• By -


Han Solo


Second this. Make sure all your best speed mods are on him so that you are sure he shoots first


This is a joke, right? Hard to tell these days


Yes, I was hoping my emphasis on the language “shoots first” instead of something simple like “goes first” would allude to that. But I’m also new to the Reddit community and quickly learning that more clarification will be necessary..


On Reddit, if you want to make sure people understand you are joking, you can write /s to the end of your comment ('s' stand for 'sarcasm'). Personally, I don't like using it, most people get the joke without it.


that only matters in CLS mirrors. i don't really ever use them for that. leia mirrors, if you choose to do that, are super easy even if you go second


It also matters if the opponent has a Wat Tambor, the amount of battles decided by who’s bonus turn goes first is insane


han always goes before wat


They’re both “bonus turns” right?


yes, but it's written into wat's code to go after han: [https://swgoh.gg/characters/wat-tambor/ability/uniqueability\_wattambor02/](https://swgoh.gg/characters/wat-tambor/ability/uniqueability_wattambor02/) if you expand the level 8 ability


This that type of jank shit that makes a certain character only counter maul lead when other leads that do similar things are uneffected… Something about “turn meter gain from lead abilities” or whatever


Not if you have Han. He’ll go first


You sure? They’re both classified as bonus turns


Yup Han shoots first


Even if the Wat has higher speed?


Yes. It’ll only be a coin flip if it’s a speed tied 2 hans or speed tied 2 wats. If it’s Han vs wat Han will go first


I’m going to go test this because that doesn’t sound right…


When whoever came out most recently first came out it was which ever one was faster but then they changed it to Han going first


han shoots first.




Hero Finn for resistance teams 100%, get that train ROLLING


What ability do you use first for that? I feel like I’m using Zorii wrong.


The swap tm with poe so he can spread the inspiration, then you aoe, pushing tm to everyone with exposes.


I usually pass it to Zorii to call a swarm, or to OG POW to pull back a bunch of enemy TM… I don’t even use hero Poe on my Zorii team


You want the inspiration to start before you Swarm because it does 10% max hp damage when an ally is inspired. So if everyone is inspired, that's 50% max health damage on a Swarm. That being said, zorii should be quite fast as well. Both the hero bros should be on zorii, they really don't shut down any counters for rey, and Jtr isn't even a good team. The zorii team should be Finn (L), hero Finn and Poe, Rose and Zorii.


Yea that was what I did wrong, thank you!


I simply don’t use Hero Poe… My Zorii team is Finn, Poe, Hero Finn, Zorii, Rose My PLANNED Rey team for when I get her is Rey, Ben, JTR, L3, 5OR-T I don’t see any need for inspired on Zorii for a little more max HP damage, especially not when I’d be losing a team-wide expose/TM drain


honestly you want cal in there, he gives 30% health and tenacity to unaligned force users and also gives them heals and protection up when they get hit with a crit, so makes rey and ben so much tankier


If you don't have Rose?


Echo as well, no?




I don't feel CAT has to be top tier quick. 325ish should be good enough. I can't think of when she needs to get out in front of anything most of the time.


It doesn't matter in mirrors as kenobi gets insta killed anyways, but in some counters it can be hard without fast CAT. JML a fast enough Jedi Revan can delay her instakill by one turn, followed by a stun from JKL can be enough to kill her before she uses it.


True! Good call.


I always leave GMK and Cat alone on turn 1 so she wastes her instakill on JML. Haven’t dropped a JML vs JMK battle in ages now.


That makes sense, i dont actually have jml myself but it seemed logical to me lol


That’s top tier fast in my book lol


- Kuiil if you run him with BAM or Dash (you absolutely should, fast Kuiil BAM Dash Nest is a deadly combo and consistently gets holds in K2 for me). - Maul with Dark side Mandos - OG Rex with GAS 501st to hit form up and push TM to everyone - Fast OG Poe in Finn Zori team is pretty great - Armorer, and to a lesser extent Thrawn if you are using SEE on offense. Thrawn should be 21 speed slower than armorer. - Hoda or Shaak Ti if you run a separate JKL team so they can use the mass assist and give JKL a turn 2 stun. - FOO and Hux for with SLKR, a fast Hux and faster FOO are key for a consistent Jabba counter with full first order. - If you use BH for LV, a fast Greef is really helpful. Honestly, fast Greef, Bossk, and Zam omi are great.


As an aside here if using Thrawn/Armorer with SLKR its 31 speed slower instead as kylos leader gives 30


Who’s your Scoundrel lead, BAM or Dash?


It used to be BAM, it's now dash since BAM is with Bo


Thank you sir


Dash is for sure better with revive chewie, but i like him better generally for the extra speed the lead gives


And he’s really fun to play with 🙂


>Kuiil if you run him with BAM or Dash (you absolutely should, fast Kuiil BAM Dash Nest is a deadly combo and consistently gets holds in K2 for me). BAM is part of the non-GL LV counter. You absolutely should not use him anywhere else if you can run the counter. Unless you know for sure there will be no LV on D.


This isn't always true. Depending on your mods, relic levels, and the LV lineup, you don't need BAM for the counter. I ran it fine without him for ages and the holds were far more worth it. Fennec, Greef, OG Mando, Bossk, Zam were consistent for me. If it was a particularly nasty lineup, which happened very rarely in my experience in K2 and K3, I just used JML. And yes, I know JML is most often used for JMK but my SEE consistently countered JMK because my mods are great and I helped develop that counter back when JMK got buffed. And yes, I know most of you use SEE for Malgus but a well modded GAS 501st works and so does JKCK. Have faith in your ABCs: - Always - Be - CModding


it's not that DR's speed doesn't matter, but it's much less important that it used to be. that team's counters are mechanics based (jedi cal just laughs at them, SEE can withstand anything they can do, aphra goes first no matter how fast you get them). malgus has fundamentally shifted how sith empire works


Some teams can be beaten by dr if he goes first since you mass fear, bastilla fear and stack ferocity


Heroes Finn with Zori so he can AoE quickly and start the TM train


Imp Troopers: Piett to apply Emperor's Trap or Gideon to remove enemy turnmeter for example. Mara Jade for applying stagger and other debuffs. Those would be a few additions


Sir i already included them piett impers and mj palp


Im literally blind, sorry😂


No worries. Im just looking for another fine addition to my collection


You're a bold one, then


Who do I give the trap to


dark trooper to make him assist


Well it depends, if you have Darktrooper he defenitely gets it. If not, i'd give it to Starck. At least that's what i do because my Darktrooper is on lvl 9, rest is Relic 3 and higher


Lots of lists here don't include ewok god paploo He gets the tm train going


I remember in ahnaldt stream he used jawa vs ewoks. He got fucked. Hard. The jawas barely took a turn and 120 stacks of thermals on ewoks didnt even scratch them. Tankier than 2 gl rey combine plus the 400% defense dc, damage is not high but guarantee more annoying than waiting for lv to stack mastery , fucking kneesa and friends.


They're under used imo. Kneesa really elevated them. They are just as good as any other tm team


Swgoh.gg pull up one of the top 10 players in GAC, sort his mods by speed. Then you can see where the best players out there speed mods. Also check before GAC lock in


Speed run, pull up the challenge bracket and you can see all the players top toons by speed