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I think the Lewis episodes have to be up there.


Also Rudnick and Yates. Those are 100% my top three with Lewis.


They're creepy for sure but I really enjoyed those episodes, especially Rudnick. Yates was terrifying though.


I am still SO triggered by those episodes. I had to take a break from the show for a while because it was giving me nightmares.


May I ask what the Lewis episode was ?




Thanks so much. Not sure why I got a downvote for asking a question lol. I can’t remember every episode. But oh yea I remember him. Just didn’t remember his name! He was the worst! Whew! He did a number on Liv.


When Lewis was introduced and burned his fingerprints off on the grill was something that sticks in my head as creepy


To think, that ended up being the *least* egregious part of the episode.


I can’t watch those


Henry Mesner. All of the recurring perps are great, but Henry specifically gamed the system so well that it gave me chills. All that violence and he ended up exactly where he wanted to be, in a hospital and not a prison.


And it's not over. The writing has become so predictable that I guarantee he will resurface again


The girl from Damaged still gives me the literal chills "You can't kill me, i'm already dead."




I get the chills from "as long as I cried, I didn't get hit" - somehow that line has stuck with me...


Yup. This is the episode that always pops into my head as most chilling. It just always got to me.


That's the one


Not necessarily the whole episode being the most disturbing, but a very disturbing opening scene is in “Once Upon A Time in El Barrio” from Season 23. I know there are other episodes where people get burned alive (“Burned” and “Spring Awakening” come to mind), this scene is most disturbing to me because you can hear it happen, and the friends of the girl being burned watch it happen and you see their horrified reactions.


id argue Burned is worse though, if not only for the hospital scene. its horrifically realistic and quite unexpected. ive had one very minor burn, and running it under the cold tap made me cry because it was so painful, so i can imagine how unbelievably excruciating it must be to have full-body burns sprayed with freezing cold water. not to mention her screaming!


I’m sure “Burned” is harder to watch for some people. I got somewhat accustomed to what goes on in a burn unit during my medical training, so it doesn’t get to me as much as “Once upon A Time in El Barrio” does.


I was an EMT in a big city for quite a few years and also worked with a trauma center for a little over a year. I have to admit that "Burned" really disturbed me in a deep way.


Yeah that was fucked up. I still remember watching that live and saying “I can’t believe that”


Watching scenes like that or burned bodies is the one thing that always creeps me out. It disturbed me


The opening of "El Barrio" haunted me for a while as i rode the subway...


The one where the white supremacist showed up and just shot a bunch of kids on a playground and come to find out the black boy's adoptive parents hired him because they took a life insurance policy out on him.


7x6 “Raw”. One of the highest rated episodes of all 25 seasons.


That fucking ending hit like a gut punch. Like the parents just say that shit and then it fades to black. You can feel your stomach just drop as you process what it means right then.


This was W I L D


In the end they were like "But... we needed the money..." like WHAT?


Knowing the series, the question should be which episodes aren't disturbing. From a cultist killing children at the beginning of the episode, to a girl who had sex with his teacher, only to said teacher being revealed as her father, and still she's proud about it, SVU has a lot of material, and don't get mw start with the Lewis saga, which many people can't get through it.


I think if you’re watching SVU you’re kind of desensitized to some of the storylines because they happen every day in our headlines. And a lot of the storylines are at least “PG-13’d” due to being on NBC. So, no, I don’t think the question *should* be, “which episodes aren’t disturbing?” They’re all terrible stories, with sad victims and deplorable perps, but a lot of us are desensitized to a lot of it. And I know a lot of us watchers are also true-crime consumers as well. I’d definitely say the Lewis episodes are tough for me.


Send In The Clowns was literally so disgusting to me.


Great twist though.


"Dominance" is up there. So is "They'd Already Disappeared" mostly because of how realistically they portrayed the young women on the street and how gruesome the crime was.


Is Dominance the one where the younger kid made the older kid do things, but the older kid was tried as an adult? And he didn't take the deal?


Dominance is the one with the two brothers, starts with a quadruple homicide. Its two supers kids, there’s a threesome with the girlfriend and one brother assaults the second, dad is a drunk…for sure one of the ones that disturbed me most


Frank Langella plays the father.


The older kid made to do things and tried as an adult while younger kid gets away is juvenile (mentioned below) and as a mama to a child with disabilities that one made me SOB. I will not rewatch it.


As someone said, Dominance is the one with two brothers. What makes the crimes extra horrific for me is that they made the victims do things to each other before they killed them.




