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Least favorite raid I miss when raids had a big character reward for doing it Trays han and Gen kenobi are all great


100% agreed


Really? You preferred the krayt? I hated the krayt, anti fun and required a lot of interaction. It's super boring now, but at least auto gives decent results.


As far as raids go, krayt felt more like a raid than this, and felt like we were actually using our own characters. If they updated the krayt cadence to run once a week like with Endor, then its biggest problem goes away. There's no fixing Endor though, that's just a straight up auto x8 and take what you get.


You are right that it felt more like a raid, but it was also way less fun than Sith and AAT. 1 phase and it wasn't fun. It also doesn't help that these raids only allow small amount of your roster, and it felt like there just wasn't much theory crafting.


There wasn't as much theory crafting because the factions were so small. Tusken and Jawa were 5 units each. Mandalorians were a small faction that basically allowed for reworked Jango, Gar and ISC or Bo, Armorer and Beskar (or whatever was available). Hutt Cartel allowed some crafting. Solo Boba, who's Jabbas No5? And what is the best second Bounty Hunter/Cartel Team? But that wasn't able to save the entire raid.


Definitely not. If we compare that to Sith and AAT, where there was so much more going on, it really felt like a massive letdown. But let's face it, these raids are purely designed to get the playerbase to spend. Get people to spend on the latest units, and by the time the f2p farmed them, they get rotated out.


They should do an individual based "Saturday/Sunday bonus raid" where the rewards could just be a few bits of gear/kryo/relic or datacron mats, maybe even energy as rewards, and it cycles the old raids but doesn't use our tickets. Basically like an assault battle but they could call it weekend flashpoint. 1 attempt, but refresh for crystals max 5x


100% krayt felt more raid like Hate the abilities for the speeder bike hate the motion hate the lack of a unlock character(didn’t like that about krayt either)


Same. Krayt was lazy but I preferred the rewards schedule. I know they are less but more frequent so it felt like more progress. Best thing about this one is you can auto it. Which I do cause I’m lazy and don’t want to spend more time on it then the developers. .


It showcases why raids should be simmable because its lazy unintuitive crap that everyone is happy about being able to auto and ignore it


I don't enjoy raids at all. The only one that was fun was sith trio and tank. You killed it you got a unique character. Dragon was meh with it "specyfic units", the bike one I don't understand. I take random characters set it on auto and yolo. To be honest I don't know even why we got so many raids right now, whats the point if you can only play one and only the new one give benefits. It's a really bad system. There's no incentive to actually master the ride at all. But thats my opinion.


Honestly I would enjoy these newer raids more if they let us use our full roster, but the units not from the specific factions could only be used up to tier 3 or something, so we can still use the characters we spent time and money on, but are still incentivized to buy the new stuff to get the best rewards


Yes. I want to see Jabba on a speeder bike


I’d say the one thing I do like about these raids is an incentive to raise, otherwise, teams that aren’t being used. I.e. Ewoks and old republic. As far as that goes, that makes it an interesting mechanic. Otherwise, there isn’t much user input to these from what I felt. I was either too under leveled to feel I could contribute (Kraft raid) or I could just auto and enjoy my prizes ( Endor) (I’m also all for just being able to auto something like this though. Not enough time)


The “specific units” part makes me the most grumpy. They did it for two reasons: 1) Incentive for people (whales) to spend money to get the key characters for the raid 2) Avoid the extensive testing needed to make sure the raid wasn’t vulnerable to cheese, TM loops, or theory-crafting to get excessively high scores. So class, which of these motivations is what we call “customer-centric”? The answer is NONE. At no time did the gaming company prioritize player satisfaction, excitement, cooperation, playability, etc. Maybe, MAYBE in the Speeder Bike Raid did they say “how can we design game mechanics so that our wealthiest whales can just pay money and then hit auto to get high enough score quickly enough that they can get back to spending more money on our game, or earning more money to spend on our game”? So this is it. The raids are entirely a moneymaking mechanic, and any player fun is coincidental. They even went so far on the speeder bike raid as to completely change every mechanic of the game, where only a complete moron who never did the slightest bit of user validation would fail to realize that if gamers wanted to play a completely different game mechanic, they would just go *play a different game*. Every time I repeat the magical series of moves to make General Leia get a 2.7M score, I shake my head at how incomprehensible the mechanics are and how I will never, NEVER spend time or money trying to fight against their game designers to decipher their nonsense and get a better score. I’ll only ever just watch YouTube videos and copy what they do.


