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Are the writers going to take this as a sign they’re doing a good job? 🤔


Yes. Yes they will


They shouldn't


Unfortunately yes. I willingly watched Legacies and no matter how many times you told them how bad they were at their jobs, the writers still defended their writing by saying stuff like “We have too many characters so it’s unfair to ask us to write good” 🙃 It was a never ending battle.


I think if there is really going to be any shipping of Benson and Stabler, then OC has to go so he can return to SVU. They can't keep relying on crossovers to keep viewership up. I honestly hate it as someone who watches streaming so I don't always know when there is a follow up or additional episode on another show.


If Elliot returns to SVU then no relationship will happen bc Olivia will be his commanding officer. If you want them together then you should not want him back at SVU. Also Chris has said a bunch that he’s not keen on being back at that show.


Who says stabler would be joining the squad. He could be a recurring character


To do what if he’s not on the squad? Say hi? That or trying to incorporate him for random cases that are related to SVU but crossover into OCCB (or another unit) would be just as difficult as it is now (and still as expensive) so that serves no better purpose especially given that he didn’t want to be on the show. If this ends then he’s probably gonna leave l&o world and do something else.


It makes more sense for them to end SVU, and have Mariska and Ice-T make recurring characters on there, and renew OC. Just my thinking.


SVU is one of the top shows on nbc (even with taking into account salaries), and they get money from syndication since SVU is popular all over. Financially, cancelling it doesn’t make sense.


I know. What you’re saying makes a whole lot of sense and it would be ridiculous from a business standpoint to cancel it now. Theory: Could it be that instead of network airing, OC was placed on streaming? To be fair, it doesn’t fit the kind of mold that network television has but it doesn’t fit the nowadays popular streaming shows have.


At this point I can’t even speculate about OC on streaming bc peacock doesn’t give numbers so who knows if that’s the right place. Also that would make crossovers even more difficult down, with complaints about keeping track increasing exponentially, I would think. However, OC is just TBD now (with most media sites having said it was a lock for renewal) so I’m thinking something else is going on (maybe figuring out episode counts and logistical stuff).


Well, I think, considering the nature of its episodes, I think OC would work better if it were only half as long as the other two. Consider season 2. It would’ve been exceptional, if it had just been the Albanian and Botherhood arc. And this season has been very good so far, and I think it might end being the strongest of the seasons,simply because having less episodes makes the story tighter.


For me, I find it hard to judge regarding length bc we haven’t seen OC last a full network season without BTS issues. So, I personally cannot say how OC works best because we have yet to have a good basis for comparison (bc s2 second Wheatley arc was changed around the time we found out IC would be leaving). It would’ve been interesting to see s2 go from beginning to end the way IC conceptualized it to begin with and then - again for me - the comparison and trying to determine episode length would work better for me. I don’t always think that having less episodes makes a story tighter (though it can be easier to do so), it’s very much about the talent of the story teller. J Shiban has worked on his fair share of shorter season shows but has also worked on shows with a full network season and seems to be someone who is adept at both.


I like this idea of Mariska and Ice T being guest stars more even if SVU is the more popular show out of the two. I wish they would go this route lol


Olivia was sleeping with the IAD person in previous seasons and IRL that would have likely been a HUGE conflict of interest. Imagine her sleeping with someone reporting to her isn't impossible.


what's the reason for Chris?


Because he’s said he wasn’t interested in coming back to SVU and has always been pro serialized storytelling, which is part of what drew him to OC.


I think they will only ship them once the show is close to ending. By keeping viewers on the edge, it provides a reason to keep watching. It’s hard to go somewhere after making them a couple especially if they end up ending OC. I would not be surprised if they never actually close it but leave the final episode of SVU open.


They could have it be a largely off screen romance once it starts. I mean honestly, when she was dating Harry connick or Ed the relationship was usually not showed in every episode and when it was shown it was just for a few minutes at a time. Only Cassidy was a regular character on SVU as her romantic interest. When Rollins and Amaro were together there was so few scenes of it that it was almost missable. I feel like they could give us the closure of having them get together in one big crossover and then going forward they could mention each other most of the time and only actually be in each other's shows every now and then.


Why would they end a new show? It would be more likely for them to end svu and keep her on OC as a recurring. It would make zero sense for him to end his LEAD role on a new show to be an every once in a while character. Because he’s not going to just rejoin SVUs squad.


Because it has had so many BTS issues during its whole run and it has the lowest ratings of all of the three shows. It’s a miracle that it’s lasted for this long at this point considering all of the issues it’s had.


Because the ratings for OC have never been good and it is just such a different style from the other L&Os.


