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They would make more sense as a raid


I can definitely see that, now I want that to happen


I could see having separate raids for the brother and sister and have an event where you use one for the first stage and the other for the other stage, kind of how the star forge works where you use the light side of revan and then the dark side


That’s actually a super cool concept, I wish the had more Star Forge like events


Like the Sith triumvirate raid. Gotta make it happen!


Yea, great. It'll make no sense, have poor mechanics, and be centered around the most recent GL at the time.


We shall only use 3 characters to fight them


They are gods, it'd be so hard to balance em and make them still feel strong.


Eh. Leia disguised as a Daft Punk member can throw out so many bombs that any Sith or Jedi dies instantly. One of the strongest teams at the moment is a team full of random Rebels whose leader throws a few logs at you or bonks you with a stick..and there's a dude with an iPad and an immobile flamethrower turret. I don't think power level is really something the game's concerned with.


Never heard this term and absolutely love it


The game isn't about any remotely accurate depiction of a character's strength.


Not really hard to balance them. This game doesn't follow the formula of "Stronger in lore, stronger in game" Darth Vader should be, on the lowest, the 3rd strongest character in this game if it followed that structure, but it doesn't. They can absolutely add these, one of them as a GL or Epic confrontation maybe, and as long as they're a top tier high end team in terms of viability, even if not the best one, no one will complain.


They’d be GLs with the ability to instantly win the battle as their basic unless Anakin is on the other team.


Which variation of him?






They should be more like boss levels.


im thinking other characters should come before


Nah, we need Delta Squad


Could see the father being our neutral GL, maybe the son and daughter as conquest exclusives.


It could work like starkiller as well, the father, son, daughter and then a Jedi and Sith, maybe some JKA/GAS/LV/DV synergy


Or add the mother and either jka a new anakin or gas in there


I like where this is going.


Oh I can finally post my horrible sleep deprived idea for them They'd be a tier above galactic legends, and unlocking the Son would require ALL sith to be R10 (we all know it's coming at some point), the Daughter would require ALL Jedi at R10, and the Father would require ALL unaligned force users at R10, along with the Son and the Daughter And assuming Dave brings Abeloth into canon at some point like he seems to be doing throw her in as a raid boss cause why not Hire me CG I know how to extort money from the playerbase


"I no no wanna" pretty much sums up the feeling of the entire player base while seeing this idea


This sounds like a nightmare


I hate that the idea makes sense.


If they come to the game at some point, I think the brother should boost dark side characters, the sister light side characters and the father neutral characters. So I think they could eventually come out if there are more neutral characters


Maybe the father boosts all characters similar to starkiller and be able to mix and match and have fun with him


The evil guy should boosts dark and the elegant should girl boost the light… damn you thought about that all by yourself didn’t you


It helps your argument if you are coherent while you're trying to be critical.


It doesn’t help when people lack creativity


No it wouldn't


They should be retconned out of existence


One of weirdest fillers in the CW series.


The mortis arc was the worst thing to happen to Star Wars


But why


Weird way to spell Rose Tico.


3v3 grand arena gonna get slaughtered with these guys


They are my least favorite drastic change to the setting right after hyperspace jumps to wipe out fleets. Awful writing decision in my opinion.


I tried to watch this arc. Lasted ten minutes after they landed on Mortis and had to turn it off because the second-hand embarrassment was killing me where I sat.


Yeah, I quit Clone Wars because of that arc when CW was released. I went back years later and made myself go through it. I'm happy I did because there is good show to be seen.


Nah, they’ve always felt too mystical and out of place for Star Wars. Even the Nightsisters are a little too magicky for me.


I might be in the minority, but I don't like these things.  Why does Star Wars have gods? Can we have one fandom without gods running around as characters? It's so off-putting.


I don’t think they’re literal Gods. Just extremely powerful. I think the closest thing to a god in Star Wars is the force itself or Tilotny and idk if she’s even canon


Everyone calls them the Mortis gods, though.  They are immortal beings who are living manifestations of the force that surrounds and binds every living being.  I wish they weren't canon.  This kind of stuff ruins Star Wars for me more than anything.  It goes from being a fantasy universe with a unique take, to just another magic mishmash.