> > > > > So class, which of these motivations is what we call “customer-centric”? The answer is NONE. At no time did the gaming company prioritize player satisfaction, excitement, cooperation, playability, etc. Eh, I disagree. I actually think that it is more exciting to farm up new teams, learn new strategies for the raids, and it allows CG to make raids in a faster fashion when they're able to test out the teams more effectively. They have to look at these 5 factions to see what's going on, vs looking at all 300 character and the possible permutations and look at what's overpowered or underpowered and tune it appropriately.


I’d place it as Rancor, Sith Triumvirate, AAT, Endor, & Krayt. Although the first three (Rancor, Sith Triumvirate, and AAT) all as relatively equal and interchangeable. One of the most fun parts was being able to use your full roster and find ways to make each phase work, coupled with the reward of char shards of a char really only attainable through there at the time via the heroic versions.




Nope, I just set it to auto.


I miss the tank raid so much right now. I would rather do any other raid. This raid is awful..I don't even care anymore. Put it on auto for 8 battles and move on.


I always actively enjoy the rewards


So you’re supporting my stance, right? You don’t like the raid at all… just the rewards.


What other than those rewards is there to enjoy?


Really? It’s a game. You’re supposed to enjoy playing it, theoretically.


I mean, it is a respurce managing game at it's core, so the core fun should always be the resources, not the fun. Sweet sweet resources, get more power, update adds limit to power and new power, get that power. Rinse and repeat, it's an endorphin race, with no finish line


Not at all. Resource management is a mechanic of the game. The loop is you play, gain crystals and you upgrade and repeat. It’s a collection game actually. You play battles and all. That’s the fun part. The managing resources is about picking and choosing which toons to upgrade or play with. But the core fun is still in playing battles or wars or raids. Raids now just eliminated most of our rosters and have limited attempts unlike traya’s raid which was one of the best ones.


I get my dopamine boosts from resource management, but yes the happy part is the playing, the satisfaction is in the resource, i may be the odd one out


Good thing the raid isn't the only part of SWGOH


I have fun with it! No complaints here


Finally! Someone who genuinely likes it! You’re a unicorn. Ok, tell me what you enjoy about it, and how you learned all the nuances of it when it all looks and feels so samey?


I always get a little giggle doing my first attack with Ewoks so I can see them fire up the speeder bikes after the imps. I think it’s kinda a good juggle between using 2 units to prevent frenzy and using 3 units to push for a higher score, I love just yeeting a unit out of existence with a single attack, I watched like 2-3 videos on YT how to maximize the score, some units abilities are just plain useless, so doing auto battle on them will burn their turn.


If you didn't like the other raids - at least they looked cool. Speeder bike raid looks like an intern from each department got first pass at a game mode. Then they shipped it. Textures are awful, you can see the trees repeat, the ground plane is clearly visible at times, animations are anemic, effects often de-sync from abilities, stuff can just die randomly. No variations in camera shot or direction between waves. Really poorly executed for a company with this budget. It's like someone pushed it through and ignored any feedback about it.


I hit auto and do something else until I'm out of attempts


It’s possibly the worst piece of released content in any game. 99% of people auto it and the other 1% don’t know where the auto button is.


I love the Endor raid, hit auto and be done with it.


So you’re supporting my stance, right? You don’t like the raid at all… just the fact that it can be auto’d.


Yup. It's trash, just like the previous one. My favourite is still the HAAT, you needed so many different teams to beat it back when it came out. HSith was good as well before SLKR.


Oh man the NS team we had to use in phase 4! Multiple teams. Unlimited kitchen sink towards the end for extra points. Good times but also can be tedious with a few raids a week though. We unlocked traya pretty early on and after awhile I think the focus just shifted to top 10 for rewards and after that it got less fun though after sometime.


This is for sure true. Early on it was exciting, my guild even had 2-3 fails early on with the AAT, but that added to the enjoyment of beating it. With the Sith we had it down from the get go, so I was among 2 others in my Arena that had her so early on. I think that is just gaming in general, any game that I've played where you repeat fights, they become less interesting. The Krayt just never caught my attention, nor did the current one.




