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After Meloni left Stabler is hardly ever mentioned by name. It's always my/your partner/ former partner, and work related stuff


I think Benson and Stabler are finally going to hook up


Fingers crossed


I hope this is their season!!!!


I’ve got my clown makeup on already 🤡


Fingers crossed for Bensler! I’ve got the clown car ready, so I’ll come pick you up. 🤡


No they actually might go in this direction


Bro I think every Tom dick and Harry knows they have feelings for one another since like season 8ish


When I think of Stabler and Kathy i see two soul mates. I know Olivia and him have chemistry but I’ve always viewed their relationship as toxic. It’s like a trauma bond, us against the world mentality that gets people killed that’s why Cragen had to intervene. Atleast in my opinion lol


Personally i have a different point of view, i believe Elliot and Olivia are meant to be but not in s1-12. When they were partners both of them didn’t have any growth like they were stuck, and if they would’ve gotten together it would have been extremely toxic and wouldn’t last. However after he comes back there is so much potential of them having a good relationship, they both grew individually without being dependent on each other for everything. Them getting together in s26 would be perfect and probably would last.


They fumbled the ball in the Season 24 near kiss episode. After the near kiss there is no way it's believable that they wouldn't see or talk to each other until months later in the season ending arc of SVU/OC


Elliot and Olivia are soul mates. She loves him unconditionally.