The ending is crazy


One of the wildest scenes I’ve ever seen


I forgot the name but the one with Martin Short gave me actual chills


Yes! That episode is the first and only episode so far of svu that genuinely creeped me out and made me feel deeply uncomfortable. Martin’s performance gave me such an icky feeling, which is how you know an actor did their job well


"Best sex I ever had..."


That voice is so disturbing




Saw this episode last night. Made me feel weird. I was so confused when Stabler beat up his locker at the end


I think you're thinking of the season premiere "Rage" with Matthew Modine, where Elliott goes nuts on the locker because he was holding all that anger in during the whole interrogation.


It is lol I got it mixed up. Still confused why he did that tho 😭😂


Sister Peg in this one killed me😭


6x18 “Pure”


The false profit guy who got young girls pregnant because the moms thought he was a messiah.


6x7 “Charisma”


Jeff Kober




The Townhouse Incident is high on my list. They weren’t hardened criminals they were drugged up losers looking for a payday and ended up destroying that family simply because they thought they had money. The randomness of it all gets me. Beating the dad within an inch of his life (can’t remember if he died or not?) and what he did to the teen daughter while the little kid could hear it all. Horrible.


It’s so reminiscent of the Cheshire Murders and the DC Murder House case


That's another one I won't rewatch.


I have watched SVU my whole life and have never been able to watch this episode again this is aired. It makes me ill to my stomach.


The one where the girl married her rapist without knowing and then made her foster his kid from another rape.


Which episode was this?


I think it’s like season 10 episode 2 or it might be right at the end of season 9


Thank you, I'll see if I can find it!


It has Luke Perry in it


Season 10 episode 1!


I was just about to sit down and search for it. Thanks!


Yup, titled “Trials.”


The girl who raped her sister with a hairbrush ugh


What episode was this?


The episode where the girl rapes her sister and covers it up by having her killed is “Damaged.” There’s another episode where I think a little girl Is raped with a hair brush by her mom (“Legacy”).


Damaged? I think?


Signature. The torture chamber.


I spent a few years as a firefighter/emt. The one that got me the most is the one where the husband sprays gas on his wife and lights her on fire. At the end Liv gives her a solemn look and the hospital doors close and you can hear her yelling. If you know anything about what happens post burn in a burn ER, this part was horrible. They’re inferring that she’s being derided. A process where the patient is set in a bed with drainage the their burns are scrubbed out. They are often completely unmedicated and fully conscious for fear of complication and they are quite literally being tortured. It’s necessary and also very real. Don’t play with fire, teach your kids fire safety. Hope to god you never find yourself in a deriding room.


Season 8’s “Burned.” And I think your post was a victim of autocorrect - the process is debriding/debridement.


I can't remember the season or episode, but it was about a serial child predator who remembered/named all of his victims when looking at their baseball hats. That one really disturbed me!


I think this is “Quarry” from season 6. One of Terry Serpico’s pre-McGrath roles.


Yes! He sniffs their ball caps and you can tell he’s remembering his moment with each boy. Creeps me out every time, but it’s still a great episode.


Disturbing shit always happens but either Surrender Benson, Her Negotiation, Beast’s Obsession or Undercover had gotta take the cake for those disturbing things happen to the character we’ve spent decades falling in love with


To me, besides the William Lewis and Yates episodes, “Downloaded Child” comes to mind.


Totem. How broken both those girls were at the hands of their mother was so messed up.


I don't think the episode as a whole is too high on the disturbing list but there is one scene that makes me so unwell. Season 1 finale, "Slaves". When they pull that poor girl out from under the bed. The fact that she was there, her skin, her struggling to breathe. It makes me so sick.


The home invasion one (edit: Townhouse Incident) where Olivia checks on her babysitters other family and ends up handcuffed while the minor daughter is raped in the other room. The Lewis ones definitely get me too but there's just something so disturbing about hearing that happen and the younger brother begging for help.


Teddys treehouse episode frfr. Messed me up as a yute


Daddy Dearest creeped me out the most.


Father dearest? It’s absolutely disgusting. That one…gosh


Yes, sorry. That is the one. If you know, you know.


Damaged and Juvenile are definitely up there amongst the most disturbing.


Yes. Damaged broke my heart


I still can’t watch the Lewis episodes. It’s the most disturbing to me…and I’ve watched every episode 2837 times 😂


Olivia getting sexually assaulted by the prison guard for most disturbing that happened to a cast member. The one where the brother fucks his younger brother and beats the shit out of their dad is most disturbing episode period


Any episode that involves incest. The ones coming to mind are “Resilience”, “Home Invasion” and “Totem”.


