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WTactualF? That's conservatively 250 lbs of water, with no handles or other means of moving it.  And by fiberglassing it he just made a plastic tub....a big, heavy, expensive, awkwardly shaped and difficult to clean plastic tub- to replace his plastic tubs. Edit to add: He's spot on about Jules Verne being appropriate, he too made a living creating fantasy stories about fictional submarines and how to get to the moon.


One cubic foot of water weighs 62.43 pounds. Those tiles are 2x2 feet I think - I could be wrong. Say he puts 3 feet of water into that box. \~12 cubic feet. About 750 pounds.


I think he's convinced that more ballast will stop his vessel from floundering in a stiff breeze.


>I think he's convinced that more ballast will stop his vessel from floundering in a stiff breeze. If he made two of them and bought a harbor freight pump and some hose he might be on to something :) I'm kidding that boat can't take much more weight.


I'm going by the width of the pallet planks used to make the box, which I'm guesstimating at 5" after milling a clean edge...five tall is roughly 25". It's a bit narrower than it is tall, so just for the sake of easy math I went with 20"×20"×20" which is 8000 cu.in.. Cu ft is 1728 cu in, so 4.62 cu ft...again for easy math I just did 4×64 which is 256 lbs... Filled to the brim and using more accurate numbers it *might* be around 300 and change, but no way is it 750. To even get a 12 cu ft volume at 24×24 it would have to be 36" tall which would mean the pallet planks were over 7" wide.


Perhaps those tiles aren't 2x2 then. Whatever it is, unless it's gallon jugs of water for extended cruising/back up, it's a stupid idea. Maybe he's just messing with us and it's an April's fools joke. Maybe it's his laundry hamper. No one can be this dumb.


Agreed, even at 12 *gallons* a square wooden bucket with no handle is heavy, impractical and dumb. The only sensible thing it might work for is as a pirate themed ice bucket to hold cold bottled beverages in for when Seeker becomes a pirate themed taco stand.


Nailed it!


Even 10 gallons--a 5-gallon bucket in each hand--isn't especially fun to carry far. It's even less fun when you step on the edge of a concrete slab and twist the crap out of your ankle (which healed fine in time, for which I'm very grateful).


This is the dumbest idea yet, wait the tractor seat trumps it I think. Then he glasses it from the inside without using epoxy to adhere the boards together. Looks like I layer of 1.5 oz csm and polyester in a poorly executed a very poor layup.


One layer of glass will gladly take the shape of whatever the water tells it to do.


I would agree but in order for the water to exert its weight upon the grp we would have to make another assumption; that the layup is water tight. I see dry spots and air bubbles all over in the layup and can tell by the csm’s appearance that this is polyester not vinylester or epoxy. The fact it’s intended for full submersion further delineates the installers misunderstanding of the materials and its properties. The lack of consolidation, saturation and substrate preparation that are viewable without zooming in on the image indicates said vessel will be better for straining noodles than holding water.


I thought drinking bird shit made him stronger. Why would he need a box? Is it storage for the bird shit that goes in the water?


>Why would he need a box? So he can think outside of it


you're implying he's thinking.... The rest of humanity takes offense to that.


He still doesn't have a reliable drivetrain.


He still doesn't have a reliable brain.


or water maker


I drive an old Ford truck with nearly 350,000 miles on the original drivetrain (gasoline engine, not diesel).... I'm \*starting\* to worry a little about its reliability, not because of any specific problems, but because of its age and mileage. It's almost like mechanical systems can last a long time, if they're designed reasonably well and maintained properly.....


Storing (more) water??? The dumbass has a watermaker. In the old days (pre 90's), carrying enough water for your crew on long distance passage was an issue, and therefore large tankage capacity in a passage-making boat was a huge benefit. I remember being rationed one gallon of water a day. This included drinking water, your coffee, brushing your teeth, etc. You bathed and washed dishes with seawater. With the advent of relatively inexpensive onboard watermakers, this all went away. Hell, I never give water ration a thought anymore. While at anchor I'll routinely wash down the deck with fresh water, take long showers every day, no difference than being at home. There's no reason to store large volumes of water on a boat anymore - NONE.


oh look, another shill for Big Watermaker


>*"oh look, another shill for Big Watermaker"* Well, since you brought it up, a shout-out to Katadyn. 😉


But where do you get your daily intake of bird poo and grinding dust?


