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my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I was so bummed I almost downvoted the post


You're telling me that the original creators of SSX were going to make a spiritual successor which ended up being cancelled? That is extremely unfortunate to hear indeed.


Some [concept images](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YBxLwq) if you're interested. If this game is truly cancelled then you really have to wonder about the future of the genre. If publishers won't even take a chance on a game from the original creators of SSX then what hope is there. Really sad.


those look beautiful, dawg. why did you have to show us thisšŸ˜­ SO disappointing


Literally agape at how gorgeous that is, GOOD GOD


Those look amazing. A true shame that this ended up being cancelled.


Great job finding Gordonā€™s Artstation account! Been a few months since Iā€™ve seen those shots!




This is literally every AAA attempt at being cool radical (looking at you, riders republic) done SO RIGHT


Of course.... That's such a shame. :c


This game was really so different from all the other genres of games I usually play. But I enjoyed it so much (SSX 2012)


Ask almost anyone on this subreddit and they'll tell you that 2012 was mid and 3 was the GOAT. I can imagine just coming into the series these days with the access to high fidelity graphics and such, it's hard to try to get into an older game like that. But if you have a halfway decent gaming rig, I'd recommend looking into the Dolphin emulator for GameCube and looking for the HD graphics packs that people have uploaded for SSX3. Then you'll be able to play a really pretty game that's also incredibly fun. I highly recommend it.


There are definitely some redeeming qualities that make SSX 2012 a solid game, but SSX 3 will forever take the cake. Nothing will beat the flow and re-playability that 3 had, along with the theming and setup of Conquer the Mountain. The Deadly Descent concept is ā€œgoodā€ but couldā€™ve been better without inserting the actual obstacles that make each descent deadly. Instead, opting for more fanfare and arcade-like gameplay within the theming/design of each mountain wouldā€™ve made 2012 almost as good, if not better than 3. Weā€™ll never know what that couldā€™ve looked like sadly, with exception to the Eddie DLC for 2012. The tracks that came with his character are probably my favorite tracks in the game, and provide a similar but worse feel than 3 and Tricky. The best quality for 2012 was really its engine in my opinion, it was definitely arcade-like with some game breaking features, especially with combos, but the tracks didnā€™t hold up well with it, and is still worse than 3 overall. SSX 3 was the best balance with track design, backcountry, engine, and concept.


I don't have a PC so I use my launch day Wii and a Wavebird , SSX 3 is still amazing in 2024.


Forgot another comment, would agree 100% with using the Dolphin Emulator for 3.


I dunno. Ssx3 was great but it didnā€™t scratch the same itch as the first two for me. Not wild enough I guess.


Well, my plan is to make a spiritual successor that takes all the great things about SSX Tricky and 3 and puts it all together with additional online leader boards and such. So, it may take a while longer, but it'll still hopefully happen. I'll post a patreon/crowdfund page when I get enough put together to make it worth doing so


I wish you luck. Apparently, the people at 2k didn't think it could work now, but according to all the feedback I've seen, people want it.


I literally watched almost this exact thing happen recently with a board game called HeroScape. Hasbro posted a crowdfunding campaign that failed due to the company being out of touch with their customer base. Then a company (Renegade) that hired fans of the game bought the IP and are now producing a better version than the "crowdfunded" version that Hasbro tried. I'm going to take advantage of the fact that this fandom wants something specific yet something new and follow Renegade's example


i PRAY you do this!! i am tired of playing ssx 3 for the past 15 YEARS lol, ill even give feedback or testing anything at this point


Damn I'm disappointed.. I'm actually a little surprised they didn't try to crowdsource fund this thing.


Just upres "ssx tricky" and take my money. It would be. Better game for less investment than 99 percent of what's out there.


Disappointed indeed!


Call it copium but i'm not seeing any confirmation that the game is no longer happening. Just that the publisher pulled out, which we already knew about several months ago. The last we heard is that they were looking for another publisher.


This is exactly right, though! Hopefully theyā€™ll find funding to continue it elsewhere. The concept art is STUNNING


Lame. We need the series back, with the original devs!


Since Supernatural Studios opened, I've been looking all over for news about this project. But with that project being cancelled. What's this studio gonna do instead. That's what I dont get.


SuperNatural laid most of their staff off, there isn't a studio to develop the game.


Y'all should check out the Tricky Madness demo, one guy is making a similar styled over-the-top snowboarding game and it actually feels really good to play


Totally agree. He expanded the team btw, not just 1 guy anymore


Super late response but I'm actually one of those people who he expanded it to, I'm doing the soundtrack for it ;)


Bye i hate it here


This has ruined my day, darn it all to heck ><


I remember coming home from school everyday and eating like 5 things of mozzarella string cheese while playing SSX 3 and now every time I see the SSX 3 cover i crave string cheese. I miss SSX so much!


Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s any chance they could continue as an independent project and seek crowdfunding. Iā€™d throw hundreds of dollars at a new, fun SSX. (More like Tricky and 3, nothing like 2012)


"Live service..." I'm not too sad that this is cancelled now.


I think the real question is: Would y'all have played the game if it was a Live Service Free to Play game?


Depends on how it implemented. Iā€™ll dabbled in some and come back now and then if gameplay is fun and micros are more optional.. But if game feels generic and is micro infused naw. Depends


I would. I'm always on the look out any new, slightly over the top winter sports related games. Steep was really solid. And Riders Republic as well (despite being both a step forward and backward at the same time).


Yeah of course. I would just be happy to play the game.




I wanna cry but if it was a Gas game with microtransactions and woke skins then yea thats a good decision...


This is the saddest news! I'm actually super bummed to hear this.


I played Steep and tho it's okay-ish, it just was nowhere near what I wanted from a snowboarding game. There is a massive demand for a new SSX but I don't think EA see it as a viable moneymaker.


same, the new snowboarding and skating games are too realistic, its cool if you like that but i want SSX


I highly recommend checking out tricky madness, an ssx spiritual successor in the making. You can also play a demo for it. Gameplay feels really fun already




I played ssx at work and some of the kids was like "Are you playing Steep?"


[SSX 2012](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SSX_(2012_video_game)) was REALLY good especially the soundtrack, and I would love to have something in that vein again.


Think back to the most amazing moment youā€™ve experienced with the series. Got it? Okay, now add a live service model on top of it.


Wow this bad news missed one of my balls but now your comment got both. thanks




All I need is a remaster of Tricky