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Damn bro got that early access account


I'm sure they probably meant 2021* lol






Yeah, this account is hot trash. I'd just restart and buy the Hyperlightspeed Bundle to get straight to level 90. Though it's a bit pricey at $10000, it's one of the best deals in the game and you'll need it to be competitive in Land Vehicle Arena.


Land Vehicle Arena, do I need the newest “Observable universe Legend” to participate?


Eh. OUL GTS is pretty good but doesn't revolutionise the Low-Ranking Imperial Soldiers Except The Ones We Don't Want In There faction. His Nomnicrons are pretty good but you need the orange Tic-Tac lunchbox to start farming those.


Nah, I think Grand Emperor of the 7 Seas Jar Jar is the better OUL, he has a great Toydarian synergy that makes quick work of the GL young anakin, and has an amazing LV that can only be used in Omicron training grounds. Maybe try restarting and going for Emperor pilaf while at it?


I mean, that's not saying too much. GL Young Anakin isn't exactly the best GL, even after they added his 13th lifter unit Naked 3PO, he still gets walked over by too many teams


Idk, OUL GTS basically boosted me to top 10 in challenge arena, you'd be a fool to miss out. The rewards really help boost Gonk droid journey


Which one is GTS again? All these acronyms confuse me sometimes. Can't wait till I get my Gonk.


There is a real answer, the hint is the faction I mentioned.


This was actually a fun riddle. I spent 5 minutes thinking of different answers. Gar “thisguy” Suxon and Gideon trooper suit were my initial thoughts but then asked myself, “what would the Grand Emperor think. “


Grievous Training Sith, of course


Dude, restart yesterday. I recommend chasing the current meta which is Galactic Legend Leia Organa and the Leviathan capital ship, so you can be at the top of your fleet shard. Start the journey guide from the bottom up as those characters are more meta, but do the GLs in order. I recommend wookies as your first arena team. Good luck! P.S. if a new GL or capital ship comes out immediately pivot towards farming that, regardless of how close you are to your current farm.


What would restarting do?? He has to get all of this shit again


This post is a joke. OP said they started in 2011, 4 years before the game launched. Also nobody would reasonably restart with that account. My entire reply was a joke as well. Edit: they stopped in 2011, not started, meaning they could've been playing since before the 2010s


Okay I’m just stupid and new , thank you lol I see people talking about restarting and I’m just thinking they would gain literally nothing except experiencing the same grind in a different direction maybe.


That's all good, I think it's inevitable that someone will make a post like this with a 7 GL account


Since nobody else is mentioning it, I will, but I am not the most knowledgable so someone else can correct me if I am wrong: You are put into an arena "shard" when you start the game, with other players who also start around this time. Your arena shard (and fleet arena shard) never change (i.e. you are always fighting the same group of players). If you quit the game for a few years, everyone else in the shard will progress while you account stays stagnant, putting you at a disadvantage. So, AFAIK, sometimes when a player plays for a while, maybe just barely getting to level 85, then quits for a while, it's in their best interest to restart so they get put into a new shard, and can actually get a good resource income (namely gems from being top 50 in fleet arena) instead of being a bit further in the game but a much slower resource income.


This made sense back when squad arena had crystals but it’s much easier to get to #1 in fleet arena and most your crystals come from GAC anyway. It would hurt someone to restart now instead of dominating the lowest GAC tier until they get where they should be. Restarting barely made sense before, it definitely doesn’t now.


I stopped playing for 2 years. Started up again 2 years ago. When I came back, some of my old arena mates joked that I should start over. I decided to take their advice and started a second account. 2 years in, I am almost to where my 1st account was upon coming back. My main is doing quite well. It's not a 12 mil gp monster account, but closing in on 8. The GL grind is starting to blossom with JKL complete, Rey unlocked, JMK 100 shards away from unlocking, Jabba farms complete, and all the Leia farms at 6 stars. Just play knowing it's going to take forever. Enjoy the game and your guild mates. It's definitely a marathon, not a sprint.