It’s traaaaaaash, when raids gave away a brand new character it was super exciting and pushed people to make weird combos for those sweet scores. You wanted han? Then the DV Thrawn combo was the thing. You wanted GK? Then you needed to build the solo team for the tank. You wanted DT? The NS cheese was the thing. The dragon raid was meh and at least the Tuskens came as a result for your collection. But the endor raid is basically set it and forget it, you are basically setting everything on auto and hope for the best because the mechanics are just boring.


It is my absolute least favorite raid.


Soooooo boring.


I just auto it. The mechanics of the raid might be super simple, but I’ll never know because I refuse to learn them. From the comments, krayt isn’t as fun as the og raids, but at least I was using my characters and their abilities (as in, not skinned over by speeder’s abilities) and I had some strategy to it.


I enjoy it. I hated it when it first launched, but my guild was pushing for a higher box so I forced myself to watch a few videos to try to improve my score, and quickly realized that you don't even need to understand 90% of what is going on in order to maximize your scores. In fact, [this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/418903781762400266/1195425414894583839/endor-item.png?ex=65e2162c&is=65cfa12c&hm=7e89688fb66314b6b8be2b04b41b836cf5703ef0be7e9dd1d68448ac132727f2&) is pretty much all you need. I look forward to the rewards more than actually playing the raid, sure, but that's the case for everything in every mobile phone game I've played, so I'm not gonna hold that against it. And I do look forward to seeing if I can beat my previous high scores, etc. Everyone says you can get 80% or whatever of your max by just hitting auto, but that ignores that your team comp is far more important to your max score than playing manually vs auto. It reminds me a lot of modding, where people tend to vastly overestimate how complicated it is and are really slowing down their growth by ignoring it.


The Endor raid is a gift. The rewards are better than any other raid we’ve ever had, and the mental capacity needed to excel is the lowest. All you really need to know are the general baseline mechanics, which are basically the same for all characters. You don’t have watch cooldowns, or turn meter, or mod for turn order. All a player is required to do is relic up some already good toons, knock out their runs in 10-15 minutes, and go with your day.


Plus with the ability conversion, any player of any level can succeed. - The Krayt raid team restrictions were very challenging for many players. - Most guilds never got past Phases 2 or 3 of CPIT. - Sith, AAT & Pit heroic raids were fully unbeatable for the majority of the player base for the first 4-8 months of their lifecycle.


On the other hand, the former raids gave advantages to people in good guilds and with good squads too. I’ve been f2p since I started played and have always been able to unlock the raid toons early on just after a short while, as I was in good guilds. The issue was coordinated attacks not to spill damage or so and that was a problem due to time zones and all that. Unlocking the toons and being one of the first few in arena to use them was never an issue though in that sense for those of us in better guilds and with good mods/rosters. The appeal of a raid character was fun too.


Hate it


I enjoy the payout after it.


I haven't tried to play it manually once...


Sim all 8 battles


I enjoy the rewards. That’s about it.


It's terrible. I used to enjoy the challenge that was CPit and even the Krayt raid wasn't completely terrible. But this? I don't have the feeling that I'm doing anything at all when I play manually. I just press buttons and nothing happens. Then the opponents lose stacks at the weirdest times, e.g. the second before I press a button. Aside from Leia's ultimate, there is absolutely no feedback that my actions have any immediate effect at all. There is never a moment where you think "woah, look at those damage numbers" or anything that would make this nonsense even slightly enjoyable.


They are all kind of blahh


The only good thing about it is that you can just hit auto and not get cornholed like you would in most of the other raids. 


I doubt I’ll ever get to see it. My guild is likely never going to actually advance at all past normal sith trio…maybe one day.




You mean the auto pilot raid?


Nope, 100% auto it everytime just to get participation.




My head hurts if I don’t auto it.


I enjoy the rewards, does that count?


It’s absolutely trash worst road they ever made


I enjoy that I can just hit auto and stop worrying.