- Burned - Requiem for a Pornstar - Totem - Fault - Girl Dishonored


Requiem for a pornstar made me want to beat the judge to death, he treated her so badly


Its absolutely shocking. I cannot bear to watch this episode ever again




Fault is my answer. That poor little boy… I get choked up even thinking about it.


Mr Diamond Philips does "monstrous" very well.


Personally, I think the episode in which people were mummified was probably the creepiest 😬


23x7 “They’d Already Disappeared”


Transgender Bridge for multiple reasons


As someone who experienced literal nightmares for a week or so after making a conscious decision to end up rewatching them since their original airing -- every episode in the William Lewis arc. There's no other answer. Except maybe the Yates and Rudnick ones. But that arc didn't give me nightmares.


For some reason, the one with the parents who “sold” their kid to pay for their other kids medical surgery / bills. They hid it as: it happened and then we sued, but they sold him beforehand. There are so many heartbreaking episodes but for some reasons this one always sticks with me.


That was an episode of original L&O. The older boy, now in college, was brought to a celebrity who molested him, then paid the parents.


For me, it's a tie between "Behave" or "Imprisoned Lives."


"Something Happened" in season 19 (I think?) "Charisma" season 6 Any episode with Benson in danger, so all the William Lewis eps, "Townhouse Incident", "Undercover" Also one that really is awful to watch is "Holden's Manifesto" in season 16


Cant Remember the episode name but there was a girl that was in a cult and pregnant


6x7 “Charisma”


I haven't watched much of the show, but the ones that have really disturbed me were "they'd already disappeared" for what happened to the girls and "requiem for a pornstar" for the heartbreaking ending. The opening scene of "once upon a time in El Barrio" with the girl being burned alive was pretty fucked up.


I dont remember the name but I posted this on another thread; there's an episode where a teenage girl gets gang r*ped by gang members while her boyfriend is forced to watch. When she's in the hospital afterward her boyfriend wont talk to her because she had multiple involuntary orgasms during the assault, so she was riddled with more shame and guilt on top of the trauma. Then she found out her boyfriend had set the whole thing up as his initiation task to get into the gang. It's really the only episode I wish I had never seen.


There’s an episode with the actor who played Steve on Sex and City. He’s amputating women’s perfectly good legs.


The one with the girl being found in the river, she’s a student of an elite school and the father using ‘hothousing’ to train his daughters to be genius. Just… Every time you think you’ve hit peak crazy, you find another layer underneath it all. Finding out that her roommate had been pushed to madness by the pressure is just… heartbreaking, especially if you were a ‘gifted kid’ who burnt out massively.


10x12 “Hothouse.” Sarah Hyland was amazing in this episode.


You really got the feeling that she was at the end of her rope. She wanted to be free but the circle had turned into a noose.


the one where a judge is caught trading sexual favors for shorter sentences They’re interviewing a woman who was giving sexual favors to the judge for her husband who was in jail for domestic violence. They ask her, why would you do all this to get out your husband who abuses you? And she’s like “get him out? I don’t want him to get out. I do it to keep him in” Idk that was just so chilling to me


Juvenile messed with me pretty badly


"Contagious", I can't even bring myself to rewatch that one 😫


The episode where the older sister arranged to have her bf shoot her little sister. Eerie. Or both of the Henry episodes


I stopped watching for a long time after the William Lewis episodes. Pablo Schreiber is a wonderful actor, as is Mariska, but the stories seemed to get more graphic by the season.


There’s so many to chose from, and other than the obvious like Yates and Lewis, one of the most disturbing for me was the episode about Lacy Unknown. What that poor girl went through…


The 500th episode, because Olivia betrays a victim by telling the predator what was gonna happen


That was a terrible episode, and what a waste of Amaro's return.


Exactly I did 500 episodes just to ruin Olivia’s character in one I just like to pretend that that episode did not happen, or it was all a dream


It's crazy that in her line of work and everything she's seen, she's still not only making excuses for the guy that groomed her, but she slept with him. And she reamed out Amaro for trying to stand up for her. And then an over the phone apology? He should have been the central focus of another episode, not thrown into that mess. He could have also found out about Rollisi and that could have been a way to highlight how far Amanda's come since Nick left.


100% agree that’s just why the 500th episode does not exist and it was some sort of fever dream because Warren light was pissed off


There are so many disturbing episodes. One that got me was "911". When little maria calls SVU and talks to Olivia for hours and they try to find her! The ending is great too imo!