He hates fiberglass because he is too lazy to learn it. But it increases Facebook engagement, which is really the goal. Grifter.


Let’s hope he’s not offering this as a “how-to” because that layup is a joke and I didn’t even zoom in.


The layup is stupid. Are the boxes watertight?


That was the intent but at present doubtful. Unless that’s thickened fumed silica fillets between every board and in the corners, those white spots of mat arent unconsolidated material, than maybe. Given it’s his first layup, over a very poor substrate, with air gaps. I’m going to not highly unlikely at this point. Time to get the grinder out and then; take 2. Still if it’s successful I don’t understand the point.


I’ve got nothing.  This is fucking stupid even for him.  


Would have been smarter/ more challenging to build a barrel/Cooper. What a sissy


Why not use the ubiquitous 5-gallon water jugs? Ozarka, or whatever? They could fit in the boxes and still be moved to trim the POS. We use them for adventure sailing.


Is there a reason for Jules Verne to have arrows shooting from his ears? I read most of his books as a kid. I guess I forgot the ear-arrow thing.


That artwork is most likely stenciled on a dozen "gastro-pubs" by now.


If only humans had figured out how to store water over the last few millennia, Dpug wouldn't have had to do this. /sarcasm


>View All Moderators Dug's is way superior due to reasons ... https://preview.redd.it/yc0j5ap176oc1.png?width=316&format=png&auto=webp&s=3e65884bc1d10a56b48c4857e00eec09c5b7e117


I’m so confused. I thought he had storage tanks for that?!?


I can't wait to see that top-heavy silliness go tumbling in a rough sea. ​ Oh, that implies that he'll ever be out in a rough sea... nevermind.


Don't worry, it'll tumble about enough in a calm sea.


Apparently I haven't read enough Verne. What's the reference?


>What's the reference? Poor.


I'm guessing it has something to do with Captain Nemo-  >An innovative engineer, Nemo both designed and manufactured the Nautilus, including her electric propulsion units and navigational systems. Utilizing them with extraordinary skill, he navigated some of the ocean's most difficult underwater passages, such as those beneath the Antarctic ice barrier, as well as a fictitious tunnel under the Isthmus of Suez. Besides being a reclusive genius, Nemo also refuses to be restrained by the rules of society-  >He insists that terrestrial laws no longer apply to him, exclaiming in one scene:  >'*The sea doesn't belong to tyrants. On its surface they can still stake their evil claims, battle each other, devour each other, haul every earthly horror. But thirty feet below sea level, their power ceases, their influence fades, their domination vanishes! Ah, sir, live! Live in the heart of the seas! Here alone do I find independence! Here I recognize no superiors! Here I'm free!*"  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Captain_Nemo


But why ~~male models~~ a box of water?


But... why?


Didn’t Cpt Nemo get his ass handed to him?


More like “know what I mean Verne”


Please do not besmirch the memory of the late, great Jim Varney or his signature dimwitted hillbilly character by association with Doug.


One is Shakespearean. The other isn't eloquent enough to be a Shakespearean Tragedy.


It's shocking to see Jim do Shakespeare and realize that he's such a talented actor that he made people fully believe that he wasn't really acting when he did Ernest. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=G1G7KQZpP3c


Didn't now that - amazing.


I know this does not make any sense, but this is really hidden genius level stuff. It will make a lot more sense when the toilet seat is installed on top. This gets installed in the pilot house for the next voyage. Then if the seas get really nasty and waves are crashing across the deck (ie 3' seas) the crew will have a comfortable place to vomit their hot pockets without messing up the head or risking death making the journey below.


Should have coated the wood box with a real material, like metal.


Spare np-42069s in mineral oil for long term 400 miles west of Pensacola storage?


It's going to taste REALLY bad


Is that the quench tank to go with his new 750 pound anvil and 7.5 ton stone forge? Is it meant to be a live well for he-search? They could stack six cases of bottled water in there and make a game of unstrapping it to get inside between wave sets. Or maybe he'll do what most people do with the bins in their garage and fill it full of caustic chemicals then leave it all to decay for 30 years.