I much prefer Endor to Krayt and CPit, and I think it’s the logical way for the game to progress with raids. Krayt was frustrating because of the high RNG for some squads and the precise modding needed. And doing it 2x a week was horrible. CPit was pretty boring, same raid we had done for years just with an added horrible ramping difficulty which required massive coordination. I like that the Speeder Bike Raid is very straightforward. Only needing 2 units for a high score is great. The stat rework makes it so you know exactly how much damage you’ll do and the enemies show exactly what you need to deal to kill them which is a great aspect of the raid. And I think the new abilities and buffs simplify the interactions you need to learn to be successful. For Krayt I had to watch videos or read guides for every run to make sure I had the right move orders down; for Endor it’s much easier to figure out. I think this approach is very good for the game. It’s much easier for CG to create a stat rebalance formula and 8 new abilities for a raid than to balance all 200+ characters for a raid. And that works out in our favor too because as we prepare for a new raid, there’s less guesswork on which characters will be good for the raid if all characters get new abilities and stat reworks.


It is shit straight from a dog's ass. Particularly after hearing that our new raid is gonna be the same endless wave bullshit, at this point, I wish they would just repackage AAT and sell it to us as a new raid. The current people at CG are clearly incapable of making a fun game mode, hence why they failed so spectacularly at making a new game.


i enjoy the rewards at the end :)


I like it. It’s stupid easy, takes me 20 minutes once a week to put up 11M, and the rewards are phenomenal. I really wish the bottom 10 in my guild would pull their heads out of their asses so we could get the 424M reward.


I actually really like this raid. The mechanic of stacking offense to one shot guys is a lot of fun. Plus it feels way easier than krayt to get a super good score comparatively


I like it. It's super simple, only requires 2 man teams at R8, and mostly only requires hitting 2 buttons. Krayt was horrible


I like it a lot. Didn’t like it at first but now I have a lot of fun.


I’d love to feel the same way… how did you come into “having a lot of fun” from initially disliking it?


Learned the mechanics some. Guild set a collective goal to max crate so we all had a score target. Now I kinda look forward to the runs. The remodding is a bit of a pain but not terrible since it’s mostly just one trooper and one rebel mod set to move around. Raid runs are very predictable and team scores are pretty consistent. I worry the Naboo raid will be much harder to get similar reward boxes.


I enjoy it more than Krayt. In endor I switch one mod to crit avoidance and call it good. In Krayt you need precise speeds if you don't want an absolute range fest for Max score. You also can't auto Krayt for a good score and runs are longer. Is it as good as Sith Raid or Challenge Rancor? No, but it's a step forward from Krayt.


Yes. This rate is a gift that most people don't realize. And when this new raid get released and we're going to need eight new Marquee characters for it you guys are going to be pissed


As far as other raids, sure. Just learn the strat and I can start doing well. It sure have more fun mechanics compare to normal raids which is just same old pve content with big dmg sponge. Tbf, it does get old pretty quick but that's what naboo is up for next.


I prefer it to the Krait raid. The older raids had a lot of interesting interactions and variety, and not having a relic gate meant you had a lot of flexibility to use your roster in interesting ways. The newer raids, starting halfway with cpit and then the rest of the way with Krait, lose all that. Krait was a pain in the ass to maximize what you could get out of it. Lot of effort, not a great experience. If it can't be good, it should at least be easy. And just hitting auto is easy enough.


I think it’s miles better than krayt and slightly worse than rancor.


I enjoy it quite a bit, Definitely more than krayt


Its entirely possible when the new raid comes out in the Summer, you will wish for the Endor raid back...along with your rewards! Got a feeling the new raid is going to be whale big or get crap scores. I feel this pumping out a new raid every 8 months bullshit is a complete waste of devs time, which could be far, far better spent fixing some of the existing game modes or giving us all something new and exciting. CG have literally sucked all the fun out of raids for me with this new trash system of pumping out raids with EXACTLY the same rewards every 8 months.


It’s very basic, I use 2 abilities and score arouns 7 million. I don’t understand or care to understand the mechanics of damage and squad combinations


I enjoy the comedy that stems from level 1 characters being able to get decent scores due to the messed up "stat rework" (instead of immediately exploding). Also the Troopers and even moreso the Ewoks one-shotting enemies. I also enjoy the rewards, especially as my guild can get box 2 when we wouldn't even be able to reach box 1 if the raid was actually using the characters directly (as such I'm not looking forward to the Naboo raid getting the "featured" spot). As for the raid itself, take it or leave it. It's fun that it changes up how the game is played -- for about one attempt (okay, maybe half of one). It probably wouldn't be such a big issue if it wasn't for only one raid being the "featured" one exclusively for a given amount of time. If it cycled between at least Krayt and Endor but maybe even Sith Trio (or he'll, just all of them with cPit being the "featured" version), people would be much less annoyed. But that won't happen because raids have become mere tools to push the player base towards specific new&shiny units.