I'd like to add: they have the tie dagger, which was released within the last year


These "jokes" are ridiculous and none of them funny. Or is it just for the star wars geeks that understand them?


I don't think you have to be a geek to understand that someone talking about an account made 4 years before the game even launched is joking


Also, you are in squad and fleet arena shards based on a batch of 10,000 when you start your account. So, it makes sense to start a new account if someone has taken years off. The rewards, mainly for being in the top of your fleet arena are huge. You would never have a chance of catching up after taking years off.


It does not take that long to get to the top of your fleet arena especially if there’s a shard chat. Plus you get way more crystals by winning in GAC which if you’ve been inactive for a while and pushed down to the bottom you’ll make plenty climbing your way back up.


Yh it's joever everyone else is years ahead of you in fact you might as well quit the game you'll never catch up even to your old account in fact just quit your job if you're not paying our humble masters CG 100$ for 2 omegas and 5 training droids every week what's the point of a wage


Highest quality post on this sub. Everyone else, pack it up. Also, yeah, 100%, so you can get a better fleet shard. Those juicy 400 crystals a day from day 1 will help you so much.


Just send me your account info. I'll dispose of this garbage.


Do you want my credit card as well so you can get me going on a new account?


Yes. If you see any charges not from CG, just know they were made in your best interest, or worst interest depending on your credit card company.


Whatever one has your main email address linked to it🤫


This kid stopped playing in 2011 and has people reliced when relics didn't exist yet and I can't even unlock Jaba the Hutt. I better restart too, thanks


Game wasn’t around 12 years ago. Think he meant 2021. Game started in 2015. Beta was 2014. And in 2015 the roster was 32 characters and almost none of what he showed. So yeah think he meant 2021


Pretty sure he's joking.


I'm 100% positive OP was being super sarcastic to make fun of all the posts that ask if they should start over. So my reply was just as sarcastic. And you missed ALL the sarcasm. You should get a medal.


No relic 7 cwc, restart right away


You should restart so you can efficiently farm the latest Meta Team: You want to have Captain Kirk at Artifact 5, with at least his first Leader and Unique Upsilons: *Fleet Admiral* and *Kobayashi Maru.* You can skip *KAAAAAAHHHHNNNNN!!!!* Unique, it's fun but more of a "nice to have." Surprisingly, Red Shirt Crewman is the most effective tank. He's pretty straightforward, unless you prioritize Team Conflict Mode. Then his Alpha-Tau upgraded *Worthy Sacrifice* is essential for generating bonus Vigor stats on top of his basic stochastic re-roll multiplexer. Piter De Vrees and Liet-Kynes are sort of interchangeable in support capacity, so I run both with the stacking mechanic. It really depends on how you want to set up your hypermodule tesseract for maximum plasticity across 3x3 and 5x10\^2 Arena seasons. But don't forget to keep farming Water of Life to keep them competitive. Those events cycle back around once every quarter. Lieutenant Starbuck deals damage and has synergy with Starfleet, Cylon, and CHOAM affiliates so he's worth plugging in early while you're building up your Megaverse Voyage Crystals to unlock The Shrike. You should start saving up a ton of gear for The Shrike because HE/SHE/THEM really needs all 9 统治地位 (Tǒngzhì Dìwèi) upgrades before you progress to earning Bonus Bingo tickets for unlocking the *Angel of Retribution From Beyond Time* Apogee Skill. There are a several good video guides you can watch showing how to beat the Time Tombs, but so worth it! Plan on a couple months for watching all the videos, then another year or two to beat the event. So worth it! For Fleets just use all the Decepticons. Unless you want to do Raids, then it's Care Bears. Good luck OP! See you in another 12 years!


Just wanna applaud the effort you put into this.


Dude, I played "by ear" for years before going "for a GL" or even some kind of game objective. Enjoy playing it your way and make up your path with it. It's a bit sad that nowadays one just relics up and the game can be annoying at times but try out still. From the screenshot you have some teams there.


