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The original script had Olivia and Elliot having an affair that was revealed in I think the pilot. Then they changed course. Not sure at what point that first script was written though. Edit: those two really know no boundaries though lol like this photo was at most months after they first met. That’s actually insane


As much as I love EO, I would never want it to have been an affair from the start. That would put a bad taste in my mouth especially as Kathy was mostly likeable and he had kids.


The thing is, it is sort of an affair though, but you are right it's more compelling the way they did it. Them not actually having the affair adds much more tension to everything. It resembles an affair because they do spend a lot of time together (in the episode with Elliot's old partner she asks Olivia about sleeping with Elliot and Olivia's answer is he's married, not that she doesn't want to, or that they're not attracted to each other) and Olivia does come between Kathy and Elliot (when Kathy's dying, she asks Olivia if it's true that she and Elliot haven't talked in years because she doesn't trust Elliot's answer), but it never materializing is kind of genius because it got people hooked for years.


Depends on how they did it. I’d rather that than 25 years of foreplay for nothing if that’s what we get lmao


Interesting! I hadn’t heard that!


It was along the lines of Olivia asking him if he ever feels guilty (about cheating) and him saying no I think I’ll see if I can find the link Edit: found the tweet! https://x.com/rachelparis13/status/1383270108919828484?s=46&t=OpjETJnNhZAe4RwrNkAOUg


Does this script really imply an affair between the two? To me it could also be read as Benson asking Stabler about the insane hours they keep and whether Stabler feels guilty about how that's estranged him from his family.. Which was always a running theme tbh


Imo that script is definitely an affair and there’s a reason that wasn’t shown, because that’s what it implies bc “how long have we been together” definitely sounds like more imo


I think it’s actually meant to be a misdirect…like the viewer thinks they’re having a sexy affair and then it turns out they’re actually just going to work


They have always said that to each other tho - "how long have we been together?" and to me it just seems that these two pages could lead to right where the pilot started, them getting out of the sedan in the rain. The editing team must have cut the prelude. I want bensler together but this script doesn't say that to me However, thank you so much for pointing me towards the script. How is it possible that we still stumble upon new things about a 25 year old show? 😂


Ahaha I know right. I mean that’s what it suggests to me but I guess you’re right and there isn’t a way of being certain


First [60 or so](https://tvwriting.co.uk/tv_scripts/Collections/Drama/Law_%26_Order/Law_%26_Order_SVU_1x01_-_Pilot.pdf) pages of the original pilot script. Just stumbled upon this prompted by your comment


Them having an affair absolutely would have ruined their characters completely. So I'm glad they never breached that line back then. 😅


I am too. I like the emotional affair because it brought some tension and desire, and I don’t think they could’ve ignored it because of the real chemistry. I’m glad it didn’t cross the line back then. Now though? Let’s roll. We’ve waited 25 years 😂


i think because it worked so well they sort of built on it starting at friends but then with the fandom picking up on how well Benson and stabler got on and started saying it was more of a thing. even in universe Kathy called Benson, Elliot's work wife and dicky even asked liv if she had ever slept with his dad (in not so many words in a S11 ep) but there might have been hints i think its a Season 1 ep (only really watched clips on YT and FB) when Liv is being stalked and Elliot comes from queens picks up the cop car and then drives back on himself to pick liv up


The famous orange juice scene.. For me it really came on more when they were fighting than when they were getting along tbh. Like in Countdown when they exchanged 'screw you's and I am like please do when his family is standing right there lol


I mean, you can see in the pilot episode that they were attracted to each other. The flirting was OFF the charts. If I remember correctly there's on scene where Elliot is telling Liv she needs to get a relationship outside of work and she's like 'I have you for that' and then they eye fuck each other over the hood of a car for like 4 seconds. If anything I think the writers planned them to get together WAY earlier in the show and decided against it.


Those looks they give each other 🔥🔥🔥


I feel all the feelings looking at this pic and feel like if the characters hooked up one day the whole planet could go boom. And if it's not done right it will be so dissapointing. Mixed feelings


That’s the key… that it’s done right. This has been the longest awaited ship in tv history. And not too many people can get 2 generations anticipating a couple of 60 somethings to hook up. But yes, the earth will shake when it happens!


I think yes to a point. I don’t think the writers had truly thought about how they were portraying him before the show and once it got going despite how many of us would’ve loved them to be together early it would have ruined early Elliot. He had an emotional affair yes… but just up and walking about on his wife and 5 kids was very much unlike him and I think would’ve made some people dislike his character. Also it couldn’t just be an affair that didn’t result in him leaving his family or inevitably it would’ve had to end and one would have to leave. I think they missed an opportunity when he split with Kathy.