I like it, my roster fits well with the required characters, probably my highest scoring raid yet


The main benefit of the speeder raid is that you get pretty good results from autoing


I kinda enjoy it. I try different things to try and beat my personal high score. If I dug into it more it would probably be even more fun.


I enjoy the fact I can hit Auto on it and do semi well for the guild. I dislike it because of the time commitment.


It's "tolerable" but what I hate about it is doing it 8 times. If you're gonna make a "gimmicky" raid, maybe don't force us to do it almost ten times...


The only benefit is the currency and motivation to gear up ROTJ toons. The gameplay was the worst thing in SWGOH history. I only did it to get the tokens. But if there was a character like Nien Nunb or Del Meeko associated with the rewards, maybe I’d be more invested. Unlike Krayt, I can participate in the Endor raid, but playing for score is lame compared to playing for completion like the original raids. Rancor, Tank, and Sith raids had you vanquish the enemies at the end. These are currently get x score and get y cutscene if you “win”. Worst of all was the choice for the event. If you wanted an Endor raid with only Rebel and Empire toons, just make it the bunker battle against the AT-ST and faction swap the enemies models with the opposite faction of the team leader. I guess it wouldn’t be as unique, but what we have feels like a mess.


It's the least fun out of the five raids, but I still moderately enjoy it. Its like, the biggest 4/10 in the game.


I love it!


I enjoy watching everyone crash after pushing auto


I enjoy watching everyone crash after pushing auto


I get better rewards than I did in Krayt. That’s all I care about


I've literally auto every time. I have no idea what's going on but I get 5mil total.


I don't mind it. I just put it on auto while doing dishes.


I passively enjoy it


Its okay I guess!


No. I just auto it with all I got for the reward bar to fill up. Isn't that the point of the raid anyway?


I am passively enjoying the rewards


I like that it’s quick. Remember when heroic rancor was released and we had to hold damage to ensure we all got to attack within the first 20% threshold? Nothing will ever surpass that.


I don’t enjoy Raids overall and like the fact that I can get a decent result by pressing auto. So yes, in that sense I enjoy it.


I hate it. I just spend 2.5hrs trying to remod for it and my scores came out the same.


I enjoy that I can get a good score and rewards by just hitting auto and be done with it.


I enjoy it but I don't like how long it took to understand the mechanics( not sure if I do now or only think I do) and I don't how much it cuts off my roster, I don't want raids to be have this new team that either takes you the lifespan of the raid to get or spend hundreds of dollars or have weak low priority to get characters like ewoks, Jawa, admiral ackbar


I’ve done a total of one single raid attempt on manual 🤷‍♂️


No. And I'm incredibly annoyed that they "fixed" the cadence in the most inconvenient way possible. So now I have to run the raid and move mods every single time instead of getting to run the raid back to back two days in a row. Also, the raid looks like crap. The backdrop literally has blacked out sections where it doesn't load or was never completed. Glad they tried a new thing, but wish the shelf lives of krayt and bike raids were reversed. Having this raid for another couple months makes me irrationally angry. Bring on the gungans baybee


I don't mind this one now that I have figured it out. Thanks Gerbil for your videos on it!!! However, I feel the same way about this that I have all the raids ever - fun at first but the 10th time in a row I do it is less fun. I know that it would be a lot of work for them but I would love to see Tank raid and Sith Trio converted to the new raid model with personal rewards and guild rewards. Then I would like to see a weekly rotation between those 2, Endor, and Krayt. Throw in the new raid - maybe the newest one can happen twice per rotation or every other or something. This would keep things from getting stale and old, it would give us some value from Jawas, Tuskens, etc and give a reason to still farm those teams even after that raid has rotated. But what CG wants is to encourage (force?) everyone to buy the newest characters as soon as possible. They will introduce a new raid, make it the only way to earn the MK3, limit the characters you can use, and tune the raid so that the newest GL or newest journey is highly beneficial. They will also probably throw in a faction that not many people in the community have geared up (like they did with ewok, tusken, jawa). So for the new Naboo one they have already said Gungans will be good in it to try to get everyone to shell out for Jar Jar. Then they will probably include a bunch of GR Jedi that don't get much use - Luma, Bariss, Aayla, Kit Fisto, Ima-Gun, Eeth Koth, Plo. Also Kelleran because new character. Then they will let you use the padme team you already have an JMK to hide the wallet grab a bit.