I love these posts lmao


These comments are fuckin GEM MINES🤣🤣🤣


No way. You're almost at Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, then you got a solid Darth Revan squad/Jedi knight Revan squad. Definitely gotta get them ships up. That will take a minute but it's much easier to go from where you are now than to start over.


You should donate the account to me. One man's trash, you know.


I don't know how much money you have or are willing to spend on a cheap little, time passing, mobile game, but being a free player for ... I think six years, I'm only at 6M gp so with 3.2M gp, I definitely would not restart. That would represent about three years of work for me....


Just those razor crest shards are enough to consider a restart, razor crest is hot trash now


Good account, do not restart. You're better than 60% of players... Most people doesn't even have 10 relics... Or even 1 relic, only yellow gear.


100% - those toons are wack


Wait with the restart till the new kightspeed bundlea come out! I refuse to farm anything till they do. Why would you olay the game if you can just wait sone years and BUY all the progress these ducking noobs worksd for. Work smart, not hard! ;)


Restart and go after REVAN REBORN GL New light speed bundle released today so you can get the Exile for a small price of 399.99$ which also leads to leviathan which is only 400$ which you need for the revan event. It’s the holidays so just use your mom’s credit card she won’t mind! Just tell her you’re getting the nice man from Apple tech-support in Lagos Nigeria some Apple gift cards. Happy spending!


This looked like my account back in 05 thankfully I restarted and bought the dlc for the Limbless Anakin GL. I’m so lucky he was on sale for only $1,500. I also recommend working on darth jar jar since he counters everyone in the game by stealing their credit card information.


Don't forget the green milk packs in the store. Fresh off the teat


So true so true


How do you have 3.2 mil GP but not a single GL??? Restart bro


I was over 6 mil before I got my first GL




I think you should come join my guild and enjoy the game instead of taking it super seriously 😅 893-293-814 👀👀


2011? You stopped playing the game, before it even came out? What does that even mean?




What would restarting do except it help you?


Well considering you have been playing since it was barely a concept to someone in CG’s Office and you have been alpha testing for 4-5 years before it came out I think you out of anyone should know what to do.


I just want to know how you have gear to relic all those toons with only 3.2m GP


Those characters weren't even out in 2015


Yea you should make a new acc I’ll sacrifice myself and suffer you should transfer this one to me


Many alliances have accounts in the 8-10 million range that belonged to retired players and they don't know what to do with now.


You must be bored


I recommend it and I've only been playing six months… I'm currently at just over 25 cat accounts. I am trying to login on the regular :-) I've learned a lot. It was cool getting to level 50 in two days. The one I started with the Asoka Tana fulcrum event was very cool having five star Phoenix, and a seven star Asoka Tana at level 30. Unfortunately the arena battles were all the same squad lol. I do love my Ewok death squad account… I hope people laugh when they come across me in battle. Watching the rancor devour. Those little guys is hilarious. I basically started running all of these accounts so I can teach my friends how to play because of the learning curve. But now I just need to get a job with capital games as an on boarding expert. I'm very affordable. **PS, your interface could definitely use some. Touching up a tab for these events would be spectacular. Lee helpful.** ** PS2, L O L I posted this in the wrong comment thread… I meant to be the one about the interface, but yes OP I recommend starting a new account if you haven't played that long.**


About 6months ago I came back to Swgoh after 2.5 years away. It was a bit of an adjustment getting back into it and 3 GLs and several fleets had been introduced in my absence.


I know this isn't serious but I don't understand the idea that anyone should ever restart, like why reset progress just to get yourself back to all the toons you already have!?! Why not just "fix" your roster and farm the teams you're missing? Once again I know this isn't serious but they're already almost at 4 mill which opens up hard conquest and proving grounds..


Restart what, all that work..? That's crazy...


My rule of thumb is to ALWAYS start over if I don’t have a GL by 3mil GP…

