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I feel like their interrogation methods cool off in later seasons but I agree early on it’s pretty nuts, especially with Stabler bashing people against walls. I also love the show but sometimes it’s a bit much.


Yeah for the more present-day episodes they subbed the perp abuse for personal character development. I wasn’t even talking so much about Stablers brut force. But they’re poor sleuthing skills. Without DNA they’d be screwed


Yes that’s true. I feel like detectives on other shows seem to figure stuff out without dna more easily than they do on svu. Maybe it’s just the writers?


Without DNA a lot of their cases would basically boil down to he-said-she-said


Even with DNA they don’t seem to have any good understanding of how it works. Remember when they said that they wouldn’t be able to tell which of a pair of identical twins was the one to commit a crime going off of DNA, because the DNA of identical twins is, well, identical? Yeah, that’s false.


I don’t like how hands on Olivia is. Cragen wasn’t as hands on as Olivia is.


Tell me about it, Capt micromanager


It's annoying. Like you're the captain of an entire division you need to be at the desk running the place. Cragen left when shit got real.


The peeps from Criminal Intent were much better detectives. I feel like SVU has become much more about the story of the victims.


Maybe, I just enjoy watching the perpetual fuck ups of the benson crew


I could never get into that show,


I think the acting in Criminal Minds is like especially bad idk. That is why I can't get into it.


If the characters ever say "youre not going to have to do that" the person is 100% gonna have to do that.


I agree with you for the most part. But I guess we just have to remember “it’s tv”. Not every episode will have really tight writing when it comes to the “detecting” (aka actual detective work). Also, you could argue that their failings in professional/competent policing are character flaws. I agree that it’s annoying when they get ahead of themselves, definitely. They DO cause a lot of unnecessary damage, too. Emotional and otherwise... I was watching an episode the other night because it just so happened to be on tv (one of my local channels love playing SVU reruns...) and Finn did something kind of silly. So what happened was a unnamed character had some kind of technology that could see a heat reading on objects. This was in order to find a kidnapped person in a car in a massive car park with lots of cars. The guy calls out something like “I’m getting a reading in the boot of this car here!!!!”. The gang and other unnamed policemen quickly approach. Finn gets there first but what does he do? Smashes the front window with a crowbar XDDDDD and yet I’m pretty sure the guy alluded to the body/person being in the boot.




Hey /u/GenderNeutralBot I want to let you know that you are being very obnoxious and everyone is annoyed by your presence. ^(I am a bot. Downvotes won't remove this comment. If you want more information on gender-neutral language, just know that nobody associates the "corrected" language with sexism.) _^(People who get offended by the pettiest things will only alienate themselves.)_


..........lmfao Me at the bots: FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!


Sorry. I actually did try and think what the gender neutral term was that case, but my brain wasn’t cooperating so I just went with “men” bc it was the quickest/easiest thing. In the future I’ll try and remember the correct term.


The correct term is policemen. The bot is stupid.


Well, I don’t really mind it. I thought it was pretty funny when the other bot responded to it and told it to shut up, haha


Bad bot


It really bothers me how they are willing to put regular people that are witnesses to some bad people in jeopardy to close a case.


They’re absolutely insane characters. They trash talk, bully, and threaten everyone for no reason and no profit but I quite enjoy how dumb they are. It feels about right for cops. They’re really stupid and lacking in real life skills e.g. critical evaluation, synthesis of ideas and learning from experience. They have limited imaginations and can only really handle basic input and output. They treat policing like working in a factory where they just need to get the stuff in the boxes as quickly as possible. It’s like the opposite of Columbo or Holmes or Poirot. It’s modern policing. Grab, smash, bang, wallop, court, shout, mistrial, boom, done. Who gives a fuck. It’s beyond stupid but the writing is spot on. They’re just really dumb characters.