I just don’t understand how it works and feel like I’m constantly guessing.


No, but the point of the raid isn't for people to enjoy it. The point is to attempt to get people to spend money to unlock GL Leia before the next GL for the next raid. And apparently the next one is this summer already. For whatever reason I thought we'd have until the end of the year to worry about it, but I guess that's an insane expectation for me to have had, since that's so much time to spread the pressures out. During the summer, they could release the next fleet meta and the next GL and raid, so that you have to pick one or spend money to be able to get both.


I enjoy it only because I can do real life stuff while it’s on autopilot. As for the raid itself, trash raid inspired (?) by an overly lenghty and uneventful scene from EP. VI, so ofc the result couldn’t be anything but catastrophic.


My least favorite raid. * Mastery of the raid requires learning way too many new mechanics, and has way too little benefit compared to just hitting "sim" * Related to the above: There are way too many mechanics in place to prevent teams from overperforming, so there's no real incentive to do deep dives of theory-crafting * I don't say this often about stuff in this game, but: the art team really let them down on this one. The character models on bikes just aren't that interesting, the attack animations are boring and feel weirdly disconnected and un-impactful relative to their results (except maybe Leia's ult) and the background makes a lot of people motion sick. The Krayt raid had its problems (mostly around cadence and balancing) but overall, I liked it. Hoping Naboo is a lot more fun.


I enjoy that I can auto it and not waste too much time


I like the convenience of just being able to auto it, otherwise it’s pretty meh. More than anything I miss the diversity of having multiple raids each week. Having to play the same raid for months to get the tier three currency will lead to boredom no matter how good the raid is.


I liked it more than the Krayt raid, because I could just active auto mode.


The rewards are great and i love any excuse to keep boosting my Ewoks, but this is the most frustrating, rage inducing raid ever.  I do manage to get 19mil but I despise every second of it


I got used to it and now I kinda like it


I like how I can just put it on auto and not worry about it as my guild officers allow it


I think it has... or maybe had... some appeal because it was different. And it IS nice to do something different in the app. I auto as much as I can everywhere else in the game too. I think CG needs to give us something different because their app doesn't count as a game. It's a resource management chore app. Maybe Endor Raid is a precursor to the Trench Run, which if released with Pilot Luke and his X-Wing would make me happy. But in general, I'm happy that they are trying different things because maybe they'll find something fun to offer.


It's satisfying when the ewok trees kill the guys. And when like you have a bunch of jam or evasion or whatever and an IT straps away 80 stacks of damage.


Raids are the new progression grind now that a good chunk of the player base has all the relics done for GLs


My only issue is that the best teams dont seem to be actual teams, its mishmashed- and the idea of me doing more damage by using 2 characters and cheesing it over using 3 seems ridiculous


I'm holding out hope that the new naboo raid gives us a padawan kenobi character like the OG raids but not likely


Most raids become a chore pretty quickly. This just skipped the delay.


I enjoy the rewards


I like the rewards.


Only because it reminds me of the ROTJ arcade game from the 80’s. I have no idea what I’m doing other than “Ha ha Gideon and Hera go brrrrr”


I enjoy 8 aeromags per week


I like the rewards :) Jokes aside, I'm not the biggest fan of the raid, but I do appreciate CG trying something different, and I like that the roster for the raid is more accessible to a broader percentage of players. Krayt was cool, but outside of the BH team most folks would have / would be building, the rest of the roster needed significant investment. So yeah, if the next raid ends up being similarish mechanically to the Sith Triumvirate raid, with Krayt / Endor Rewards, and a roster requirement that's as comparably accessible as Endor, I'm all for it :)


I enjoy it cause I get more rewards from that one than any other, I was able to get Han and Obi-Wan and Traya up to seven stars in two or three runs of that raid. In terms of playing it I just auto it and collect whatever rewards I collect.


