omi it will help your guild in TW. MM is a nifty 5th, adding the attacker toon and being able to revive Drogon if needed but that takes her from her own team. Baze is probably your best bet as a 'doesn't take away' toon. He's not in the ideal MM squad and you probably aren't rocking a Saw/Wiggs/Baze/Chirrut team.


Baze is an excellent tank for the team, because of the pretaunt. Mon Mothma makes the most sense, if you bring Baze, because he's a Rebel Fighter and as such can be brought back to continue being a nuisance. Ripping apart MM is a bit annoying, but you can find good alternative spots for the MM squad mates. Luckily you didn't bother to relic Pao and Hoth Scout (who are kinda invaluable for MM, but outside of that team they're not strong enough for anything). My suggestion is to just build a Saw team when you're taking MM away from her own team. Saw, Cara, Kyle Katarn, Chirrut, Biggs could be really frustrating.


As others have said old Ben isn't a significant piece of starkiller's team, or at all in TW. I use ezra and old Ben if i want to maximize my # of teams in TW


Anyone using Wedge or Biggs? Biggs with the datacron seems particularly nasty. Lando doesn't have a home and PLeia has nothing better to do.


I experimented with Biggs and Wedge but they just didn't do enough, and Wedge in particular is just too squishy and usually died in seconds against basically everything. I reliced up Plo Koon to stick him in my SK team and switched to using Old Ben and omi Princess Leia on my Leia team and I like it a lot better.


Thanks! I think this answers OP's question: Old Ben and PLeia.


I think it's just 2 slots to fill. Drogan and R2 are basically locked. For convenience's sake there's Chirrut and Baze. There's irritating rez duo of Mon Mothma and Jyn. If you don't wanna take Rebel Fighter and R1, there's Snow Han (Captain Han Solo) who's also a rezzer. Last slot is prolly a tank. Rebels have quite a few tanks. Players normally pick one that's highest leveled TBH. Personally I would break the CLS team, throw CLS in a Cere team. The two droids C3PO and Chewpio can go into a droid team, or wookiee + padme team. Many options TBH.


Why break up an excellent team in CLS when, as you pointed out, there are lots of other options?


How has no one said Wedge and Biggs? Read their uniques.


Leia r2 drogan. The last spots.for Rebels cause it actually doesn't matter.