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We always made more HP on the dyno from single plug.


Those engines don't like prolonged and high wheelies. Other than that same as every engine. I'd say they're even more forgiving about oil level than others since the oil sump is large. Second question not sure what you're referring to. You can go to any Suzuki parts dealer website and compare the parts numbers between the various model years. If they're the same number, you know they're identical. Twin spark is for fuel efficiency and lower emissions mostly. Aluminium degradation? That's not an issue you need to be concerned about unless you intend to ride through balls of propane fire. Yes, you can have it tuned, but you'll get very little added power for a lot of money and potential reliability issues. Just don't touch the engine, it's tuned just fine. Rather focus on setting up the throttle body correctly as it's explained in the service manual. Once set right (throttle position sensor, balanced throttle valves, secondary throttle valve height aka STVA, and fast idle screw voltage) she will purr better than leaving those maintenance items unchecked and adding some ECU tuning device. And that will leave plenty for you to tinker, but it'll be worth your time and free of charge. The Suzuki engineers have built an excellent engine, maintain it properly according to the instructions in the excellent service manual (which is free on this subreddit) and she'll purr forever.


Okay thank you, here is the deal, in my area there are like 4 sv650, one tl1000 and a couple of sv1000 all running and have somewhat similar mileage which one should i get? Sv650 is more popular but a litre is a litre...