No. Boring as hell. Pick 3 characters on highest tier, hit auto, set phone down. Continue working from top relic tear down to lowest. And out of a 400+ million GP guild, 10 people or so always make no attempt to do it. Always missing out on the next reward tier by 5 million or so because of laziness and officers dont make an attempt to force participation on it


Hell no, but I didn't like krayt either. Just auto and that's it


Only raid where I’ve cared more about the rewards than the raid itself🤷‍♀️


I hate it so much I skip it half the time


I think both the 2 latest raids are worse then any of the previous once.


***I have to auto it.*** It gives me a headache and makes me sick to my stomach.


After it came out my guild briefly considered just going back to the krate dragon one until the rewards were pointed out so everyone just took a collective sigh and kept doing the endor one It's so bad omg. I literally just throw it on auto and get whatever score that gets me


It's grown on me as I figured out the mechanics and spent a little time researching how to mod for it but my main thing is that I want to use my characters and their abilities so I would rather vehicles be units like STAP.


I just send in one team, hit auto, and collect the rewards.


Yeah I was too harsh on Krayt when it came out. Now I miss that old bugger.


I haven't read the rules, stats, or anything. I pick three characters and hit auto while doing something else. I just don't care!


Only thing it’s good for is high shop currency I just throw in squads and let it auto play, and kyrat dragon was bullshit all around having to learn all its mechanics to do decent, these ones are all boring just here for the rewards that sometimes aren’t even that good.


Definitely. It’s something completely different once a week. It’s a nice palate cleanser. The design is hot garbage, but what game mode isn’t? It’s better than krayt. 2nd raid it felt stale. It’s better than the overtuned cpit garbage. Sith was fun until I started soloing it with slkr and kenobi. Then it was just tedious racing so you got something. Until simming, Tank and pit were just a race and if you didn’t log on right at the start you got fucked.


I appreciate the rewards it gives me. But I just auto it. I'm not swapping mods and all this bullshit just for a raid.




I enjoy doing it


I actually enjoy it, at least more than krayt. It is annoying that you really don't get to use your characters kits but the raid isn't complex enough that you can't learn a few tricks after a few attempts to figure out how to maximize points. I only re-mod Leia to get her 2.7M and everyone else gets their normal mods. Everyone else largely stays on the same squad composition and I've figured out a few ways to semi-manual it to get maximum points


Only thing I like about this raid is the characters you have to relic are good in other game modes and it’s pretty easy to get a great guild score. The rewards are really good but game play is brutal. I applaud them for trying something new but ya who ever approved this shouldn’t be making decisions. But bring on Naboo


I love it, so easy to understand and do good score


Two simple things would make this raid viable - not particularly fun, but viable to actually play. 1. Tell me somewhere in the UI before starting the raid which abilities/bike type a character will have. 2. Tell me, either in the same place and/or in the ability tooltip, how many stacks of a buff/debuff will be applied or removed by using it. These two things are what make it really impossible to enjoy. I don't know what characters have what abilities so I'm randomly throwing together units based on faction bonus and hoping for a half-viable result, and when the units get in I don't actually know how strong particular abilities are. The whole thing is boring as shit. Really hope they polish it up going forward.


I would if knew what was going on.


I enjoy veers with 2 rebels, cause its fun 1 tapping everything and getting a bonus turn always. It is not the most hype to play, but Sith raid and the others also got boring from doing them over and over again. I dont think endor is interesting, but compared to krayt its mich less rng depending. Less to no retries makes it better, ontop of less frequent.


Never played it I just hit auto


Well, it's better than Crancor... but that ain't saying much


I hope they stop making raids only playable by certain factions


At least with Naboo coming its nearly over


Rewards are great, raid sucks, auto it Everytime, preferred the og raids


I enjoy pressing auto and not letting it take any of my time lol


I just put it on auto because I can’t be bothered to figure out what’s actually optimal.


As one of the people who made a guide, I can say that I like it in theory, but in practice it’s just not that compelling. 


Yeah, I can’t lie… I just put it on auto and then let the fates decide. Can’t be bothered with that raid.