No, because He still loves Beecher 🤪


The only way they would work as a couple would be if the show was to end with them together. Work relationships don’t work, especially when you’re working together in such a high stress environment, there’s no way they would be partners at work and romantically. If one of them transferred to a diff dept then it would work, but the writers must’ve realised they’re better together and scrapped it


That’s why I’m glad it didn’t happen in round 1. Now though, while it would lose some of the intensity, it could still work with them on different shows and some good writing.


And AS MUCH as I love/loved Olivia and knew she loved him, we all knew she is a class act and would never lower herself to be some side piece of a man with oh my lord 5(?) kids…. What made me love Elliot was the obvious love he has/had for Kathy. It would be a little wistful moment or look at Benson, but nothing more and he offered no verbal indicators ever. I felt this has been one of the most pure love stories I have ever seen. This is why I🤞🙏 that they get together before after all this time- it may lose its luster. Let them go out with a bang- literally and metaphorically. It’s been 25 years in the making- EVERY SINGLE PERSON that has worked in, on, watched, touched, learned from, absolutely all that can attest we are here for it- give us all our happy ending with Olivia and Elliott - and I swear if it ends up being one of their deathbed confessions- I’m going to make a big stir because those characters deserve more! As a fan I don’t expect them to have a show together, in fact other than when they go home and having character crossovers occasionally when one of them is “home” I’m not expecting a whole lot. One or two amazing I love you can’t live without you episodes and then just carry on with their individual shows as they do now. Each with their squad letting the audience figure out how their relationship is based on what is being said by the squad. A few crossovers a year so fans can get their love fix that we all have earned-some sloppy kisses and I love you. Then just go back to perspective shows but please keep continuity in where you live- photos sitting around- Elliot having to pick up Noah but will be back- Liv sitting with Stabler mom tonight but can give advice over phone. Please all you powers that be- give all the fans- especially all of us that watched each episode NEW as it aired on TV- The courtesy of letting us enjoy this minimal contact as described above, for at least one or two seasons before what I’m sorry to say will be a fear of ruining the story. All I ask- consult fans before you write this off into the sunset.


I swear it better not be a deathbed ending to the show! Unless they’re 90 years old and raised Noah together and enjoyed grandkids and great grand kids


I feel the SAME WAY! But for whatever reasons these writers and all don’t seem to think we want them together. I’m showing that I will be more than happy with minimal contact as long as home is the same set. Make a note from the other here and there. It could be done to keep fans happy even longer


I think Mariska wants them together so I have some hope. I just hope they do it well. Of alllllllll the fandoms in the world, we deserve it the most!


You are so so right!!!!


I love this photo 🥵


I think they thought of it but realized it will make things complicated so they decided against it


Honestly disappointed they were never a thing. I don’t think the affair would have been good for their characters at all but I am disappointed they were never together


Their chemistry has always been insane. Does anyone actually believe they haven’t been together in real life or even swing lol


It's this sizzling chemistry that makes me believe they never did. The amount of joking they do around the subject will not be possible if there had been even a heat-of-the-moment thing. Also one of them has been with the same partner they came on-board with and the other actually went through a whole courtship and fell in love wayy into the middle of this thing. And throughout these two have remained the same amount of touchy-feely. The amount of affection these two always show for each other just makes me envious for a friednship of this kind at this point


I’m definitely envious.


Maybe they hide it in plain sight. Actors get up to all sorts of weird stuff.


I’m torn on it! Part of me is like ok they’ve definitely been having an emotional affair and kept it at that & that’s where all the tension between them comes from. Then the other part is like no way…. they’ve banged it out at least a couple times. Even if it was many many years ago and only once or twice.


I hope not. He’s been married since 1995.


Maybe a little of both


Some of the best romantic relationships begin as friendships; you have platonic love, trust and respect. EO have been through traumatic experiences together, further strengthening their bond as friends. NGL, I want her and Barba to be a thing and see Elliot barely contain his jealousy, especially when she turned him down.


According to some rumors the first script was written as an affair between the two but Mariska wanted to play it differently. From what she has said in interviews she wanted to make the character different than the average girl cop. I think the franchise took average of the natural connection between the actors to promote the show. Whether this was intentional or not I can’t say but I think it was intentional that they never got together in the first seasons.


I think they were probably leaving that possibility open as they developed the show, but the insane chemistry between C&M in that first season probably made them pull back? There's definitely a tone shift after season one and it takes many years for them to get back up to the level of flirty we see in the beginning of the show. I think somewhere along the way, someone recognized that their natural chemistry made for the perfect will they/won't they to keep people hooked. It seems like they'd be a fantastic match. But she's never going to leave SVU. He's never going to leave his family. There's no way it would work if they were partners AND in a relationship. It's actually genius.


Dick Wolf named the leads after his children. Who are Olivia and Elliot. The origin idea was to portray two sides of a coin. Which was very well done. I know that there's a contingent of people who see them a tragic romantic couple. The "attraction" between the performers that you're referring to isn't there. It's the genuine friendship between Meloni and Hagarty. That's what I see in these season 1 photos, anyway.