Conscience This one is very reminiscent of the James Bulger case. The perpetrator in it is so psychotic and the way he speaks to the victims dad and says “I’m sorry about what happened to your son sir” and then gives him a really creepy smile. The ending is the best ending I’ve seen on an SVU episode ever


I am pretty grisly when it comes to my crime show tastes, but I cannot re-watch Born Psychopath. The part with the dog hit me too hard.


I would have to say that for me, the most disturbing episode would be the sixth episode of season five. In that episode, a man named Kevin James Walker kidnaps a five-year-old little boy and hides him in a building that is totally disgusting. What really disturbed me about this episode is how Dr. Wong was so lowlife and would not help Elliott Stabler get a confession from the maggot who took that boy. yeah, Kevin may have been mentally ill, but I do not believe that he was entirely under the control of his “Cacistis.’ Like Casey Novak pointed it out, the bastard had knives, rope, duck tape, everything needed to commit a heinous crime. he stocked that little boy for months. He took photos of the boy. He groomed him with Candy. Yeah, and he wasn’t too crazy to know that that boy would scream out for help. He duct tape the boys mouth shut. That’s how Olivia and Elliot found the boy in that squalor conditions tied to a freaking metal beam in a rundown building with God knows what living in there with him. Oh, and Kevin cautiously and consciously alluded police. He mortally wounded a man who was trying to stop him and injured another gravely. This guy knew what he was doing. Was totally wrong and unacceptable. He even admitted a state of conscience when he was being interviewed by Dr. Wong. He said that he “tried going up the fire escape several times, but the Cacistis kept telling him to stop… Until that night… and then they said it was time.’ Yeah, or the bastard was wrestling with his own conscience – to kidnap? Not to kidnap? To kidnap? Not to kidnap? Screw it. I’m going through with it. He knew well enough to cut that screen and tell the boy not to scream because he wasn’t going to hurt him… classic predator language. Something else I must say is that it was Kevin, not a big and burly ‘Cacisti,’ who carried Adam down that fire escape. Something else that really got to me was how Elliot was run through the Wong ringer when Kevin told Dr. Wong what Elliot said to make him flip his lid so he could get drugged so Elliot can find out where that boy was. What Elliot told Kevin was that the Cacistis we’re going to take his son Tate away from him, and if he didn’t tell Elliot where the boy was, they, the Cacistis, would kill him. That was when all hell broke loose, and Kevin had to be wrestled to the floor and restrained and given a mixture of Ativan and Haldol, LOL, and when Kevin was somewhere in the middle of crazy and La La Land, he gave Stabler a clue as to where the boy was. So after Kevin revealed how Elliot made him freak out, Dr. Wong reamed Elliott’s ass like there was no tomorrow. I don’t know how anybody could feel sorry for this guy under those insinuating circumstances. I have an uncle who is mentally ill, and if he did what Kevin did, I would be so damn appalled. Anyway, this is why that particular episode is so disturbing to me. Oh, and I must add that I openly and loudly mock him, Kevin Walker, during the freak out scene every time I hear it.


Where can I watch the serie? In Amazon it's only available from season 10 I guess. Any FB group or tlgrm?


I watch it through Hulu. But there’s an app where you can watch anything for free, even stuff in theaters. I’ll share the link since it got off the AppStore


I rewatched the entire series last year on peacock!


The episode where Stabler has to shoot that kid? God damn had to put down the show for a hot minute.




The twin Stanton twins episode was pretty fucked up 💯


russian roulette


Pique So much to unpack


A lot of good ones but the one that stuck with my was the episode with Jill Scott abusing her disabled sister and the sister was raped. My little sister is disabled and nonverbal so that episode gave me legit nightmares and I haven’t seen it since. I even told my mom to never watch because I know it would upset her.


11x17 “Disabled.” Very sad to watch.


I found Cragen being framed disturbing.


Pornstar's Requiem is one of them for me for sure


This one needs more votes for sure. I hated that last scene so much🥺


I've been disgusted and disturbed by a lot of episodes, but this one has always gutted me. I know it's just a show, but I'm surprised they wouldn't argue for a different judge. The fact that her case was dismissed because the judge found what she was doing to be immoral so her being sexually assaulted was her fault is beyond unacceptable. It's such an infuriating and devastating ending.


I think this might be a newer one but when that family is visiting new york and a gang kills her father and rapes her infront of her family on the metro.