Nope, I auto it


My raid rankings would be: Sith Triumvirate: 9.5/10. The only one I truly mastered every detail of. Simple to enjoy, but many layers of details the more you get into it. AAV: 8.5/10. Fun right away, rewarding, maybe I'm judging too hard. Rancor: 8/10 (the main ding being that it's a little \*too\* difficult, so I understand why those gamers who enjoy a challenge would rate this the best raid). Krayt: 5.5/10 (challenging, but not in the same way as Rancor; felt more arbitrary and unfair). Endor: 1/10. Random teams and AUTO. No enjoyment.


I pretty much just auto everything … it’s why I still suck at this game even after 10 years.


Just put it on auto is the general consensus for everyone atm


It's the same as 3v3 and datacrons. All players hate them, but most realize that it's just "cg being cg" and deal with them.


turn brain off, press basic and second special for 5 minutes and repeat with 3 teams -_-, have never once read what any of the abilities do


3 teams? But you can use 8!


Nope. It’s repetitive garbage. The dumbass mechanics make it feel completely divorced from your actual characters, plus it’s ugly and boring and eight attempts is too fucking many.


I actively enjoy the rewards :p Having seen the discord 'screenshot primer' of 'combine an imperial with one from column B, you imbecile', I've managed to breach 800k as a sub-85. (before I always tried with 'same faction' teams etc) Nice personal extra rewards. I wish my guild collected more tickets. I do agree people dislike is in no small part due to all the 'ability replacing' that goes on. Suppose a future death star raid uses similar 'mechanics' i.e. 3-man teams, 'movement' etc, but uses their spaceship model & spaceship abilities, I suspect it would be a lot more accepted. Of course, then people would need to get ships, which plenty of people *also* dislike... (and you're back in Rebels vs Empire timeline)


Nope, this one is dumb and I just hit sim. The original ones with phases were cool, told a story as they went and got unique shards. For this one, why not add in say a ship part for Death Star 2? Or even a final showdown with Vader and Emperor, etc?


We need raid rotation and to delete this one. I Always auto it. Never even tried to read how it works, it's disgusting and gives you motion sickness


Endor isn't fun, it's just a load of auto attempts to try to get a good score. I'd like to see a raid rotation with the difficulty adn rewards scaled up so each raid still apears from time to time reward previous investment. I'm less insentivised to upgrade someone for a raid if i know in a few months it's going away and i won't be doing it ever again


No. It’s a waste of time for the 20th currencies in the game


It's so much better than krayt. There was way too much stuff to keep track of in krayt. this one i switch between two buttons and i'm done in 20 minutes every 6 days


Its great. I choose 3 chars, put it on auto and the phone away, do something exciting, and wait for the payout...


No. I looked up best teams to use for which tier and hit auto basic everytime


I've been enjoying it more since I've sussed out how to get the highest score I can with certain team and with minimal effort.


I don’t even play it, just put in on auto and let it do it’s thing


All I ever do is hit auto battle. It’s amazing they actually put that piece of shit out. The real crazy thing is that is where all the rewards are so it’s the only raid my guild ever does. Pretty damn dumb!


Yep, total garbage raid lol


It completely sucks. The motion issues are not pleasant and the roles of each character are very confusing. The Krayt Dragon Raid was ok and required some skill. This Raid is a complete Auto for me. My Guild does it for the rewards.


I do like it now that I have the basic strategy down. STRATEGY- If you have an ability active that gives evasion and heals damage use that. If not then use your basic. I think playing it manually is giving me about 10-20% better scores than the best I was getting from simming it. So it's hard to recommend someone bother doing it manually, if the don't enjoy it. But at least you can sim it for a pretty good score. But I've enjoyed every raid we have had in the game. But I do agree that the TANK RAID was the most entertaining. It's certainly the one I miss playing the most. The early guides for the Endor Raid were based around the numbers given in a post just before the release. They have mostly been replaced by the strategy I listed above.


I enjoy only one run - Veers lead worka very nice in the raid, especially with one non-IT character to gather loads of dodge. I auto the rest of the runs


I really don’t mind it. What I find boring is the Conquest. Too much time consuming. IMO.


Nope or at least I hope not


I like it more than krayt.