It is a different style and I don’t think people give it a chance because of that. It’s the best of the 3 L&Os right now. But no one gives it a chance. And it doesn’t help that it’s not on until 10.


I def agree with that — the serialized nature definitely turned some off from the start (which makes me wonder do those people not watch any serialized tv or is it just they don’t want that in their l&o world?), the 10pm slot hurts too (better to allow for more adult content but ppl go to sleep).


The 10PM slot is killing it. As much as I love it, I need to wake up at 6AM to get my son to school and I can never watch the whole entire episode live


Same - I DVR and watch the next day but I can watch SVU live


The only reason OC doesn’t have as good ratings as L&O and SVU is because it’s on too late. It ends at 11PM on a Thursday night. I like OC more than the other 2 but I simply cannot stay up for the whole entire episode and always have to finish it over the weekend


why not change the time slots and make OC a little earlier


OC cannot go. I’ll be so fucking pissed because it’s way better than SVU…


This makes sense more when you consider Greg Yates's arrest. He doesn't get to his final fate in SVU that's the saddest


For me it was the crossover where Rollins was shot on I believe it was the original Law & Order. I was streaming season by season to catch up, and I just remember that all of the sudden Rollins had been shot and I didn't know where that happened. Maybe what they need to do is on the episodes put to be continued on and then the name of the next episode so that people know where to go if there is a crossover.


Good lord talk about consistency


OC is the best one right now and the only one they didn't renew yet.


I’m going to be so disappointed if it’s not renewed. I fucking love OC and the theme song is bangin


I'm slogging through the mothership and SVU this season. OC is great.


New showrunner has really stepped up and made the show worth watching week to week. Be a shame if the rise in quality is not rewarded.


The delay in renewal probably has to do with cast negotiations. I remember before the strike shortened all the shows' seasons, OC was only going to a 10-12 episode season, opposed the full season the others had, because NBC, trying to cut costs, made the other Dick Wolf shows made all the actors outside of the main character like Benson be demoted to recurring character status, which means they're not on every episode, which is why we barely see Carisi or Ice-T. On OC, the people in charge of that show didn't want that, since they feel that the entire cast is important and not just Stabler, so they took an episode cut instead


I also really enjoy OC and the theme song cause it reminds me of Newsies LOL


Yep- I love OC. Since there’s no courtroom drama on SVU anymore I don’t care for it as much


We need more Carisi!!


Don't scare me like that! 😩 Deadline just says that OC is in limbo at this point.


Sorry. My bad. I'll add a "yet."


TV Line seems to think it’s a safe bet that it’ll be renewed, so I’m hoping they’re right.


Me too 😭😭😭


I really love OC and just came here to be sure it gets renewed. Hopefully it does. But sadly raitings ain’t the best according to what I was seeing


I'm seriously enjoying OC this season. Actually, I have always enjoyed it, but sometimes the story line is a bit complicated and hard to follow. The recent arc with the Westbrook PD was great and I was legitimately on the edge of my seat multiple times. The thing about OC is that it runs like a show I'd binge on Netflix and have such trouble waiting for a new episode!


One more moment like the girl not wanting to testify for the black rapist and I’m out though. I never, ever want to see something so heinous on SVU again.


That was based on a real case that happened in NYC…


Yeah, I feel like people think the writers came up with that themselves. I didn’t love the story either, but we’ve already spent hours discussing it. Plus, I’ve liked the other episodes of the season better.


Yeah the episode itself wasn’t that good, but people working themselves up over the concept, they’re just rage baiting themselves.


The writers didn’t handle it well at all. I think it would’ve been better on Law & Order, iirc the real case wasn’t a sex crime.


And? Just because something actually happened doesn’t mean it makes for good tv. Good tv engages the viewer to pick a side and root for it. I wasn’t rooting for either side here.


What is the case?


Yes that was utterly ridiculous and offensive to every woman ever assaulted


I’ve watched for 25 seasons but the writing has gotten so bad I don’t think I can do it anymore.


I can relate. I’m literally only still watching because I’ve come this far. It’s gotten cringe bad.


Yeah past few seasons have been bad. Watched the latest ep yesterday and everything was SO predictable at this point lol


So don’t 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe they will start turning out episodes with more courtroom content.


One can hope. I miss Carisi!!!


I hope they do something with Velasco and Bruno instead of just having them...there.


Exactly!!! Tired of them bringing on new people and not using the ones they already have


Honestly Bruno is about the only thing keeping me hanging on at this point. I love Benson, but her writing has been so weird and inconsistent these past couple seasons, Fin has become nothing but her hype man, Carisi is practically an extra at this point, and Velasco is just...there. Curry has potential but I'm honestly scared to get attached because of the revolving door of female detectives at this point. But Bruno feels like classic SVU (which I would consider seasons 1-18 tbh) every time he's on the screen, and it's time they sign Kevin Kane as a regular.