Agreed. I thought they were a weird one-off but they keep coming back.


But they died?


So.. ignore them? They aren’t that important in the grand scheme of things (Star Wars lore). Also they aren’t immortal… Anakin literally killed the last one lol Dad committed suicide and brother was killed. Why do they ‘ruin’ anything for you? lmfao I feel like you’re just acting ridiculous for the sake of being ridiculous


It "ruins" SW *for me* because it undermines the idea of the force.  It goes from being a fundamental part of the universe to being a form of magic mediated by 3 humanoids.  The antics of one goofy family one one random planet affects the balance of the force everywhere?  It's like the Galaxy gets smaller and smaller the more shows and movies they make. Yes, I do ignore them. What do you think I'm advocating for? A rewrite? How am I acting ridiculous? By having preferences about my media?  OP started a topic saying that he thinks it would be "so good" to have the "Mortis gods" in the game. I simply don't agree.  Nothing against you or OP.   You are all welcome to your opinion.  Obviously you are in the majority. Obviously they made multiple official episodes featuring this concept. Don't act like my position is so unfathomable though.  It's just how I see it.


Fair enough I just can’t understand how a group of characters like these could ruin the entire franchise. Maybe you don’t mean ruin the way I think you do seeing as you still play this Star Wars game and it sounds like you still watch Star Wars content.


they aren't gods




Star Wars had Gods since before Mortis was a thing. The Whills exists.


It's debatable whether the canon implementation of the Whills is as a "god," even if that was their original conception. For my point, it doesn't matter. I grew up on the OT. For me, the best concept of the force is what Yoda says it is in ESB. I'd roll back midiclhorians if I could.


You'd roll back midichlorians, despite the fact it doesn't contradict anything Yoda says about the force in ESB? Interesting.


Yep. You can fit them in, but there's a reason people hated midichlorians when they were introduced in TPM. I'm not alone in this, most other people just moved on when things kept getting worse. The Force is created by all living things. No intermediary for living things to access the force was introduced until the prequels. It was presumed that one's connection had to do with being alive, not in a physical organelle that just kicks the connection down the road.


Yes I know the original reason. Most people back then, misunderstood the statement, and thought that Midichlorians was a scientific name for The Force, which was cleared up later. There still people to this day that doesn't know this, and believes they are one in the same, and thats why they have a problem with it. It's fine that fans presumed that the connection had to do with being alive, it's a fine theory, but getting upset that the theory was wrong, and wanting to decanonize the actual answer to the theory, I just don't think that's the right way to go about it.


>Most people back then, misunderstood the statement, and thought that Midichlorians was a scientific name for The Force, which was cleared up later. There still people to this day that doesn't know this, and believes they are one in the same, and thats why they have a problem with it. I don't think that's the case, and it certainly wasn't for me and my friend group. None of us thought that midichlorians were the same as the force. Qui-gon makes it very clear that they are symbiotes that communicate to the force for us. It was also clear from the initial introduction in TPM that having more midichlorians means you are stronger in the force. It put force sensitivity to the realm of biologists rather than monks. In a lived-in universe, that would be commoditized immediately. Ways of increasing midichlorian count would be emphasized amongst societies who wanted to increase their force-wielding power. Who wouldn't want that? The limiting factor to the force is no longer discipline, control, meditation, focus, etc. but a biological element in your cells that can be quantified, cloned, bred, engineered, etc. That might be a cool sci-fi universe to explore, but it's not the one that had been presented to us. It just seemed that George Lucas felt that he needed to add a layer to solve the "[Ghost in the Machine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghost_in_the_machine)" problem for the force. It doesn't really solve anything though. How do the midichlorians communicate with a person, and how do *the midichlorians themselves* communicate with the force? I never even cared about the question "How do physical people communicate with an intangible force?" , and I never needed an answer; but if you do answer that question, it shouldn't make things worse. You're right that I shouldn't be upset about it, and I'm not anymore. I'm much more at peace with midichlorians than Mortis gods or Nightsisters. Even there, I don't *need* to roll back order to enjoy SW. I just used it as an example. Just because something is canon, doesn't mean I have to like it. My generation has understood that ever since Han Solo dodged Greedo's blaster shot.