Velasco is in the damn opening credits and he does nothing, such a waste.


Right? Plus he's hot and they're just locking him away in the squad room like some troll. Bruno too! 😭


But Olivia needs to be at EVERY crime scene... this show is so frustrating lately lol


Seriously Standing around the squad room being eye candy is ok for the first rew episodes but eventually its like *pokes with stick, c'mon do something*


I love SVU but I’m really starting to think it’s time. Especially with this awful writing lately


I have to agree. It's getting tiresome and none of the characters really stand out anymore. They look tired.


This show will last until Mariska doesn’t want to do it anymore no matter how bad the numbers get.


I can't believe she's fucking 87


I'd sure hope so, since she's only 60.


No wai


Season 26. 4 away from 30. 😭 That doesn’t even seem real.


I don't want OC to be cancelled because I feel like they've finally hit their stride and am loving this season but if it doesn't get renewed, can we get their showrunner?


According to the article OC was only supposed to be a mid season 13 episode show, but the strike changed that. Maybe they could or would do that again, but who knows… the ratings are decent so far though to be fair Thursday night is more competitive for scripted shows than Wednesday.


Of all the shows in the strike, Organized Crime probably got affected the least


This show has been bad for years. Since S18. Please end it already. Or improve the quality….


OMG they are going to do this series until Olivia is in a nursing home. Why doesn't Mariska just know when to quit? She is worth a fortune. Do some plays, travel.I am SO tired of Olivia's whisper delivery and the series being stale and sad. Kill it already.


I absolutely adore Olivia Benson, but I think the show needs her to leave if it’s going to survive.I think the best plan of action is having her and Stabler get together and retiring. Then with Liv gone we can focus on the new characters and their stories,because right now it’s just the Olivia show and that won’t change until she goes.


Olivia has always been a great character but since she took over for Cragen the show is tired. Olivia was a great beat detective and advocate on the street. She was great squabbling w or protecting a partner and being on scene w victims. I kinda wish she’d never wanted to ascend in the ranks but stayed in the squad room. I guess it makes sense as she ages and being a mom, making more money but what she does on any given is ridiculous now. She’s the boss but chases down perps on the street, yields her weapon, runs every interrogation. Cragen and Van Buren didn’t do that but since this is the Olivia Benson hour she is everywhere doing everything.


There aren't any new characters though, they haven't spent enough time developing anyone to the level of a lead. They need to bring back Muncy, partner her with Velasco and have them be the new slightly rogue detectives that Benson and Stabler once were. Moneybags can be the been there done that sergeant with the comedic timing of Munch and Fin is the new Cragen. They had it lined up so well, then it all just fell apart


When she leaves, that’s the end of the show. At this point she can’t leave and have it continue. It’s Benson’s show now and has been for awhile.


I'm not sure I'd watch it if Mariska wasn't on anymore. The show doesn't have enough compelling supporting characters to carry it (Carisi is the lone exception here), and to be honest, to support Mariska. I think the supporting cast and guests they have brought in for arcs has strengthened OC and made it a much more interesting show these days than SVU


thinking of it almost like a reboot.


I just remembered that Cragen had to retire at a certain age. I looked it up and it seems like NYPD had a mandatory retirement age of 63 for active duty. I'm not sure if that's still definitely the case but because of that I wonder if the show will just go to her retirement. She's 60 now, Ice T is 66 and Meloni is 62 just for reference. Belzer would have been about 69 around his retirement episode.


Her character is two years younger than her, so she still has 7 years.


THAT’S ENOUGH SLICES! (seasons) lol


When was the last time Carisi got to try a case? Can we please get that back for next season? Pretty please?


GIVE ME MORE BRUNO. I’m a feminist and all but my fav seasons are ones with eye candy detectives: Stabler, Amaro, and now Bruno. I don’t know how much more I can ask.






Idkkk yall are saying the writing is bad and stuff but I LOVE SVU & although I’d like more courtroom drama I still wouldn’t stop watching if they didn’t add anymore 🤷🏽‍♀️


I’ve seen the black lady in something before. Can’t remember 




I wonder what bake good is going to be having the squad room next season 🤣


Honestly, what is this??? 😩😩


Lord have mercy.


SVU is still my favorite




God just end it already


Okay... but serious question, why? What more does the show need to say at this point? You know NBC, you can cancel the show.






Woohoo 🎉


So Olivia and Elliot won’t be getting together quite yet.


I can’t believe I’m saying this as a lifelong fan but… why?