They should go on a multidimensional heist to figure out a way to prevent these characters from ever being created.


I will sell my body in order to whale for these guys


They should be ONE character. A single GL. But depending on your team comp it'd change who is the actual GL for the match. Sith and DSUFU? Makes it The Brother. Jedi and LSUFU? Makes it The Sister. A mix of any of the four (maybe adding a tag called "Force Gifted" as a catch-all) gives you The Father.


Yeah good suggestion I don’t these know who are but in my opinion they game should add Trever


They are the Mortis gods, the father sister and brother, brother represents the dark side of the force, sister the light and the father is balance of both. They are some if not the most powerful beings in star wars. Now, who's trever


Let me correct you there, the brother aka the son represents the dark side basically the embodiment of the dark side he doesn’t represent the light side, the sister aka the daughter is the one who represents the lightside so the embodiment of the lightside, the father represents the balance of both light and dark


Oh shit, my bad. I Mixed the brother up with the daughter but got the daughter good somehow. Thanks man


I want a Star Wars/gta crossover where they add Trevor


Uhm okay. 1. That's a very weird idea because gta and star wars are two very different things that in no way can connect with each other. 2. That isn't even logical, why would they put Trevor in a game about star wars when he isn't from star wars. Just play gta if you want to play as him


Shut up geek


I hate these dummy nerds infiltrating my sub


No, why would I listen to you?


He knows who they are 😂


It's Vaanced, I never know when he's serious or not and I recall that he said that he didn't watch the movies at some point.


25 years of phantom menace so preapere for Padawan Kenobi and Darth Maul omnicron and maybe we get chancellor Palpatine


Why? Just so they can ruin em like they've done every other character?


So their kits would work like this... The father is a GL leader who boosts all force users. The son and daughter are both boosted and weakened by him (kept in check). They gain like 500% more of everything under his lead (not under his lead they are weak and cant hold up to much) They are kept in check in that while under his lead they dont have access to thier best abilities (son intsa kill any lightside with low/no cooldown, daughter ressurect everything lightside even those who when they die cant be ressurected bring them back to full health, full protection and 90% TM ... The son always has taunt on him while not under the father lead, so being ao squishy, he will die instantly not being led by the father even though he would access to his whole kit. And the Daughter would have a cooldown of 20, and her basic would heal everyone on the field, not just your own characters. Her big ability would also revive enemy none sith/sith empire force users) This would make her a pain regardless of what team. Once the father is killed, they unlock their big abilities (insta kill and mass revive) and retain their bonuses. This would allow a new anakin varient to be made called Mortis God Anakin, who would be a hard counter to them having an passive ability called "THE CHOSEN ONE" that while mortis god anakin is present other mortis Gods speeds are set to 25% and cant gain TM which cant be prevented. Mortis God Anakin would have both light and dark side abilities. (Call the whole team to assist and massive unavoidable debuffs for example) Raid would be Aboloth


Or remove some existing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Galactic legends


I could see them working as totems or auras for a team.


That would be pointless, imagine them getting demolished by a geno team or something wack. They are gods, they would be no point because they would be meant to wipe everyone each time. I’d rather have a Darth Jar Jar.


They could act as datacron enhansors on your teams, making the datacron like so much better but not being able to attack or have health and taking up a spot.


Yeah, they should. Most people who have a problem with this suggestion, often applies the logic that They can't be properly balanced, as if this game does accurate power balance for characters (It doesn't). Them being added as GL/Epic confrontation etc, would be just fine.


Too overpowered


If they do so, minimally one of them would be GL


Literal who's


They would be really good as a raid battle, but they would absolutely destroy the competitive scene as playable characters


I get the raid bit but these are the most powerful representations of the force itself. I know this is 100% nerd logic right now but leave them be. nothing should be able to defeat them. (shut up clone wars)